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Should he claim a child without an DNA test

FEDUP32's picture

If another man had been taken care of child for 7 years and all of a sudden he had a dna test and found out the child is not his and the mother of the child accuses someone in your family of being the kid daddy. he openly accepts the child without an dna test. do you think that it is fair for my sister to make her husband get a dna test before she accepts the kid?


Ommy's picture


Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

Depending on the state, it may not matter, the first dude accepted responsibility and would have to continue regardless of Dna. This is true in fl and other States as well

sonja's picture

Tough situation, but Ive heard of many situations where the 'dad' is expected to be the 'financial dad' even if he isnt really. Which is a total scam if you ask me, I guess courts expect you to take care of them for the rest of the time, or assume you cant stop caring since you did before?

Id always test, Id have to know and I agree that the kid should know eventually as well.

3familiesIn1's picture


What if the child isn't his? I agree, it could save a lot of heartache - obviously this BM doesn't know who the real father is otherwise she wouldn't have guessed wrong the first time, just saying....

DASKRA's picture

Yes he needs a DNA test... The child has the right to know who her real father is above all else. This is for the child.

Rags's picture

Yep, it is fair. In fact if the DNA comes back negative I would also sue the BM for defamation, emotional duress, etc......

Idiots just piss me off and I would love to make it my personal mission in life to ruin them for their stupid bullshit.

If the DNA test comes back positive ... then I would press criminal charges for kidnapping, neglect, etc.. as well as sue her for emotional duress, etc.... for denying me access to my child for years.

Ex4life's picture

Absolutely and positively TEST!!!!!!

Do nothing in regards to the child until a test is done. This protects the father, but most important it protects the child.

herewegoagain's picture

By the way, I also think that ANY woman who does not ask for CS within 60 days of a kid being born from the real bio-dad, should not ever get CS period. Now if the guy has disappeared and he turns out to be the guy, that's something different. But if she knows where the guy is or the CS office is able to find someone, but she just waits years to get CS established, she should get NOTHING. Period.