The Family Meeting - Non-negotiable rules.
They were all 1/2 hr late for the meeting & bs brought his gf along. Seeing as she is always around we decided to let her stay for the meeting. Though if she made any unwelcome comments we also planned to ask her to leave.
DH & I had written rules on large cardboard sheets to hang on the walls. Non-negotiable rules
The meeting began with some eye rolling and sighing but we persevered in stating the rules one by one and elaborating the consequences of each one.
We also made a detailed statement that this was our house, we are the adults, we pay for this roof over their heads & work very hard to do that. Therefore we will not be disrespected and any issues with our relationship ia none of their business.
This was met with a bit of argueing such as your relationship effects us etc but we stood firm and just repeated out statement again.
I stated quite firmly that the 2 older one BD17 & BS19 were young adults and needed to behave accordingly & that it was my job as a parent to help them to become decent & productive adults.
BS19's violent & abusive behaviour was brought up and he was told sternly that his behaviour is completely unacceptable not only in our home but in society & that he must work on an anger management plan fir the future fir times he feels he wants to explode in this manner.(bd8 had been sent to a playdate at my friends house) bd 8 had helped ti make her own rule chart the night before & was very proud of it
So the rules were stating with minimum fuss and a few duscussions which where handled / brought into line quickly. Though BS19 had taken our previous anger management suggestion as a queue to not respond ir contribute but merely say "i gave to bite my tongue right now"
We did let him know that if he had a major issue with our rules he needed to speak up because the rules are non negotiable & if he plans not to folliw them then ge would need to find sonewhere to live.
It was too easy & eerily quiet we new they were plotting & thus was not over, but we ended the meeting as DH had to work soon after.
BS19 was moody & skulking about the house.
I decided that i would go out and have a couple of hours to myself being as it was a lively sunny day and miss8 was at her playdate for a while longer.
Went to the library and read some magazines in the sun, picked a book for BD17 regarding teens planning their futures etc.
Phone call from BS saying he has added his own rules to our charts and generally being rude. Still complaining about the situation with the dog.
I stood my ground, reinforced the new rules & hung up.
When i got home he had pulled down & ruined the rules charts.
Miss8 was very upset - she spent a lot of time decorating her chart & liked the rules.
So i spoke to BS about hos behaviour being that of a 2yr old having a tantrum than a young adult. He continued to argue about the rules & issues with me & DH. Anything i said to reinforce what had been said was met with "thats not the point"
Now i am exasperated, in my room, feeling taken over by yhe teens again. DH is at work.
I plan to go downstairs & speak to BS soon.
What do i do now?
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>>> the rules are non
>>> the rules are non negotiable & if he plans not to folliw them then ge would need to find sonewhere to live.<<<
Stick to that. If you cave, he won't ever follow the rules in your home. Decide how long he has to find a new place, and don't waver. The choice is completely his.
Edited: I just read one of your other blogs. He's not going to follow any rules. The only thing to do is tell him he has x amount of time to get out.
Sadly i think you are
Sadly i think you are right.
Just the open defiance if ripping the charts up showed that he is not willing to even try.
During our most recent argument (15m ago) he pretty much stated that he is no longer willing to show me any respect & will never have respect for my DH
I suppose i will need to go downstairs and say "If you are nit willing to follow the rules and be respectful then i have no option than to give you one months notice to find somewhere else to live"
Do you think one month us enough or too much?
Sigh this is hard - its hard not to let motherly emotions take over!
I am trying to focus those motherly emotions on miss8 who needs me most in this situation.
Thanks for helping.
I know my DH is so grateful for this site
Give him one or two weeks at the absolute most. I say one.
The rules No violence of any
The rules
No violence of any type
No destruction of property
Refrain from swearing
Clean up after yourself
Pay board on time
Work or study and plan for your future as a young adult
Speak decently and resectfully to others
Keep your room clean and bring your washing to the laundry each day
Put away your own clean washing
Any breakages or damage myst be fixed asap
Discuss issues calmly & sensibley
Think about & make an anger management plan for times you feel you cannot discuss things calmy
Major cleaning jobs will be rostered weekly & shared equally - if you will be unavailable you must arrange to swap weeks with someone else
Do not take other peoples belongings without asking
No adult tv or website when 8yr old around/before her bedtime
Can I first say how much
Can I first say how much admiration I have for what you have done - please be strong and do not allow your BS19 to derail a brilliant initiative. I am somewhat in a similar situation as we had an incident last weekend where SD17 screamed bitch at me repeatedly and shouted and yelled. I think she needs anger management, and we need to do something along similar lines to you.
I can't see why BS 19 is still in your house if he despises you both so much - and the tearing up of your work would to me, be the final straw. I think one month's notice is about right, although if you are feeling generous you could give him a little more, but definitely not longer than 2 months.
Thanks Kes Its certainly
Thanks Kes

Its certainly difficult to wrangle older teenagers.
BS only has issues with me when he cant get his own way :? Otherwise is loving and gas a close relationship with me. It tears my heart to pieces.
I was very very young when i had my BS & i really tried so hard to be a good mother but i dis not have a fabulous example myself. I think i was a lot better at maintaining rules before he hit the teens. I was a teen when i had him :jawdrop: (16) maybe this & my lack of parental example has led me to this point with my teens.
I have worked very very hard since having my son to complete my education & further education to get a good job and build a beautiful house & blessed life for my children.
Its so hard to have that thrown in your face.
I really feel for you having your SD yell at you like like that - like my situation, its a hufe slap in the face for all you have given up in an attempt to be a good step parent.
I am so grateful that i foubd this site & been able to maje my rules & stand by them based on the great advice of stepparents.
I did it response
I did it response yet.

Went downstairs & said can u pls go to officeworks & buy 3 new sheets of cardboard to replace the ones you destroyed?"
Look of disbelief
Repeated my statement adding that it is one of the ruled that you replace anything you damage asap
"maybe" mumbled
I asked "are you going to follow the rules or not - if not i have no choice but to let you know that you have one months notice to find somewhere else to live"
Walks away
No response
Ahh! The good old
Ahh! The good old passive/aggressive no response routine. Great, I always find that "No Response" is so helpful in sorting out the issue don't you. It opens up the lines of communication beautifully
I get this no response thing all the time and it is from my 63 year old husband - HATE IT with a passion.
I think you have handled all of this beautifully. It must be tearing at your heart strings, but you really, really are doing the right thing. Well done. Suppose their is little chance of him re-writing those rules exactly as you and DH had them written before is there, or wouldn't you trust him to do it
You are doing the right thing, hang in there.
I think ill be lucky if he
I think ill be lucky if he replaces the cardboard sheets! If he were to agree to write them im guessing they would be full off smart-a**ed remarks & we'd be back to square one again.
I have however overheard a few surprising comments!
1. Telling his sister bd17 not to pick on bd8 (one of the rules)
2: Coming & asking me decently if it was ok to put his work clothes, which he must have washed himself (another rule - kinda); because they would not dry begore his 4am start for work tomorrow.
Not getting my hopes up though
Then went to feed dogs and saw a note book on the dining rable where BD17 had written a list of to dos:
Finish school
Make resume
Find part time job
Enrol to study
Im too scared to get excited but.....
Oh man! If they even follow
Oh man! If they even follow 25% of those rules you will have done them a HUGE favor! That doesn't mean that they get to live in your house if they don't follow ALL of the rules, but...
Just don't get too excited. She may have written it and left it out for you to see on purpose. It could be a trick. "Smoke and Mirrors..."
Double Post
Double Post
I guess we'll see how the
I guess we'll see how the week plays out.
Tomorrow i have a meeting with the principal of BD17's school. We plan to discuss her plan to catch up all assignments & get back on track so she can finish school properly.
BS has been very quiet in his room all evening. We will speak to him again tomorrow night i guess, see if his attitude has changed or he has a plan to move out.
Im so exhausted from this crap, theyre like wild animals, wearing me down for the kill.
Well done for implementing
Well done for implementing the rules and standing your ground, its always hard when you love those you are standing up to.
As for what you have said, well I do think you should wait and see what happens with BD17, colour me cynical but I agree with one of the other posters and she *could* be trying to manipulate you into believing she is following your rules.
As for BS, his silence when you provided the options - abide by OUR rules or leave- was down to several possible reasons - he is not taking you seriously and or he is absorbing what you have said and weighing it all up.
Please do be aware though that should BS agree to move out he could cause trouble in the mean time, may not actually take you seriously and you will have to consider how you will address that when it comes to the crunch. Personally I think you need to follow through, regardless and perhaps line up some hostel details or a relative as a stand by because its paramount your children learn NOW, you mean business otherwise this cycle is going to continue.
P.S. I think there should be a zero tolerance for violence and threats in your home and there is a one strike rule and you are out.