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You just don't get it!

Amazedstepmom's picture

Why can't DH understand? He chose his ex over me tonight...I am done, so done.
BM needs some paperwork from DH. Paperwork that she could have kept track of, but didn't. Of course its needed right away. My opinion is f**k that. Sucks to be you, you don't get to treat everyone like crap and expect people to jump when you say jump. I told him I would take no part in getting the paperwork. He needed to get paper for the printer and wanted me to ride along. Nope...I made it clear I am NOT taking part. So, on sun eve, the only day we have to spend together before I leave for a week and you choose to do this for BM instead of having an evening with your wife. And you can't understand why I am pissed.
You chose your ex-wife over your wife.


Buzybee82's picture

that's bullshit! why doesn't he tell her he's busy and will get it to her tomorrow? sounds like she's the irresponsible one here, not your dh! what did he say when you said you're upset cuz you're leaving tomorrow?