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Amazedstepmom's Blog

Insurance questions for divorced families

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Ok, my ex is giving me a hard time about insurance coverage and I want to get other opinions. After him brining it to my attention, I do kindof agree but never thought about it in this way.

Me and DH cover insurance- no cost to the ex- no child support exchanged. Insurance coverage has gone to crap over the years but we pay less than $100 per month to insure 5 people.
DH and his kids (2) and my kids (2) are on the policy with a $4000 deductible, going up to $5000 next year. Insurance is essentially useless until deductible met.

Biting the bullet, hope it doesn't bite me back...

Amazedstepmom's picture

Reflecting on where my life is at currently. A few weeks ago, my DH was in California for work and my SS and BD were in a competition for school. I attended and they both did well and moved on to the next level. I had contacted BM and offered to drop SS off since I was there and they finished early but she declined. Later in the evening I received a text asking me and BD to dinner to celebrate. As much as I didn't want to, I put my big girl panties on and went really only for my DH as he felt bad he couldn't be there.

BM question- hoping for some insight

Amazedstepmom's picture

So here goes. BM to D-14, and D-10. Share 50/50 with ex as we live 1/2 mile from each other. D-14 and ex have been fighting a lot lately, ex and I have a civil but not friendly relationship so at times he will share with me how disrespectful she is to him, how rude she is to her sister are the most common complaints. Sibling rivalry is big in our house too, however my oldest is a great kid. On occasion we have issues with attitude but I attribute this to hormones, etc. She gets excellent grades, never gets in trouble at school.

BM looking at a house....ON MY STREET

Amazedstepmom's picture

Title says it all...told my husband if that happens there will be a for sale sign on our house in no time flat...

I don't care if the market is crap. I will NOT live on the same street, same neighborhood wouldn't be so bad "for the kids sake", however that is waaaayyyy too close for comfort!
Sorry just had to share that nonsense.

Saying hello

Amazedstepmom's picture

At a public event, sports, school whatever. Do you tell you kids, skids that they "cannot" say hello to their other parent just because you don't like them. Kids that are old enough to walk independently. And you are 15 feet away.
Just curious what others do.

Does it get better?

Amazedstepmom's picture

I have 2 SS age 10 that it has gotten better with now that the PAS campaign is over from BM.
My sister just got married, in a surprise ceremony that only 4 people knew about...
why...bottom line, his kids are a**holes and somehow would have ruined their day so they went this route and everyone was notified via usps on the invite to the reception.
BM, SK, and SD all flipped a gasket, called scremaing and yelling, etc...typical PAS BS- his kids are adults mind you...

Mega millions

Amazedstepmom's picture

Anyone know if a ncp wins lottery. How does the BM factor in? What is her cut? I am sure there is a % that goes to her just because.
Just curious. I know I have a better chance of being struck by lightning 3x or something like that but for $1 I'll take those odds.

Is love enough?

Amazedstepmom's picture

I have said numerous times that if the drama with my skids and BM had started prior to marriage I would have walked away and never looked back, now my question?
My sister is engaged to be married to a man with 2 adult skids, there has been drama since they got together, her fiancé continues to discuss the "kids" with his ex....and when I say discuss I mean she's screaming at him that he's a horrible father, that his future wife needs to stay out of everything, etc.
