O/T - Is it wrong?
So I was talking to my cousin Tues. night and she metioned that she ran into my stbxh and his whore. She then proceeds to tell me she didn't even speak to the whore and that she looks like a Pekingese (sp?) smushed in face and all. Is it wrong that I can't help but feel better that this chick is ugly? I mean I'm no supermodel by and stretch of the means but atleast I look better than her. It makes it easier that stbxh "downgraded".
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Not wrong at all. My DW,
Not wrong at all.
My DW, about fell out when she met my EX's new guy. Her words: "I won in that deal!"
Nope, not in the slightest.
Nope, not in the slightest. I'm thin but not as thin as I'd like to be, BM apparently starved herself and was tiny tiny in March when I saw her last.
Well then she got prego and I saw her on Tuesday and she's HUGE. Made me feel better (granted I know she's prego and these things happen and it's only temporary but I apparently needed the ego boost)
I am pretty certain that it
I am pretty certain that it is normal to feel that way. I can't imagine how BM's feels knowing that DH traded up (in every way, looks, brains, morals, self respect, work ethic) he always tells me that he "traded up".
At least I know there is ZERO sexual attraction there. BM looks like a meth addict with her open sores on her face and her jacked up teeth. Pretty sure it is just bad acne and smoking and driking coffee for 20 years.
Your STBXH's "whore" will never have that comfort of knowing he isn't thinking about YOU when he is with her. LOL.
My dh traded way, way up -
My dh traded way, way up - like 10 levels. I'm not bragging. I 'm not beautiful, but I am way better looking than she is. I'm not a genius, but I am way smarter than she is. I am successful. In the personality department,......how can I say this??? Oh, yeh, right, I'm not bat shit crazy.
And yet Lazy McCrazy lives in such a delusional world she truly believes I am jealous and insecure and that is why dh doesn't speak to her now - can't be because he hates her, so it must be because I am jealous and insecure. She truly has no idea that she sucks. You'd think she might see it when she looks at her kid and realizes that the ill-behaved little monster is just like her, but, alas, she is convinced they were both generated from the perfect tree.
Perfectly normal!!!! I have
Perfectly normal!!!!
I have never seen my bf's ex wife (yet) but I did however see his ex-gf that he dated before me and I must say that I love how much my man treats me like I am the Queen of his universe...he always tells me how great I am, beautiful, and the best thing that has ever happened to him etc. I know how these women were to him and what they did to him and his heart and THAT makes me feel better to know that I far outshine and exceed them in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY!!!
BM is one of those women who
BM is one of those women who now looks like a man. You've all seen them at the mall.
This is my BM. If you were behind her, you'd swear she was a guy until she turns around and wonder why a guy has a bun.
The most unattractive quality other than the man look for BM is that she doesn't want her kids. She cares for them but not about them really - they are fed, clean and such - but she offloads them onto anyone who will absorb her time as often as she can. She only has them 50% of the time because anymore time for us and she'd have to pay CS - she spends as little time as she can in the company of her kids.
The like thing - yes, DH tells me all the time that he 'really likes me' and of course loves me, but that he likes me a lot.
It is different and somewhat more meaningful in the terms he is expressing it.
BM is the embodiment of the
BM is the embodiment of the old Coco Chanel saying, "You were born with the face you have at 20, you earn the face you have at 50." She wouldn't be a bad looking woman if she had ever smiled once in the past 20 years. Really, we're about the same size, but I always look better than she does because I dress nicely and see to my appearance. She does not.