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BM's Dad brought us her mail .......

sammmx's picture

So yesterday BM's Dad texted BF to let him know he had a couple bags full of clothes for SS2. We weren't really sure what thy were from or how he got them but whatever, we said bring them over. In classic style he shows up 3hrs after he said he would, but he does bring the clothes. I guess they were in bags in BM's car trunk.

Turns out she got a bunch of tickets and lost her liscence so her dad is selling her car for her. Lol. Anyway, so I was going through the clothes and putting things away when I found a huge stack of BM's mail... Obviously I didn't open anything, but I saw where they were from by the stamps. Utilities bills, welfare receipts, cell phone bills (from 3 diff companies), letters from the city, letters from the government, traffic office... Really? Does she just ignore all the important shit in her life and hope it disappears?

I told BF he should text BM and let her know we have all this shit of hers and I'll send it with them on visitation on Thursday. His response? "Not my problem, if she really wants it she'll find a way to get her paws on it." Lol.


realitycheckmom's picture

Could she have done it on purpose to make a claim he stole her mail? It's a federal offense and if you guys are fighting custody or you think she may be gearing up for it maybe she decided it was an easy way to cause trouble.