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Strike proposal!! lol

sterlingsilver's picture

Here's what I am thinking after reading some recent posts. So when a father and mother are married and have kids they usually work out a schedule to watch the kids and work. Like dad works nights and mom days or they put the kids in daycare or grandma's house. This is how it works in a non blended home right?

Ok, so then it all changes when there is a divorce; what should happen is still the father and mother should work out a schedule so that the kids are with mom on the days she doesn't work and dad on the days he doesn't work, or the kids get put into daycare.

BUUUUUUTTTT instead what happens in so many situations is that the father takes the kids on his days and instead of taking them to daycare if he has to work HE HAS A BUILT IN NANNY GIRLFRIEND OR WIFE now who can watch the kids FOR FREE. The mother takes the kids and usually she watches them herself and most of the time takes them to daycare and I rarely read on this forum that the boyfriend or new husband puts up with the shit of having to care for his step kids.


I am thinking some more of us stepmoms need to put our foot down and say "put your brats into day care or take them back to their mother"!!!!!!!!!

Why do us moms allow ourselves to be USED like this. We should start a full forum stepmom babysitting for free STRIKE.


nelly's picture

Not only am I not going to babysit THEIR kid anymore, I'm not going to feed him either..if he's hungry, then let dad feed him, I'm not spending another cent on somebody's ungrateful brat. Also since he doesn't take care of his things/room, I'm not buying him any more clothes either.. he can kiss all his brand name gear that i buy him away... you want to be rude and unappriciative? Now you can wear the flea market clothes that ur mom buys you...Last but not least..he better not even think of putting his clothes on top of the washing machine as a reminder for me to wash them.. fuck that shit..Any twelve year old that watches porn and has his own Facebook account can wash their own clothes...I'm so done!

hatinthis31's picture

i think its crap too!! LOL We get sucked into this shit storm and the men sit back and watch us spin!!

smdh's picture

Nope, my sd goes to camp during the week despite the fact that I am here all day with DS1. Not my kid, not my responsibility.

Disneyfan's picture

I don't work during the summer. DF has SDs 5 and 7 all of July. They went to camp.

Their names are on the top of the camp list for summer 2013.

If he gets them during mid-winter or spring breaks, they aren't staying home with me then either. There are plenty of programs here that run full day, free programs during school breaks. I will find one for them to attend.