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What to do with DH that won't parent his Adult Skids

Stupified's picture

Hello, I just joined this community as I am at a crossroads with my marriage.

He was married before to a woman who did not work (or want to) and used thier kids as weapons to control him for $$$. He told me when we got together it wouldn't be forever and that when they turned 18 he would still "help" them, but not fully support them. They live in another country (which makes a whole mess of it's own), but really added to the complexity of the issue.

We went through a really tough few years right after we got mairried (been together for 8 years total and married for 3 1/2), but with some wise council we got through it and I thought we were on the right track.

The SD has been super manipulative and trying to sabotage our marriage from day 1. Thier mother told them both that the reason thier dad left was because of me which is not true, (I met their dad long after she and their kids moved out of the house and they were divorced). Anyhow he and I got back on track and were looking to buy our first house. After going through the pre-qualification process, it became painfully apparent that a large chunk of money was still going to pay for his 1 adult kid (who is also married and turning 20 this year) and his son who just turned 18 (which is not an issue at all as he was a minor). To give some tangibility to this, it's not a couple hundred dollars we are taking about. It's an average of 2k per month he transfers to Dskid's account becasue the ex wife's account was overdrawn because of some scam she and her BF were involved in. It's probably more that I am unaware of in lots of "other" stuff he buys them; new computers and scooters. To be clear, I am not against helping them, I just don't want to be paying for ?... I don't even know what the money goes to; it's at the DSKid discretion at this point. 

I just asked the H for some progress reports from her going to school and the program she is attending; that's when it all blew up and that's when I knew she wasn't going to school.

The DSkid is hateful /disrespectful and has iced me out of the picture, but yet I am expeced to keep my high pressure job to continue to financially contribute to the disfunction over there. I have been left for Christmas, am not acknowledged on my B Day, Mother's Day; nothing.

I was told recently by the H that I needed to continue to work or their would be a problem (and he makes good money, but it's very expensive keeping all these households afloat. The DSkid moved out of her mom's house with her husband because they didn't get along, so we had to pay more for her to move out and play house with him while continuing to pay for the kid who was still under age). But we continue to pay for his adult married daughter who is not going to school ( she was suppose to be going to school in order for us to be helping her), because I have no idea why. I am not told much about anything.

I don't blame her; I blame the H for enabling her. He needs to stand up and be a parent and put his foot down. I kept thinking that things would get better as they got older and got a life, but it sounds like that is a pipedream Step- Parents tell themselves to stay I guess...

I am getting ready to leave. We don't have any children together (he told me he would never have kids with me....and after seeing his kids I don't think he should make any more)..... I really don't want to be Divorced becuse he couldn't stand up for our marriage, but I don't feel like I have been given no choice here except to continue to be walked all over by them. "We will be paying for 3-4 more years," he said. Please forgive me for not believing that since he said at 18 he would only support them IF they were going to school... She went 2 terms before she got married; she quit going after she got married and we've been paying full support ever since.

I have a career, so I make my own money, never married before and no kids... I just feel so let down by him. I waited for "the right one," and got "the wrong one". I guess I just needed to hear that I'm not a selfish jerk who only cares about herself for feeling abandoned by him and not okay with what is going on. (He' s really good at turning this all around on me). I really wanted a life with him, but not the way he verbably goes after me in arguments because he feels like he's failed and verbally attacks me to defend all the disfuntion that they have.

Any sincere thoughts would be helpful fellow peeps. I feel like a doormat they enjoy stepping on and a little crazy at times :( 

Is it time to go?




lieutenant_dad's picture

You are not selfish; HE is. The two people who need to support his kids are him and his ex. Heck, the only two people who should be supporting his DD is his DD and her DH!

$2k a MONTH? Sure, let him pay that, but ONLY HIM. My only suggestion to save your marriage, if you even want to, is to separate your money. Split your housing costs equally and then he can use his leftover money however he wishes.  However, SOME of his money (as well as yours) should be going into retirement, a joint savings account for your household emergencies, and a joint account for a house. If he can't manage his responsiblities to YOU and YOUR LIFE TOGETHER FIRST, then he isn't worth another minute of your time.

You are not a slave to him. You don't have to do what he says all because he says it. You are an adult. You have the authority and right to say NO. Right now, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So, split your finances. If he says that will end your marriage, tell him to not let the door 'em where the Good Lord split 'em.

This is a marriage-ending issue, and no matter what he or anyone else says, it won't be your fault when it ends.

Best of luck! 

grace8205's picture

I agree with Lieutenant dad, separate finances but also have a post-nup agreement execute because when he does not have the funds to filter to his kids  he might extend credit to continue their lifestyle and if you end up leaving later you could end up be responsible for half that debt in a divorce. 

Stupified's picture

Thank you for all the comments and encouragement! Just to clarify, the SD is the one who got married and is turning 20 this year.

He actually makes like, 4xs what I do, so he's not using me for my money (I don't think) because he could do all this without me, but I do alright, so that makes more $$ and more comfortable to go to whatever I guess.

Our finances are somewhat seperate and the money he earns goes to his Adult Kids and Son-in-law (which blows my mind)... but when we were going to buy a home, we should have had plenty of $$ for the down payment and we didn't. He has absolutely NO retirement. I actually have a 401k and was the remaining part of what we needed to qualify for a home purchase.My point is that doing this affects our financial future.... The home, which is now on hold..... perhaps indefinitely.

I don't mind helping his kids, I just wanted to make sure she's going to school and asked for some measurable markers and that's where it all went bad. That just makes me believe she's not going becasue she loves to show what she is doing and how well she is doing; She still thinks like a child.

I really hoped she was going to school and was bettering herself; how is she going to survive once her Dad isn't around?? I put myself through school, have always worked and done jobs I didn't want to do and just grinded it out because I needed to. Now to have this SD calling the shots and costing us so much $$, I just can't get my head around it. Does he not see he's being played for a fool and being used?!?!?!?...and he's taking me along for the ride and I don't want to go!

I would absolutely ask, if I had them, my own kids for their grades if I am paying. Transparency, accountablilty and Integrety are very important to me. What I feel like I have is, deception, no accountability, being used and taken for a fool.

To comment to what one of you said, his marriage and commitment to me is 2nd, always. When we went on vacation trying to rekindle our relationship, the SD wouldn't stop calling him. They stayed on the phone for hours and not really saying anything... She just didn't want him to go off and do anything with me. We almost missed one of the best things I had planned for us to do; swimming with the dolphins (which despite his attitude at the time, I had an amazing time)!

 I should have never gotten involved with a man with kids. They have made this life hell and me the villan. 

I just need to take a little time to digest this and make some smart unimpulsive decisions.

Thank you all. I really feel alone on this one. I have some really great close friends and family, but they are too close and don't have any experience with being treated like a Step-Witch and how that feels.


Siemprematahari's picture

You said that he doesn't need your money meanwhile he's telling you that you have to continue working. If he didn't "need" your money he wouldn't have made that comment. He needs you to help him enable his grown kids and to continue funding their lifestyle. He seems very manipulative and has you believing that he doesn't need you when he does. He's using you and its as simple as that. He does not value or consider you as his equal or as his wife and that's a means to end right there.

You need to love and place yourself 1st NOW! Don't invest another X amount of years on someone that doesn't deserve you & what you have to offer. You should be tired of playing 2nd. I'd walk away and never look back. I would recommend counseling but it seems like too much damage has been done.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Welcome to our step doormat dadeeee world kind lady.  Most of us jumped in this mess never realizing what was to come years down the road or the misery we would endure forever-- just to love a man; it never stops if you have a weakling man like many of us.  Even when it improves, it is still an unhealthy place to live.  There are a lot of wonderfully gracious women on this site, living with men,  who  believe their primary role in life is to serve his/her selfish, rude, jealous kids; which he/she worked very hard to create, never parenting them. By adulthood their masterpiece is fully created, and let's just say it is anything but a work of art. More like a piece of work!

You have no choice but to disengage. You have to protect your own emotional health and removing yourself from the sickness is your only choice. You did not create this mess and you cannot ever fix it.  It is not your fault. Just stop trying and focus energy only on the people who love you back.  That includes DH.  If he does not allow you the freedown to stay away from his genetic sickness, stay away or get away from that idiot as well.  DH is no parent and will not parent, and, with regards to his kid, a dismissal failure to his wife too.  HE should live with the fallout, not you.




marblefawn's picture

It sounds as if the marriage was challenged from the start and you've been limping along hoping for improvement. That doesn't give you much to build on.

When we first married, my husband supported his adult brother who didn't work. This guy drained his mother and other relatives -- his mom actually had to file bankruptcy and move in with relatives because she was supporting her 48-year-old son who didn't work. I saw my husband's checks going to him -- several thousand dollars each time. I put my foot down. I reasoned with him: when you stop supporting him, he will get a job. And that's exactly what happened -- for a while. A wealthy relative died and left a pot of money after working hard her whole life -- now money comes from there to support all the leeches in his family (there are quite a few), but at least it's not coming out of our household budget. The first time I find out he's sending any of them money again, there will be hell to pay.

This is all you can do -- demand it stop. If that doesn't work, you must decide if you can live with it. I don't think I could, but then again, my own fortunes (career wise) have not left me in a good situation. So now I just hope and pray he doesn't fall into the family pattern of giving to takers.

You have time to setup your financial affairs so you're in a good place to go if you decide you must. Maybe in that time something will give and he'll see the light. But don't exit without being on good financial footing. It's probably best you didn't get another house.

Merry's picture

He doesn't need your money, but he has nothing set aside for retirement? So who is going to support him? Social security and your 401K? Hell no. 

So you, his partner, don't get your house, but his kids are doing fine, thank you. That would be my hill to die on.

Find a time when you can do this without much emotion -- tell him what you need (savings for a house and retirement, and whatever else you need for your own piece of mind and financial security). It's not negotiable, and if he'd rather make sure his entitled kids are secure, but you are not, then it's time to walk away from the relationship. If he gets mad because you are telling him what you need, then he's not a good partner anyway.


fairyo's picture

My X refused to discuss his retirement plans with me- he had always indulged his kids and hated me questioning the way he allowed himself to be disrepected by them. Now I have left I do a lot of wondering what if, and I am wondering if he had planned all along to give his retirement package to his kids. It is the sort of thing he would do. I will certainly not get any of it, though I would if we were still together. These men are of a type- they resent being questioned on anything they do for their adult kids, they ignore the reality of their kids using them and treating them with disrespect, they do not accept that their kids are adults and no longer need their support. It is as if their whole identity depends on them providing for their offspring, even to their own detriment.

Now, I have to work for the next five years until my full pension kicks in- but I am spared the inevitable realisation that he was going to indulge his kids instead of spending his retirement doing fun things with teaches you very hard lessons sometimes.

Let us know how you're getting on.

oneoffour's picture

I think he wants you to continue to work so he can have his present lifestyle and continue to support his womanchild and manchild and the leech-in-law (aka SIL).

A few things are my Die-on Hill. This is one of them. I would secure my money and make sure he cannot access it. Then make a 5 yr plan for myself so I can buy my own home. Then after my plan is initiated I would tell him i cannot live with him while he siphons off his money for his golden years to his children. There is nothing attractive in a man who will not allow his children to grow up or allow their father to be happy with a new partner. It is selfish and he is feeding into this behaviour by throwing money at them every time they bark. So in effect he is rewarding them for being rude to you. For 6 mths you will move out.  You will remain his wife and be faithful but you want to own your own home and living like this will not work. In that time you will arrange marriage counselling and if he is sincere in remaining married he will attend with you and work at being a better team than remaining divided while he supports everyone else except himself and his wife.

If in 6 mths nothing has changed, you have your answer. I just wonder is this a cultural issue? Him supporting his kids until they are 50?

Stupified's picture

I am not sure; and thank you for the thoughtful advice. I told him to start acting like a husband or file for divorce; pretty simple. I am tired of this limbo land he wants to live in. I really thought things had changed and we were on the right track; nope. All false hope. I am dissapointed but so thankful we didn't buy anything together. The housing market is so high, I am going to need to wait to buy anything.

As an update, we both happen to be home today and I caught him trying to look at my phone. He didn't pick it up, but it had lit up and I guess he felt it was his businees to see what it said... I was standing right behind him, saw the whole thing, and he still tried to justify what he was doing and said he wasn't acutally looking at it!! I pressed the issue and said, "I saw you! I was standing right here and watched you do it"!! He finally said he did look, but only because it lit up. He was just trying to find anything not knowing what he might find.

The biggest issue is that all of the main issues (baggage) are on his side (most all fights are around the SKids. I am human and not perfect by any means, but I was thinking about what made him do the 180 flip and take off his wedding ring. I had a bad day at work and was venting. Not about him, but about work and then that went into where is all the $$ going and me asking questions about that. That's what caused him to take off his ring. IMO, that is NOT AT ALL grounds to call it quits. I am quite sure there are other things going on, but I have no idea what.