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Different behavior

StayTrue's picture

So my SD7 acts pretty “normal” at our house. When she started school this year the teacher sent an email to her mom about having issues with “self-control”. After speaking with the teacher she basically was acting how she did when she was 4 or 5 years old. Crying anytime the teacher corrected her and not following directions. 


When new people watch our daughter she tests the boundries and basically won’t respect someone until they get on to her with more than words. 


She does this with her gma. I have watched her gma tell her something like “don’t bounce the ball” (because her baby sister was around) say “ok” and literally bounce the ball. I end up calling her out and make her apologize for not following directions.. thing is the grandparents say they want to handle it but she doesn’t take them seriously. My mom would have grounded me for life if I treated my grandprents that way. I only remember one time my gma getting on to me other wise I knew better.. lol


when she was younger she would act crazy and we would say stop being crazy its not cute. She came back and said well my mom and ***** (her moms bestfriend) said they like when I am crazy. This was said when she was maybe 4 or 5. Here we are a 7 year old and accidently kicking kids at school because she is spinning around and jumping. 


Around us she us relatively chill because if we see her start to get out of hand we say knock it off.. over the years it has been hard to get together with the BM Because my SD will bring out this crazy (tazmainian devil) behavior. My husband would even get embarrassed going to events when it was her moms week and seeing this behavior. He would wait for her mom to say something before nipping it. She usally doesnt say anything. On her birthday her BM and Step dad came over and immediately the crazy behavior came out. I waited and finally when she was hitting the gift bags, I basically told her to chill out. She did and the rest of the evening was fine. 


Anyone elses child do this? I know people will try to say she has issues controling herself but she literally does at our house. People try to associate it to her being “silly”. But when you are running into kids and accidently kicking them in the head.. that is not being silly its being out of control. 

AlwaysSmiling's picture

I call that behavior 'spazzing out'. 

My SO's daughter does this. She has learned (like yours) not to do this at my home, or around me lol. I don't find it cute. I find it extrememly annoying! She's quite pleasant when she isn't spazzing out. It's learned behavior- she got rewarded (by BM and her friends) for acting that way when she was little. Now that she's a little older, it isn't so cute anymore. 

All you can do is teach her how to act while it's your time. Kudos to your DH for recognizing it as embarrassing though. If it embarrasses him enough, he may find a way to end it!

Letti.R's picture

SD behaves this way because it is tolerated or encouraged.
It is not tolerated in your home and therefore she doesn't behave that way.
It's not cute.
Reminds me of people with out of control hellion kids that other people actively avoid.

Accidently kicking kids because she doesn't know how to behave appropriately?
I don't know about your school system but after trying to address this with parents and no change happening, here her parents will be "invited" to remove their child from the school for the safety of other kids.
I can not imagine many other parents will want their children around SD.

For the sake of SD, her parents should get together and address her behavioural issues.
You can see it is inappropriate.
Otherwise she may end up being an osteracised lonely kid.


StayTrue's picture

I am surprised she has not been sent to the principal office myself. The teacher gives her a lot of chances but like I said she doesn’t really change until its more serious than warnings. We started school in August and just now seems to have gotten it together at school. We have gotten with her BM about the school behavior and it seems to have brought some improvement after working with her on punishments. When she starts to show symptoms of the “crazy” behavior it always leads to something. I believe her mom is starting to pick up on it because of all the issues with school. 

Cover1W's picture

My SDs used to do this, it was the most annoying thing I have witnessed.  They would get so crazy they destroyed things in the house (furniture, curtains, blinds, pulled things from walls)... I just remained firm if I was alone with them and would not ever allow it.  After I disengaged and started ignoring everything completely - or leaving the house for long periods - only then did DH start admonishing the SDs for their behavior.  The older SD hated being stopped from doing ANYTHING and would throw fits.  Younger SD did good and learned to control herself eventually. 

Jcksjj's picture

I do have the exact same thing going on with my SD actually. She can behave perfectly at home to suck up to daddy or to get something she wants but at her conferences her teacher said she rarely follows directions. I found that odd because isn't that usually the opposite and kids behave worse at home? Also, it seems like at school not behaving is a bigger issue with boys...or maybe I just happened to go to school with alot of calmer girls. Her teacher also said shell talk nonstop and does alot of other things just for attention which she also does at home. Its drives me insane; its incredibly obnoxious and idk how anyone could find it cute. 7 is kind of past the cute stage to me anyway...