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Gone for the holidays

Chmmy's picture

Im out of Skidville for the holidays! Im going to see my sweet bio son, 22. He's got big plans for us to eat tacos and watch movies. Sounds like a dream of quiet. Again last night just like the last time I was was flying out on a Satuday to see bio, the skids wanted to make me run for the airport on Friday night. Fighting, cussing, SS12 callded SD16 a whore, fat lesbian among other choice words. Yes 12 yrs old. SD16 is a bitch but not a whore or lesbian. Then they get DH involved and tell him what a shit father he is. Then go live with with your whore mother who abandoned you for a man and left her 4 children on the street with their belongings that they could carry and told DH to come get them and she threw the rest of their belongings away.

My DH sent me this article yesterday because he does want me to be happy but I think he's starting to realize we will never be the brady bunch. I appreciate how hard he tries but he has been a divorce guilt Disney dad for too long and old habits are hard to break as well as it's hard to break kids of living in Disney World.

Please read and share this link if you are a struggling step mom


thinkthrice's picture

with skids...NOT

Have a great time away from the clown show!

hereiam's picture

You must watch, "Elf". Will Ferrell is so hilarious! 

Have a good time with your son, Chmmy.

Chmmy's picture

I love that one. The library was closed by the time i got here so we settled for watching DVDs he already had

TrueNorth77's picture

Why are skids allowed to talk like that?? If SS12 and SD9 even call each other stupid, my SO is on them and shuts it down immediately. They would really feel the wrath if Whore or Lesbian were ever used, and they know that so I couldn’t even imagine them daring to say it. Sounds like your DH may need to tighten the ship a bit....

A quiet night with your DS sounds great compared to this nonsense!

Chmmy's picture

They are not my kids. I did not raise these kids, the internet did. They behave however they want.

We went out for coffee, watched old Sponge Bob episodes and made dinner together. It was nice not having the skids walk in & out of the room with the phone in their face and YouTube blaring out of the phone.