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Teenage Stepdaughter issues

Fruitport Stepmom's picture

I have two grown children (son, now Bs23 and a daughter, now Dd27) and my now husband has two teenage daughters (now Sd16 and Sd19).  We both had alcoholic spouses that cheated on us.  I was married 25 years and he was married for 12 year with his daughters Bm.  I had only been divorced a year and he had been for 4 years. 

When we begain dating his girls were 15, 12.  Their mom and dad had joint custody, so I would come up (we lived 1.5 hours from each other) and visited when the girls were at their moms.  Then 6 months into dating their abusive alcoholic mom had her 3rd CPS case against her, Sd16 tied a scarf around her neck in an "attempt" to see what it felt like and this CPS case was substaniated. (Dh, my now husband never fought for sole custody as he said it was expensive and it was not a guaranteed custody slam dunk.)  So Sd19 and Sd16 begged to not go back to their moms house and I got to meet them and we all went on a nature hike.  Sd19 was super nice, but Sd16 ran ahead and cried the entire time.  I thought, maybe she just wasnt ready to share their dad, but then found out she had done this before with other women my now Dh had dated.  I tried everything...taking her out for smoothies, shopping, little talks, test drives when she got her learners permit....etc.  I always felt she "pretended" to like me, like it always came acrossed like over-exaggerated hellos,etc... but I shrugged it off.

We went to Sd16's therapist  to have her explain the "complexities" of Sd16.  I had been going to a therapist  since my divorce.  My sessions with my therapist went from transitioning into a relationship with Dh, to how to deal with Sd16.  Sd16's therapist,  suggested we invite Sd16 along on our dates, let her choose what we did, and where we went for meals.  So as time went on...we would go to restaurants and she would start crying (mind you she was almost 13 at this time) and would go and sit in the car, we would go to movies and we would have to leave after 15 minutes.  In the meantime, their mother whom they (at that time) had not spoken with for 5 months, abruptly sold her house, all the girls furniture, clothes, american girl dolls, lacrosse equipment and posted the garage sale on Facebook where the girls were both still friends with her. 

Three years later when we finally set a date for our wedding, Sd16 locked herself in her room and screamed like someone just told her all your loved ones were killed!!  LIKE HIGH PITCHED SCREAMS!  We told her to open her door, she didnt, and all she kept screaming was she wanted to see her therapist.   Her therapist told my husband to let her decide if she wanted to be a part of our wedding or if she even wanted to attend.  I thought we shoul postpone the wedding, but the therapists told us not too.  Sd16 decided to attend and we had both his girls stand up with him and both my children stand up with me.  She cried all the way to the church.  My daughter told me if Sd16 made a scene, she and her brother would take her  I love my kids! 

I should mention that I still live an hour and a half away since my job is with the government and I am allowed the luxury of working 4 (10 hour) days, Monday-Thursday.  Both my kids are out on their own, so I picked up a part time job Monday and Wednesday nights so I have something to do in my spare time, and then on Thursday after work I head up to my husbands house and stay Thursday night through Sunday night.  Since he is an appraiser, he works out of his house.  We are planning in a couple years (after Sd16 graduates) to get a house together halfway in between our current houses.  Just to note that I have not changed one thing in Dh's house as to make sure the girls did not feel I have taken over--that things are just as they always have been.  And yes, this has been extemely hard...but that is another story in itself.

So since our wedding in January of 2018...ugh...things are continuing to get worse, dispite my husbands reassurance that as Sd16 gets older, things will get better.  Sd16 has gone from locking herself in her room for the entire weekend that I am there.  My husband brings her food to her door, and they have conversations through the door, because she wont open the door until he goes away.  I had a hard time with this as I dont understand what I did to make this girls feel this way.  I have been kind and caring, supportive and encouraging...  Sd19 and I get along great!  It is hard, especially when she comes home from school, sees me, and says ugh!  and then stomps to her room and slams the door.  I told my husband this is so disrespectful!  He says, what should I do??  I told him, if she were my child, I would bring take off her door, set her down and tell her, "this is my husband, you will treat him with respect!"  He says his poor "Sd16" has anxiety, no friends, and has "attempted suicide.  (Both girls had been into "cutting").   I told him regardless of her issues, she needs to be kind and say hello.  So he sat her down when I wasnt there.  She said "faking to like Stepmom for the past three and a half years put her in such a downward spiral, that she lost all her friends.  So if he is giving her an ultimatium to be nice to me, then he isnt allowed to go to any of her choir and drama plays". 

My therapist and husband say this is step parenting 101, very typical, and not to take it personally.  I have an extremely hard time with this...  I grew up with an abusive father, married an alcoholic that cheated on me with my daughters godmother, and now when I finally meet a man that is great...  his child ends up being a nightmare.  I dont know how not to take it personally as it is directed right at me and I did nothing to her.  I am not going to bend over anymore and try to accomodate her.  My husband tries to assure me that it will get better and we have to take baby steps...but it continues to be one thing after another.  Now that she has a drivers license, she now goes to school on Thursday morning and doesnt come back to the house until her father texts her that I have left.  I have issues with that....  I feel like things are done behind my back.  I am on medication again (had to take meds when I found out that my ex had an affair....I went fetal for a while).  I start shaking and get panicky when I am at his house.  I am working through this with my therapist. 

If there are any step parents out there that can relate and can offer some advice, I would appreciate it...




CLove's picture

Keep reading and reading and more reading.

You will get some fabulous advice, and it will also help you understand the seriously dysfunctional dynamics that are occuring within your marriage.

SD16 is acting very childish because she is allowed to. Take the advice here and disengage. Things will not get better as she ages - not without some major changes happening. Your DH is enabling her behavior, and she is manipulating things to revolve around her. She sounds like she has some emotional issues related to her mother, and she might have inherited some personality disorders, like Narcissisitc Personality Disordr (read all about it here on ST), but all this is hinging on the behavior of your DH.

You will see this term a lot here: Entitled Snowflake, Disney Dadee, mini-wife. Are you the wife, or does she act like the wife when you arent there? You not being there full time is both a blessing and a curse - and you not beinga ble to change things is ridiculous. You are the wife - you are the Queen of your castle. Time to cut that chit off, if SD16 is manipulating things to that degree.

I have an SD who has NPD, and lies and re-writes history. She decided not to like me and pretended for a long while. The truth recently came out and there is no going back from that.

Although she is still technically a child, her bahavior is way beyond garden-variety problem stepkid.

My advice would be to have a "come to whomever" talk with DH. Lay it on the line. This situation needs to CHANGE if it is going to get any better. He needs to prioritize you in his life. You will not continue supporting and enabling an entitled snowflake. Do not do anything for this cretin.

bananaseedo's picture

First, PLEASE delete all the names in the blog for privacy/safety issues. 

Ok, your issues aren't unlike many step situations here.  That said, her therapist made a GRAVE mistake giving the CHILD adult status by encouraging you all to allow to dictate your lives, dating, etc.  BIG mistake.  Made her feel in control, entitled and gave her adult status to rule the roost. 

2nd- your dh needs to inform her as you said that she WILL treat you with respect.  She doesn't have to like you, hang out with you, any of it.  Disengage from eachother entirely.  That said, common courtesy is to be expected.  A hello, goodbye, acknowledging someone when walking into a room. If she then wants to lock herself in, so be it.  I'd be a little more forceful in demanding he do at least this.  I wouldn't buy your place together until she is out of the home to be honest.