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"Sick" kids

Chmmy's picture

SS10 has learned to make himself throw up...or spit up but its enough to stay home from school since we werent buying the tummy ache act anymore now he makes himself spit up in the garbage can or in the toilet but doesnt flush so we can see it. DH already left for work so I said its ok flush it. He also skipped school earlier in the week but I was already gone to pick up my dad from the airport. SD19 let him stay home and she stayed home from community college to take care of her baby brother but now today she has "things to do".  Well so does step mommy. Im leaving to work out and not coming back.

So now it's Friday before a 3 day weekend. How do we think SS10 will feel the rest of the weekend? He's going to his mom's i dont care if he's vomiting blood. I have family stuff to do and the skids aren't coming with so I will be without DH if the skids stay home.


tog redux's picture

DH needs to let the school know that SS is making himself vomit to avoid school and send him anyway.

The school would not want him staying out on purpose.

nengooseus's picture

Is pukey.  They're not sure if it's on purpose, related to Anxiety, or just a hair-trigger reflex, but this is exactly what they did for years.  (And then the terrible school they attended decided that wasn't OK anymore and basically made him a 7th grade drop out because he puked too much, but he's in a much better place now, just not with DD.)

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

What are your rules regarding staying home sick? For the girls we have a pretty strict policy on: "no electronics, the day is to rest." AKA, you can sit in bed all day. They stopped trying to fake sick because they know we make it as borign as humanly possible. lol

dysfunctionally_blended's picture

Ah the fake attention seeking phantom illnesses!

When did it stop here? When nobody cared, sad to say.

SO would give them pain reliever and relegate to their room. See you tomorrow when you are leaving! Don't want anyone else to get what you have! 

And oh did they try... 

Walking around the house moaning. 

Fake crying over the awful pain (this was met with the ER which stopped them in their tracks). 

The threat of calling HCBM (go ahead have her come get you too so everyone else doesn't get sick). 

The sibling coming out to say how mean we are (yup really mean, here is a bucket go give it to the sick one and make sure you hold it).

Even went as far as keeping home from school but that meant with HCBM, per CO. I think she got tired of getting that call at 6AM! And even more tired of having to get a Dr note :) 

Guess what - it stopped! 

Every once in a while a mosquito bite is a dangerous rash that requires meds but other than that nada.

nengooseus's picture

SS9 has some sensory issues, and his coping mechanism has long been to play with his tongue inside his mouth, which has OFTEN resulted in him puking at really inopportune times.  Many times at the dinner table, many times in the car.  Often he leaves the table during meals to make himself puke in the bathroom.  We have gotten to the point that we no longer react to it.  He reports puking in the night (with or without evidence)?  OK, get ready for school.  

There's a huge difference in making yourself barf and barfing because you're sick, and I'll be damned if he doesn't go to school because he made himself barf.

DH is right...  We've turned into prison guards with the skids!

ESMOD's picture

First, is there a reason why he doesn't want to go?  is he being bullied or having some other trauma there he is trying to avoid facing?  Or is he just wanting to laze around and watch TV?

If there is not an issue then this is how I would deal with it..the way my mom dealt with it.

1.  Awww you are sick?  well, that means 100% bed rest. 

2.  It means NO TV.. you need your REST!  It means no toys.. it means no activities later even if you are "feeling better"

3.  If you are sick, you are sick for the WHOLE day... that means all day in bed sleeping.. no music, no phone no nothing. no getting out of bed to play later on.

4.  It means bland foods/fluids.  chicken broth.. watered down pedialyte or gatorade.  dry toast.  no sweets.. or rich food to upset that precious little tum tum.

Once staying home is "worse" than going to school.. he will likely pick going there instead of being at home confined to his bed with bland food.

ESMOD's picture

Some really chalky milk of magnesia..or pepto bismol.. make them "take their medicine".. for sure!

Chmmy's picture

I believe his stomach hurts. If you saw how many candy wrappers were in the garbage. Ugh. Makes my tummy hurt thinking about it!

I have been wrong before about a faker and I felt bad. SS12 had the flu but I thought he was just trying to get out of going to GBMs funeral mass and lunch. I told DH if I drive 90 mins round trip to pick him up and he is not sick he is going to wish he was sick. It was winter break and I was going to pack up all electronics and bring them to my mom's house for the rest of break. DH was all for it if he was faking. As soon as I saw the kid i knew he was sick. He was pale, actually gray. He was so sick he was crying in his sleep. DH said he was praying the kid was sick cuz he knew Id blow my stack. I did feel bad for the kid and I will feel bad if SS10 starts vomiting blood but hopefully he does it on BMs watch!

Chmmy's picture

Valentine's day treats from school & from him. I think they all went on a binge last night while we were upstairs