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thinkthrice's picture

Turd Polisher.  A big ol steaming pile came in the way of YSS16's report card.  His eyes roved the paper and caught the 88 YSS got in the first semester for Geometry (which proves he's not "learning disabled" btw)

Now he is  EPIC failing ALL of his classes (ex. 27 in English) except for varsity chorus.  All due to skipping, tardiness and lack of effort.

I said "YSS could do better IF he didn't skip so often"

Chef: "Well it seems his problem is clearly tardiness not skipping...he ONLY has 6 skips compared to 11 lates this semester...I see he got an 88 in Geometry." (Chef looking mildly pleased)

The gleam on that steaming pile is burning my retinas now.






Exjuliemccoy's picture

Why is it the dumb ones who always breed? Chef should have been neutered when he was circumcised.

ITB2012's picture

The movie Idiocracy always comes to mind when reading posts like this one.