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Gurdy's picture

Hubby's and I have been together  for 3years we have 7 children Combined! 4 him 3 mine. My problem is his kids have been nothing short of the young &the restless  and a horror flick!  3 of his daughters are rude and very untitled but it's the boy that I have the biggest issues when hubby's and I got together the boy(12) at the time threatened  to off himself told me to take my rented furniture and get the F out! Hes choked out my son 3x had to go to ER 2 of them times I have my documentation! This kid has problems with female authorities! Had to put him in the hospital  3x for taking away his xbox both his parents refuse to get him the help he needs. Last time he choked my son, my son pulled a knife I told the boy now(14) you put your hands on my son my hands go on you! The kid pooped his knuckles and was ready to play until his sister's stepped in. My problem  is this kid thinks he runs this house No reprocutions  for his behavior, after this incident  his dad took him out driving and I felt  like his dad said good job son!  My issue now is the hubs and I got into an arguement  and lil boy decided to be the man and socked me in my face and kept comming  at me hubs stepped in and shit went flying! Anywho I left with my son we have been gone for some days. I had my son move in with his dad that's 6hrs away along with my youngest.  This kid needs serious  help and everyone  just looks the other way. Feel like the hibs is allowing this behavior I told him that kid needs to go stay with his mom and he tried faking  a heart attack  like he couldn't stand to discipline  that jerk!!! Ughhh so frustrated hibs is trying to act like we are good but the bruises I have so otherwise!!


ndc's picture

Why are you still there?  You've sent your kids to their father in order to stay with this man who won't control his son?  I would have been gone with my kids the first time that boy sent my kid to the hospital.  You've already established that your husband is not going to do anything about this.  Protect yourself and your kids and get yourself out of this situation.

SteppedOut's picture


lieutenant_dad's picture

Please tell me you have no desire to go back to this hell hole of a situation. If you do, I truly do hope your ex takes custody of all his kids. It's not okay for anyone to be abused, but it's neglectful and abusive to make your kids live in that environment. No d*ck is worth that.

You need to make a big decision NOW: either leave and hope to build a relationship with your kids outside the violence (and hope they forgive you for keeping them in that environment), or go back and leave your kids with their dad full-time. Anything else makes you no better a parent than your DH.

tog redux's picture

I'm with the others, what in the world are you still doing there? And please, please don't tell me your husband is amazing other than allowing his kid to abuse you and your children. Faking a heart attack?! I can't even.

File charges on the little delinquent and GTFO before your xH goes for full custody of all of your kids.

Gurdy's picture

My kids are with their dad. My youngest has always been with him well sometimes Child support isnt worth a child's happiness and this was before the hubs. I'm not staying but it takes money to get out. We both are corrections  officers and well let's just say when he goes back to work and my coworkers in blue will make him feel like #1 grade A POS! He might lose his job. As far as the boy it's all documented and pictures. The boy I had him go to counseling when I first moved in the lady said there was nothing wrong and he didnt need it. School  says hes got ODD and attachment issues. He Pat's his dad on the head and says daddy daddy or he hangs on him when in public won't go explore.  The kid is got issues and no one but me wants it addressed!!   *I should add my crazy child now 18 put me through the same thing  and she encouraged the boy once to do that my son that was one of the ER visits.

At least mine was in counseling and medicated!

I get what everyone is saying Leave!! I get that but do you quit on someone that needs help? The answer is yes after many attempts to make an alcoholic quit drinking to make a bipolar man take meds !  I know I cant save my marriage after this it took hubs and I 22yrs to get back together and try we were sweethearts back when we were young we dated when my bro offed himself. I just dont understand how the love of your life could be the devil of your life it's a shame!! 

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

His parents need to get this boy some qualified help. 

I hope you consider some kind of temporary ‘break’ for your wellbeing whilst you think things over. 

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

It’s perfectly acceptable to walk away from someone that needs help if his bio parents have their head in the sand because it leaves you zero to work with.

crazycatlady1's picture

police not called. You could also get fired for not reporting a crime. Stop using the money excuse. There are social services that can help you. He is not the love of your life. He stopped being that when he let his son get away with choking out a baby. 

File a restraining order!

ESMOD's picture

Why do you care whether your husband loses his job?  It is HIS fault that he allowed all this crap to happen.  You are living in an abusive environment.. call a women's shelter.. go there if you have to. 

STOP worrying about what people will think and protect yourself and your kids.

Why on earth are you more willing to deprive your children of a MOTHER.. than you are about your EX and his kids being in trouble for criminal acts?

Friends? Family? Women's shelter?  find a place to go.... work on establishing a home where you can entertain your kids and have some custody.  F your STBX F his kid.  File charges now... let the legal system sort them out.