Needing advice.
Hello, I have kind of a crazy boyfriend was dating another older lady before he met and was with her for 5 years..well they broke up and I met him and after awhile ended up pregnant. I already had a son, well 6 months pregnant and he got "scared" and left me and went back to his ex for one week and ended up getting her forward 3 years later. My daughter is 3 and his other daughter is 2. Him and i worked things out and he missed some of his other daughters life due to the mother being pretty evil about it all. She started lots of rumors about me and made our life hell. We finally have a good thing going. We have her 50/50 along with our daughter and my son who is 8. I'm currently 5 months pregnant again but I've been having a lot of jealously. For starters I'm still hurt by everything my boyfriend has done to me and I have a hard time with trust. I get jealous because his ex has this perfect life and their daughter gets everything she wants at her mom's and is just the perfect kid and i feel like my boyfriend is super nice to her and I currently work at a daycare and always with kids. I take care of my two plus his other daughter all the time. I have her more than he does...he's a wonderful dad but I have this jealously over his other daughter and his ex. I wonder if he loves tht daughter more than our daughter and I'm jealous that she will always have more than my two kids soon to be 3 kids. I feel like my boyfriend thinks I'm a bitch most the time but I do so much around house and work full time. I'm 5 months pregnant and take care of my two kids plus step kid and him and I never do anything alone and he never does anything nice for me...I hate all this jealously and i just need advice on how to cope and to stop making myself miserable and get over this jealously. I tell myself he is with me for a reason and loves his daughters the same but they are only 6 months apart to and that makes it really hard to...this is all scattered sorry....but help!!
- Meganlee11's blog
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This is some form of Jerry Springer situation
First off sorry to hear about everything. Honestly I'm very surprised you bothered taking him back at all.
Have you gone to counseling at all ? With your boyfriend?
Do not read this as your upcoming baby is a mistake but truthfully he is not the double down sort of guy. He cheated , got his ex pregnant ( meaning there could still be feelings there) , and you are now stuck looking at a reminder of that mistake on a regular basis through his daughter
Get help. And I'd highly consider an exit plan if needed because... Yikes.
Oh I know and yes I do co in
Oh I know and yes I do co in counseling. I will have two kids with him now. And then I have a son and then the other daughter he's hard. I mean him and I have been together for almost 5 years. Which he did cheat. With his ex and yes I do have to deal with her and the child on a pretty much daily basis since we have the daughter 50/50 now...idk it's hard and I do love him but I'm just still having jealously and with the girls only being 6 months apart I do have jealously over the fact that their daughter will always have double of everything and have more than our daughter. And I do hate when he talks to his ex and I know he has to but it sucks... and he is so nice to her and had a life with her before me. Idk now it'll be 4 kids involved and I just hate feeling how I feel
Jealousy is a normal emotion
Jealousy is a normal emotion in step situations. It can feel petty to admit that we feel it but it is present at times and it is good to admit it and to talk about it with our partners and try to find ways to minimize it.
Stop doing everything.
I would be jealous if I had to do everything but the person I would be jealous of is your boyfriend.
Rebalance the burden of chores and childcare in your home. Talk it through with your boyfriend and get him to take on the majority of care for your step daughter and half of the other chores/child care responsibilities.
When you can, I would change jobs so that you are not looking after sd at work.
Then I would try to refocus myself on my life rather than comparing myself to BM. Take note of the good things in your life. Do more fun family things with your kids, have date nights (even if they are at home after the kids have gone to bed), use the time you gain from your boyfriend taking more chores etc to do something nice for yourself. Read a book, watch a new tv show, exercise, craft, fix up a space for your newborn...whatever will help you relax and see your life as something other than work, kids and chores.
Logically you know that your boyfriend loves all of his kids, if he spoils the sd when she visits remind him to treat all the kids the same. Logically you know that there will always be children who have more than your kids and children who have less. That doesn’t mean that your children can’t have a loving home and a good childhood.
When you step back from looking after sd directly for the majority of the time and focus on you and your kids and your relationship then your feelings of jealousy will hopefully subside.
Thank you
Thank you for replying. I really need advice from outsiders. It's like I complain about doing all the work yet I can't stop myself from doing it all and it drives me nuts. And part of me is afraid if I stop doing so much for sd then he will get even more involed with just her and love her more. Because BM has started rumors tht my daughter isn't his and told our small town that and has just caused so many problems for me that I have such a hard time letting go. It's so petty for me to feel these things but I just cant help it and it's killing me. We have sd so much that most months we have her a couple days more then her mother does. My daughter is wild and doesn't listen as good as sd so it makes me feel like sd is better to others including boyfriend. And I feel so stupid for thinking such bad things but it hurts and it's hard to talk to him about it because he just doesn't understand and gets upsets that I feel this way. And now today BM wrote asking if we wanted their 6 month old dog and i do not want a dog or anything of hers. And of course my boyfriend said yes. And now I finally had a weekend off from SD and now her and bm are bringing this dog over today..I do not want her hanging out here...I do not want a dog I just got a kitten...5 months pregnant. I work at a daycare with 15+ kids a day all week. Always have my daughter and sd with me at work and home and I'm just overwhelmed and tired. I feel so unappreciated and unwanted and not as important.
If you can I would seriously
If you can I would seriously try to change your boyfriends mind about the dog. I inherited a cat from my husband’s ex and resented it for years. Now about 5 years later I am ok with it, but I would rather not have had to deal with it and hear it whine all the time and be reminded of BM neglecting her responsibilities and me picking up her slack every time I had to feed the cat or change the cat litter. If your boyfriend insists about the dog then I would tell him that he has to do everything for this dog. He has to walk it, feed it, train it, clean up after it, take it to the vets and pay for everything to do with it and that you will not be doing any of those things. And STICK TO IT. Trust me, I failed when I started to be the main caregiver for our cat, now it is my “job” to do these things most of the time. If he can’t be home to walk the dog, he can pay for a dog walker. If he can’t afford the dog, then he should not be taking it on.
As for comparing the girls it will be a struggle not to with them being so close in age but they are different individuals and will have different personalities and abilities. Reframe your daughters behavior as her asserting her independence and showing leadership qualities. Help show her how to keep those traits but also to be more polite and respectful while maintaining her assertiveness. reframe her behavior as possitives that need refining.
She is a future leader in the making, use words that empathize her attributes as positives:
If you're jealous of the life
If you're jealous of the life that BM has and the things she is able to provide for her daughter, then take a look at the life choices she has made vs the ones you've made.
If she is able to provide SD with a lifestyle you want your kids to have, then focus on doing what needs to be done to increase your earning potential.
If your comment about SD being the perfect child was sincere and not sarcastic, then take a look at how you parent your kids vs how BM parents her kid.
What your SD has at her moms
What your SD has at her moms is really irrelevant to your situation. She likely has all that because BM provides for it. Probably makes more than you. SD is the only child for her moms so of course mom can afford things. You have 3 kids of your own (one not born yet) and of course you can’t afford stuff. Why is your DD wild? Have you talked to a pediatrician? I’d stop having babies with this man. More kids you have, less time and money you have for the ones you already have.
I only have 2 children and 1
I only have 2 children and 1 on the way. And bm also has 2 older kids out of the house. I do not mean my daughter is out of control, she just is more wild and not as calm as sd. My only concern with the materalist things is I have a different outlook on it. I can't support my children just fine. I just don't want sd throwing everything in my daughters face all the time. They are only 6 months apart and it scares me
If sd is throwing her
If sd is throwing her prosperity at her mother’s in your children’s face then that needs addressing. Work with your boyfriend (and maybe BM if she might be willing) to address that with sd. I would develop a sentence that shuts that kind of talk down along with discussing with both girls how different people and different homes have different things and that is ok, but not something that we should boast about if we come across those that have less than us. Equally they can learn to be happy for someone who has more than us even if we know that we will never get what they have. These are difficult concepts to embrace for young kids who naturally want to boast about things but not one that should be avoided.
The phrase I use in our house (which is much better off than bm’s house, but we’re not millionaires either) is that there will always be people with more than us and always be people with less than us.
The girls are 3 years old.
The girls are 3 years old. There's no way your SD is throwing anything in your daughter's face.
Your SD is the only child in her mom's home. She has 2 adult siblings. As a result of that she WILL have more stuff and more experiences than your kids have. She will be able to take part in things that your daughter will miss out on. Once they start going to school, your daughter (and their classmates)will notice the material differences/opportunities between her and her sister.
I did not say she was
I did not say she was throwing things in her face, I said I fear as they get older she will brag and throw things in her face.
And yes I know they will
And yes I know they will notice and I know my daughter will notice and that is what scares me
That’s what I said, 3 kids
That’s what I said, 3 kids one of which is not born yet. Nothing wrong with having more kids but you are complaining about their behavior compare to SD and inability to provide as much as BM does so maybe it’s becoming too many to handle
and since you see a therapist I’d discuss your choices in men. This is a man #2 in your life who is useless and you have kids with both. It’s important to discuss roots of your problems.
if BM is older and already raised children, she likely is more experienced in parenting and knows some amd that’s why her kid behaves better. She is older and likely makes more than you. Since her other kids are out of the house and don’t need monetary help as much she can spend it in SD. You said you work in day care. It’s typically a low paid job. I’d never be able to support anyone with that money. If you like working with children, perhaps you could become certified teacher, or since you were a CNA (another low paid job), you can become RN, it will be more stable. You can take your classes in the evenings. I only ever went to school in the evevjng pr weekend because I worked during the day. In order to do that I recommend as I said before to not have more kids at the moment. Get your life in a better shape and then have more kids. You have no control over what others fI in their home. But you have control over your own household
If your outlook on materiastuc things is different than BMs, then what do you care what BM does. Teach your DD your values if you don’t care about materiastuc stuff
She is 3. How is she throwing it at your DD all the time? Is she a genius of some sort? If you just worry about the future, it’s a waste of time. SD might grow into a classy lady and not throw anything in no one’s face
You are correct about her
You are correct about her being older, having more experience and more time to have more things and more of a life built. BUT, she acts much younger than she is. She has/ does cause problems...and thinks Everytime I buy my children something, SD should have it too...when I feel if she already has the item than she doesn't need another. Like a winter coat ect. I can support my children. I will have three total and I am not having anymore. My tubes will be tied after this one. I wanted three children. I do agree that I could take classes , I just need to figure out what I want to do. Part of me wouldn't mind having my own daycare. I have a 4 bedroom home, garage and fenced in yard. Although no extra bedrooms i do have room to have some children there and make decent money. My worries about SD throwing things in my daughters face is future talk. She is not doing that yet but I do fear it will happen since they are only 6 months apart and things seem to be a competition with BM. I'm afraid she will say things to SD and be kind of a bad influence about it. Your right it's stupid and pointless to worry about the future. But it is hard to not of those things in my situation. That's why I turned to this ask for advice ajd help me cope with how different it is for me. Ajd how difficult it can all be and overwhelming. I try my best to make everything fair and honest and It sucks when BM or others don't help or do things to hurt me and my daughter. Again my son's father was NEVER the way he is now when i was with him, so I had no idea he would have turned out the way he has. So I'm not sure it's my choices in men that is the problem.
Have you told your therapist
Have you told your therapist this, "And part of me is afraid if I stop doing so much for sd then he will get even more involved with just her and love her more." You are saying that you don't want your SO to be more involved with his daughter because you are afraid he will love her more than you and his other child. You need to get some help working through these feelings, because they are not good for you.
You also said your SO never does anything nice for you. It sounds like you do everything for him - you work, care for the house and take care of his daughter all of the time. What are you getting out of this relationship? What does he do for you?
I agree it's not healthy for
I agree it's not healthy for me or anyone to feel these. And not concerned about him loving his children over me. Just loving one daughter more than the other. I want him to love his children more than anyone.
He doesn't need to love his children more than you,
He doesn't need to love his children more than you, he can love you all equally - though in different ways. What about the fact he doesn't do nice things for you? It sounds like you don't think you deserve to be treated as well as the children. He should, at the very least, do something nice for you once in awhile - especially since it sounds like you do more work than he does that helps the family function.
Well, he doesn't sound like a
Well, he doesn't sound like a "wonderful dad" to me, if you are the one caring for your SD all the time. And your own kids who are his as well. In my mind, in 2019, "wonderful dads" share child care with the mother, so he doesn't meet my definition of one.
I honestly can't imagine being with a guy who left me at 6 months pregnant, got his ex pregnant while with her for ONE WEEK (I mean seriously, does he know how babies are made?) and then wanted to come back to me. That would have been a hard no from me. But you took him back and are having more kids with him, while working with kids all day - those are all YOUR choices to own.
At this point, you have to decide if you can stay with him, I think. I don't think you trust him anymore, as well you shouldn't.
I agree with Tog about the
I agree with Tog about the wonderful dad comment.
They live in a small town. Chances are those girls will end up in the same classes. Can you imagine what's going to happen in middle school when the other kids figure out that POPPA WAS A ROLLING STONE????
Yeah it has been rough. He
Yeah it has been rough. He was with his ex for 5 years before he met me. But yes he left me while pregnant and got her pregnant. But he swears she has always been on birth control and she admitted to stopping it and not telling him. No excuses but she did a dirty thing...and she knew he already had me has been rough and has caused alot of mental stress for me. I don't know how or why I do it but I do...I do love him and he has good qualities about him. He plays with kids and does things with them but I do all the hard work and he works hard everyday during the week too but I always work full time and do all the housework and all the work with kids. My son is not his, but my daughter is and yes I'm currently 5 months pregnant. Idk it's all rough and at times beyond worth it but I'm just getting drained and tired and over worked and need a break and I've tried talking to him about it but he takes it wrong and thinks I'm just saying he's a POS who does nothing...he pays the bills. I buy all the food and household products we need. Which is alot and equals out to almost what he pays
My dad was a "wonderful dad"
My dad was a "wonderful dad" for his generation - played with the kids, drove the car on vacation, cut the turkey, helped with discipline - but day to day care was my mother's job. But times are different now, and him just "playing with the kids" is not enough. He needs to help you with day to day parenting tasks (homework, baths, dinner, transportation, laundry, etc).
His ex obviously wanted him back, so he should have been wiser than to sleep with her with no protection - that's on him, too.
I'm sure he does have good qualities, everyone does. But he's not helping you out with the children he helped create. At the very least, let him know ALL care of SD is now on him, and you expect him to help with his two with you, as well.
Your BF is an idiot and he
Your BF is an idiot and he thinks you're a fool. That's why he's feeding you that ridiculous line about birth control.
Your BF and BM broke up. He started dating you. If she was no longer having sex, why would she continue to use/need birth control???? Why would a financially secure, empty nester, purposely get pregnant from a man that just dumped his pregnant girlfriend??? What your BF is telling doesn't make sense.
At the end if the day, many of the feelings you are feeling come from the choices you made. This great guy dumped you while you were pregnant. During that time he got another woman pregnant. You made the choice to get back with him and have another child. You're making the choice to take on his parenting responsibilities when SD is in your home. You're making the choice to continue working in a day care center instead of taking steps to increase your earning potential.
If you want things to be better, take closer look at the life choices you are making.
Questionable choices
The biggest questionable choice is that you took this guy back, of course, and that he doesn't even have the decency to not put a walking, talking reminder of the fact that he left you (SD) in your care all the time and have you dealing with her... And now possibly a dog, too. I don't know how you can stomach that, but if you must because you are going to have two kids with him and can't leave, you should require him to handle her or hire help for her.
And if you have jealousy about the materialistic side of SD's life, you should have stopped having kids after two. The more you have, the less you can give each kid. The upside is that being spoiled doesn't always carry over well into adulthood and doesn't necessarily prepare someone for the real world. And if your husband is such a 'great father', it's worth keeping in mind that your kids are getting him full-time and SD is growing up splitting her life.
If the jealousy is about any residual feelings he might have, that's valid. You need to figure out with a therapist if you can really fully put his misdeeds in the past and what you need from him to do so. When I read you describe the situation, it sounds like the guy who created this mess just does whatever he wants and expects you to deal with it. I can't believe you stayed for this, but at a minimum you need to require more of him. I hope the dad of your oldest is sharing the responsibility both financially and in terms of custody to make your life easier, too.
Wow, I sure am sounding like
Wow, I sure am sounding like a POS huh...who let's all things happen. I can support my three children just fine. It's the fact that I'm not materalist and I don't believe my children need to have a bunch of crap and get whatever they want. They are spolied..but I do not want my daughter to feel left out or like her sister gets aY more than her all the time. I do not want my daughter to suffer or have any problems because of her parents mistakes. If I told you more about the bm you would understand why she is sneaky and why it's so hard for me to let things go. Yes, my boyfriend needs to step up and yes I do need to eventually get another job. But i also do like my job. I'm always been a CNA or childcare. I like to help and take care of people but it's just now starting to wear on me tht I'm always the carw giver and get no help and nobody seems to want to take care of me .... selfish maybe yeah..I know it's nobody's responsibility to take care of me but it would be nice to feel appreciated, loved...and yeah it's hard for me to just walk away and then have some other women eventually around my kids...i like being there for them all the time and knowing where and who is taking care of them. I just would like help. A break here and there...and unfortunately no my son's father is not a great person either. He used to be but now he is into drugs and barely ever around. So I have alot on my plate and I hate that i feel like it's all my fault. Yes I choose to stay, yes I choose to work where I do and take care of who I do. But someone has to! And i care so I do it and maybe that is the problem...he and everyone else knows I will bitch but still do everything.
You aren't a POS - but none
You aren't a POS - but none of us can make change if we don't own our own choices first.
I believe BM in our situation lied about birth control, too - but ultimately, DH failed to protect himself from that. And your SO would not have gotten her pregnant if he didn't cheat on you, so it's on him too.
Ultimately, you can't control what goes on at your SD's other home, and yes, your kids might be jealous - but you have to raise them with the values you think are appropriate, and they will survive jealousy over material stuff when they are young.
The bottom line is that you have to stand up for yourself with you SO and demand that he help you.
Thanks I agree I need to
Thanks I agree I need to start being more blunt and really work on drowning out these feelings I have.