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The Half of It

TheManoftheSpouse's picture

I married my wife 11 years ago and suffice to say, much like a few of the other stories I've read here it has been challenging as far as relationships go. I think I've only made it this far due to some empowerment training work that she and I did but there have been days...WHEW!!!

 So I have a rant coupled with a few questions and maybe someone here has the answer. I don't expect a ton of responses because I believe that most folk here are venting and much like me, "Have never been a step parent before" so we're all still learning.

 Well, long story short, here I'am 11 years later with three of the five kids I stood for, supported, loved and protected still living with me, (two have their own lives and places The oldest boy, and youngest girl.)

My wife had twin daughters (not identical that graduated college and moved away after degreeing themselves. One of them is married and the other is set to be married this coming Feb. The married couple, and the engaged daughter live in the top floor of our home. Our youngest son (18) lives in our home and we almost never see him. The four adults that are living in our third level support themselves and pay a share of our rent while enjoying the run of the home due to  my wife and I constantly traveling for business. They are hardworking twenty-somethings and they play as hard as they work.

Our (her) youngest son simply is insistant that he is going to operate in his own way which leaves lots of room for change and direction. He graduated last year from high school and was supposed to head straight to college. He is lazy, doesn't maintain his quarters or is even effective at doing the one chore that is mandatory which is taking out the trash. In the event that he does do it, its usually JUST the trash in the kitchen bin, but he does not go through the house and clear all the recptacles, and its hit or miss if the trash cans will even make it to the curb for pick up. He is a consumate 18 year old boy. I can accpet all of it.

I guess my question is that in the short seven months they have been in the house with us, I've noticed signifigcant changes in their attitude towards me and in some of the things I see them do.

Point 1:

Not using names, The engaged guy my wife, our married twin, and me were playing a game of spades, now historically, my wife and I have been spades literate and played well together but we had this year long losing streak over our heads. Here in the new house we decided to play. This time my wife and I switched our strategies and we demolished them. They (the young ones) would residually trash talk, post scores on the fridge the whole obnoxious bit. The first game we beat them in, there was no talk, only smart remarks hurled at my wife and I saying, "we're newbies, we sandbag, we can't count books" the second game was even worse and at the end of it, it got so disgusting, we were told we couldnt post the score on the fridge and we weren't allowed to say anything. The engaged male became angry slapping his hand on the table and that was it. I returned the slap, but louder and it got heated to the degree where, it became a heated argument, at least that was the experience I had of it. Since then we have very little dealings with each other as I see him come and go but we have not played one hand of spades since. They withdrew, so I followed suit. We speak in passing bt theres never a conversation.

Point 2:

On a casual outing the married guy and I were out on a drive and I asked him a few questions about some things that I had been feeling. He responded with rhetoric and tried to diminish and deflect the point I was making. It got heated and soon I had heard enough. I asked him, "If I was his father sitting there, would he respond th same" to which he replied yes. I know his father and doubt very seriously that he would be that disrespectful to him, and live to talk about it. I asked him to pull over so I could get out. I could find my own way back to our home. He ignored me, I repeated it louder. He kept driving, I shouted, "PULL OVER NOW" and hit the side of the door panel. He looked at me surprised and then pulled over after we exchanged a few more words. We made it back home but long story short, he and I now also seem to be estranged in our dealings, and it also has become a "HeyandBye" relationship. My wife likes to point out that my anger and how I respond is the issue and I can see how she would say that, but my quandry is here...

When kids act like, talk like, respond like, adults to an actual adult, I have been trained by MY mother, to give back the same energy. I treat them the way they treat me. I love openly and have always said what is in my heart to say. I call it like I see it. Facts are facts. If you treat me with disrespect, I get disrespectful. The world has it that, nobody should respect anybody. And I disagree. I do not disrespect any elder male or female. And I give them respect. These twenty somethings seem to be playing to my wifes sympathy while villanizing me. If they had an issue with me we could have sta down and cleared the air months ago. There are so many other things I can point out about who they are and the things they do but Ill save those for later....Anybody else dealing with adult step children who villanize you? What is the answer...???


ESMOD's picture

Point 1.  The engaged guy is obviously a poor loser.  I am assuming you used to play with this couple before and they beat you in the past?  or maybe I read that wrong.  I do think sometimes the meeting fire with fire approach is not particularly productive because it ends up dropping you down to their level.  I think after the way they played.. that would have been the last time I would have engaged in that activity with them. 

Point 2.  I'm not sure what the nature of your questions are with the guy.. but he may have felt you were asking questions that were too intrusive or were trying to interfere or meddle in his life.  Now, just because they live with you and your wife it doesn't give you carte blanche right to be privy and give your opinion on everything they have going on.  Again, it sounds like you struck a nerve with him in some way.. and then you allowed your temper to flare to meet his.. and again.. that isn't the best course of action all the time.. 

In the end, you have had conflicts with both the significant others of your DW's daughters.  I can see why they might avoid interracting with you in the future considering how the last two situations panned out.  Either from embarassment.. or a conflict avoidance standpoint.  

How long are you and your wife planning on having her adult children and spouses live with you?  It would probably be a healthier environment for the adults to move on with their lives out from under their mom's roof.

advice.only2's picture

If they are all well accomplished adults then it's time for them to move out and find their own homes.

I can understand emotions getting high while playing games, but neither of you needed to slap the table in your quest for dominance. Same situation in the car, it comes across that you are trying to prove your dominance and the younger men aren't backing down from you.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

When you live in a frat house, you're going to have these kinds of shenanigans. WTH were you smoking when you agreed to this arrangement?

Your wife ought to stand up for you. These adults are her blood, and if she had laid down the law and insisted that her kids and their SOs treat you with respect as soon as the nonsense started, things wouldn't have escalated. It also sounds as if some of these young adults see themselves as your peers or equals, and there seems to be some triangulating against you. Additionally, the youngest needs a pointy toed boot to the butt. 

In short and unsurprisingly, this experiment of living communally with adult skids has failed. You are being disrespected and marginalized, while your wife is letting her kids divide and conquer. It's made you resentful, which led to you losing your temper, which has given the skids leverage to paint you the villain when this is really all about lack of boundaries, expectations, and respect.

If you don't do something quickly, you're going to find yourself alone and living under a bridge. Who owns the house? Whose name is on the deed, who pays the morgage, and how are your marital finances handled? Are there rental contracts for the skids? You really need to have an honest convo with your wife about this, but remember - she's getting everything she wants at the moment. All her loved ones under one roof, if only you'd pipe down and stop making waves. So you need to remind her that you and she are supposed to be a team, and that you need to present a solid, united front when you lay down the law to your tenants. Ideally? She should tell her kids that they can only stay there as long as you are content with the arrangement, and that they cross you at their peril.


Kes's picture

Yep, I think it is time the adult kids moved out and got their own place.  I suggest you give them a reasonable time frame in which to do this, maybe something in the region of 3 months?  

You asked in your final sentence, if anyone here is dealing with step children who "villainize" you?  Answer, yes, most of us here.  It's one of the main reasons that people join the site.  I have 2 SDs, age 23 and 25, and have known them since they were 5 and 7.   From before I had met her, NPD BM told them a pack of lies about me and encouraged them to hate me. I have never had a working relationship with either of them and probably never will.  

Ispofacto's picture

It seems like these situations are avoidable.  Don't play with the skids and don't ride with them.


DaniSanti83's picture

Adult skids living with parents NEVER a good idea. Have all of them move out to experience life along with the struggles. My skids will NEVER live in my home EVER, they are too much like their mother along with very poor house keepers as to how they were raised.....that would be the day my relationship was over. PERIOD....

All votes are to them moving out, they are grown it is your time to enjoy time with your spouse!!