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I dont want them to call me mon

Marianabt's picture

I am 26 yo my husband is 37 and has 4 teenagers 16-15-15-12 . i hate when they call me mom i dont feel comfortable with that , a 16 yo calling me mon is weird to me Idk why I just hate it i am your mom plz dont call me that , sometimes i feel embarrassed when i am seen in public with them non of my friends know i have strp kids . I know it is messed up but that is how i feel. 
also my husband expect me to treat them like my own kids drive them arround take them places cook for them . I have a newborn to take care of so i cant just drive his son back and forth to work and  I think they are old enough to make to make themselves food . 
I know i made a choice to marry a man with kids but I didn't expect to be their "mom" its not what what i want I want to focus on my career and my newborn baby i dont want to take care of someone else kids .

i just hate my lifeand what i got myself into . 

hereiam's picture

You and your husband have aged backwards since your last post and he's lost a kid. Please, tell us your secret!


lieutenant_dad's picture

The most unbelievable part about this is that teenagers want to call the new woman "mom".

Rags's picture

They call you what you tell them to call you.  Just tell them what they will refer to you by and don't acknowledge anything else.

If this is a hill you choose to die on then when you are out with the whole family take the stand that "We have one, he has 5." Or ... This is my husband, our baby and my step kids. 

Facts are neither good nor bad. They are merely facts.