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My mistake

Rachel29577's picture

So after a few weeks of leaving back in my apartment I was trying to give the boyfriend and skids the benefit of the doubt. I was trying to ignore the BM drama, and focus on working on my relationship with the BF. His mom visited last week. She's been very supportive in all of the BM drama and even the issues I've been having with her own son (my bf). Well after a slip disc and being in pain my children went to bfs house so he could help me and my boys. This morning I wake up to my sons head buzzed. I had just gotten him a super cute hair cut waited an hour and spent $30 just so bf could ruin his hair. I was asleep and had no idea until I woke up. I was irate! He doesn't even buzz cut his own sons hair why would he buzz cut my sons? I flipped out on bf got our stuff and left. He is blocked on social media, calling, and text. He thinks I'm overacting but I don't think so. I'm sick to my stomach because I'm not a fan of that haircut on young boys. And my son cried when he saw himself in the mirror this morning. 


StepUltimate's picture

That's all I got. I am so sorry your son was treated like that. Your ExBF = Sick and bizarre.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

For your kid's sake, don't ever go back. I hate to be harsh, but you should never have gone back in the first place - since BM called CPS on your children. You have to protect your children from this dysfunctional situation. It was wrong on many levels for your SO to have cut your child's hair. I know it is a cliche, but it will grow out!

StrawberryPie's picture

Remember how you feel when you saw your son's hair next time you want to get back together.  Sending you strong and happy vibes!

Rags's picture

Going back to a toxic situation just makes one a glutton for punishment.

Shit never turns into a diamond. No matter how much it is polished it is nothing more than shiney shit.

Move on, For your sake and for the sake of your children.  When the guys own other recognizes that he and his prior breeding partner are shit, there is nothing to go back to.

Take care of you.

tog redux's picture

That seemed deliberate and hostile, take it for what it is: the end of this relationship. 

Winterglow's picture

He thinks you're over-reacting?! WTF! He gave a child that isn't his a buzz cut even though neither the child nor his mother asked him to?! Who the heck does he think he is? Does he go around shaving his neighbours' children's heads? Please don't entertain going back there EVER AGAIN! 

Where I live, that could be construed as an assault ... Think that over a little.