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Evil step mother?? I think disney got it twisted!

newbiemommy's picture

More like evil step daughter! I think its because they can't stand not being the only girl in daddys life. As far as step sons?? I have a wonderful one! I know there are the bad ones out there, but it seems like there are so many more SD issues than SS. Both my SD are horrible. My SO just laughs that they "take after their mom". Don't even get me started on BM! I definitely think Disney should have talked to the step mom because those poor little SDs can sure paint quite a story. Way to go Disney...


hismineandours's picture

Um, yeah, I've got a horrible SS. Yes, I would love to see a Disney movie with the skids as villians and the stepmother as the heroine. I'd definitely watch it!

RogueRanger's picture

Agreed. I deal with a SS that can be a total monster, but I've said to FDH on multiple occasions, "Thank God you don't have a daughter." Being women (most of us on this site anyway), I think we all can recognize how twisted and manipulative our fair gender can be.

witsend71's picture

Yep, I realize that part of my dislike is because I have no control, she's not nice to me, she expects a lot of her father (and he's happy to give), and he doesn't expect anything from her. Unfortunately my SD is 24 and will never grow up and leave. She's here to stay. You may think it lasts forever, but hang in and eventually your SKs will leave the nest. Disney or no, stepmoms are kind of evil if you think about it. They are younger, cooler, meaner, and don't put up with their shit. If I were a kid I might think that was pretty evil. Accept the things you cannot change. I have to repeat that often.

newstepmommie's picture

I definitely agree. This is my first time having a SD. I had a SS before and SD's are the EVILIST LITTLE WITCHES.

Carrieanne's picture

I have three evil SDs that live w me full time. They are in fact thee WORST.