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SD selling my clothes

Scorpiomum1111's picture

Sd Has been staying with us for a week. I went into her room today and found a pair of jeans of mine. How I know these were mine... well I have been putting my initials on all my cloths. These jeans had a washed out letter in whitch was my initials. I have been missing these jeans for a while and she had a suite case of clothes in which these were in. She has been taking shit from me for years. Come to find out she has a Instagram account in which she sells things she no longer wants. I am blocked from this account because most of the things she is selling are things I owned. My friend screens shot a few things on the account due to me being curious. My husband talked to her about it and she was like well I thought these jeans are mine because they were in my room. Thing is she has not been over here in awhile. I told my husband cleaned out her room a month ago and those were not in there. There for she took them  while ago and brought them over now and got caught. Going clean out her room tomorrom since she leaves for her moms for two weeks. Also going to start selling the things we got her to help pay for other things.  Can not wait till she runs 18. 


JRI's picture

I hate this theft, the entitlement, the betrayal.  My SD59 stole from me, too.  She did it for years, small items, I suspected it but didnt pursue.  When she lived with us the last time, the items were more valuable. My DH couldnt/wouldnt confront her.  I should have nailed her early and every time.  Lock up your valuables.  My SD is now not allowed beyond a certain point in the house and DH and I both hide wallet and purse when she arrives.  Nobody wants to host her.  I really feel for you.  You will be on hypervigilance6 from now on.  What a way to live.


Scorpiomum1111's picture

I have had a lock in my bed room door for years. I also do not my laundry when she is at our house. This is how unknown she has had these jeans since last summer. DH really does not help when it comes to her snd he wonders why I hate her. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

My SD started stealing from me too over a year ago. Everything I own is locked in my room. I can't leave anything in a common area including the bathroom. SO and I would argue about this because he doesn't see how her taking my things without my knowledge or consent is stealing??? 

thinkthrice's picture

Started stealing, lying and cheating (at board games) since age five.  By age eight, she was quite accomplished at it since neither the BM (Girhippo) nor my SO (who was scared shitless of the Gir) would correct her.

I thank my stars that she and her feral brothers PASed out for good at an early age.

It is very much suspected that she and her older brother were running a fencing operation with merchandise at the store where she was temporarily employed. 

Johnm0819's picture

That back when I was growing up if we were caught lying, cheating, or taking anything that was ours, we got completely locked in our room. Nowadays that's considered child abuse. But guess what? I love the heck outta my parents for doing that.

thinkthrice's picture

Awesomeson, still remembers how i pitched a fit when he walked out of the grocery store without paying for a cookie.

My paternal grandma was extremely strict and came down on me like a ton of bricks for accidentally letting a friend's parakeet out of his cage while I was cleaning it.

No "don't worry, it was an accident" talk by Gran!!

Gran made me pay restitution!  I was twelve.

tog redux's picture

How old is this thieving black marketer? What does DH say about it?

Time for locks and cameras. Get evidence and call the police. Even if you don't charge her, maybe it will scare her.


Scorpiomum1111's picture

This theif is 17. Will be 18 in nine months. She has been taking my shit for 8 years now. I have cameras and have a lock in my door. I check her bag before she goes back to her moms but it's DHs responsibility to do so when I am not at home. I believe she took these jeans last summer and has had them ever since. I will be going through her room again and getting ride is her shut to sell ther she no longer does not wear. So tired of this snd so tired of DH not doing anything to confront her. Plain on taking the things I got her for Xmas back as well. DH wonders why I get so upset with her and hate when she comes over and do not want to do anything for her or with her. Mmmm wonder why. She does not take his things. 

Winterglow's picture

Give him a wake-up call. Tell hiim that as soon as she turns 18 you will be calling the cops EVERY time she steals anything from you. Anything that she takes that you have not consented to her taking is THEFT. BORROWING, OTOH, is done WITH the ownere's consent. Use the right words with him. He has 9 months to retrain her or he'll be seeing how handcuffs suit her...

shamds's picture

By cops for stealing as 13 yr olds. Theft is theft. She is grown up to know its wrong. Frankly, op husband lost his balls in parenting his reject kid and needs to find it before she ends up in jail. He set this motion in action by failing to parent

Winterglow's picture

Because at 18 her husband can no longer pull the "but she's just a child!" card.Also, perhaps to make sure she gets tried as an adult and not as a child where she'd probably getting off with a slap on the hand for a first time offence. She needs a damn good scare.

Scorpiomum1111's picture

I have one in the bedroom door. Door is always shut when she is here yet sometimes we forget snd then things go missing. That's how I know she did not find them in her room she took them. Yet DH is all I am not saying you stole them it's just they are not yours blah blah. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

I would take her bed dresser all her items and post them on an online market to sell. Let the bitch see that. Of course I am JK but I would do it to get her to freak out. LOL

Scorpiomum1111's picture

Did all that years ago. We even sent her off to turn about ranch over a year ago. One of the reasons she now lives with her c*** of a mother. 

Scorpiomum1111's picture

Yea been there done that and she did not care. Have here three outfits for the week with a clear book bag for school. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

You can also inform Instagram that she is selling stolen goods on her account, and that the items being stolen are yours. They should shut down her account. That might actually make her more upset - potentially upset enough that she doesn't come back.

Scorpiomum1111's picture

That is good advice. I can not see her account nor know the name of it at this time but a friend is looking into it for me. I have seen two items of mine in there due to screen shots. 

CLove's picture

I have SD21 I have named here "Feral Forger". She used to be "Winona". Read my blogs to find out why!

Oh, ok, Ill tell you...

Sd21 was caught shoplifting at 17-almost-18, at a local JC Pennys, and because she had money in her wallet, they didnt prosecute. She was fined 250.00, and not allowed in the store for a year. Did she get any repercussions? Nope. Just a talking to, and Dh and BM paid the fines for her. I was livid. We were not married at that time.

About a year ago, SD21 stole checks from her mother who she was living with at the time, and supposedly cashed some for a total of 1,200. And caused BMs checking account to be locked. And Dh's bank notified him of fraudulent activity and that they were going to lock his account, but he spoke with the bank. She had used a "child account" to cash forged checks. That he had opened and it was linked to his account. He had gotten it because she was at a job when she was 16, and needed a way to cash the checks. She had lasted a week there.

Shes lazy, rude, mean and disrespectful. Doesnt have a license, but is manipulative enought to get others to give her rides everywhere. When she was working (shes not working right now) she pays for ubers. But with COVID there are not many options.

Munchkin SD14 tells me that she is always stealing cash or manipulating cash from different people.

Sad that your home has to be a fortress and your H doesnt have the b@lls to punish her. Hes probably a "guilty dad" and doesnt want to "lose" her.

Sorry you have to deal with that. I wont live with Feral Forger Sd21 ever again.

I think you need to go scorched earth on this one.

Catmom024's picture

My SO's kids stole from him big time...including stealing personal checks and forging them.

Can you set up an additional Instagram account so you can monitor her?  Fake username?

Winterglow's picture

Maybe buy back something of yours and use it for a good purpose - proof for the cops that she stole and sold, for instance.