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Possible Ulterior Motive Revealed

thinkthrice's picture

Last year at this time, YSS (HousesHitter) turned 18 and the Girhippo was in an all fired hurry to have him removed from the CS roles even though CS goes to 21 by law here in good ol' BM-centric NYS.  It was always a puzzlement to me just why the Gir would want to refuse extra CS.  Well it occurred to me that tax year 2021 is the year of the "advanced child care credit" and that she had long before, signed that year to claim YSS for the last time over to Chef (form 8223 signed by her back in 2015).  2015 was the year when Chef FINALLY got a lawyer who slightly rectified all the abuse of the original MOU included in the CS order and divorce papers i.e. only claiming the oldest child and she was claiming both younger children.   This agreement forced her to rotate the two youngest for tax claiming purposes.

She'd be gaining an extra $6,000 for the 2021 tax year as a credit if Chef had CS ceased retro to YSS's 18th birthday.   There's no way he's going to college so no one can claim him anymore through age 21 as a student, either.    Chef only recently had the other two come off the CS grist mill and so his monthly payment is now less than what his WEEKLY payment used to be back in 2004/2005.


bananaseedo's picture

These nefarious BM's ALWAYS have a motive, and 99pct of the time it is financial.  I always say that to DH-whose bm is now desperately trying to cozy up and get in my MIL's good graces.


JRI's picture

Wow, is your BM sharp enough and far-sighted enough to do this?  I'm impressed, our BM was much too dumb to have ever figured this out.  Lol.

thinkthrice's picture

But she can sniff out $$$$ miles away.

ndc's picture

Isn't he too old for the tax credit? I thought it ended at 17, so a kid who turned 18 in 2021 wouldn't be eligible.  Regardless, I'm sure there was some advantage to the Girhippo - I can't imagine she does anything that might benefit Chef gratuitously. 

thinkthrice's picture

When i plugged in the numbers as I started my marathon tax return complete with 2 schedule Cs and 5 schedule Es, we are allowed to claim YSS for 2021 and immediately it credited me $6K aka $500 per month.

bearcub25's picture

So you are getting to claim him?  I know my DS and DIL ceased getting the monthly tax credit after GDS turned 18, but he did enter the army.

I'll need to have them at least try to claim him since he didn't go to basic until the end of June.