Opinions please! Natural born psychopath?
SS15 has MANY Annoying habits but it's latest one is over the top IMO.
The last 5 or 6 months SS14 will say/do certain things Directed towards me. Below are SOME examples
1. When on a hike SS15 said to me what would I do if he pushed me over the cliff. SS15 will then "pretend" he's going to push me but stops within inches of touching me.
2. When outside SS15 said to me what would I do if he hit me with the stick he was holding.
3. We were in the kitchen and SS15 pretended to stab me with a fork and asked what would I do if he really did stab me.
SS15 for the most part does NOT do this around DH or within hearing range.
SS15 DOES NOT say these things when he's pissed it's just whenever the Opportunity presents itself which is multiple times a day. Maybe the little bastard hates my guts and looking for anyway to get under my skin or Relieve his frustration of hating me so much.
90 percent of the time I act like either I did not hear him or Ignore him thinking he will stop if he does not get a reaction from me but nope.
10 percent of the time I ask SS why he says those things and I get basically the same answer. SS15 says "why not". I told him it's not fun for me and SS says either "good" or "it's fun for him and that's all that matters".
Yes I've talked to DH about this BUT I'm looking for opinions on why this little bastard is doing this. Like is this just a bratty step trying to push my buttons or a kid with some growing Festering hatred towards me that's gonna snap one day? Brat or Psychopath?
I 100% believe some psycho
I 100% believe some psycho/sociopaths are born. sure some are made from kids growing up in a toxic environment, but many of them are just born.
I believe that it sounds very much like your SS has issues.... maybe it BPD, maybe it's NPD, maybe ODD, maybe he's a psychopath... hard to tell... but I'd be very careful around him.... what does DH say when you talk to him about it? I suggest having him evaluated
What a little jerk. When you
What a little jerk. When you spoke to your DH about it has he told SS the seriousness of what he's saying and told him to stop? If that kept happening to me, I would start recording it on my phone. He might stop if you are recording him. Sounds like he knows it's wrong and it's not ok as he is doing it behind your DH back. He is being a down right pest of a kid to me and needs discipline and consequences asap.
I haven't dealt with this type of behaviour though and not sure how you feel but if it gets to the point you do feel unsafe though then make sure you are never alone with him and hopefully your DH will support you.
Ignoring it may not be the
Ignoring it may not be the best tact. That's one way these antisocial behaviors grow. These stunted kids live in their own heads a lot and mummy and daddee don't challenge their mistaken beliefs. My DH's daughter is this way, a middle-aged narc who still can't get along with others and is a legend in her own mind.
Put some fear in the little monster. Next time he does something like that, smile and in a conversational tone say "You know I have no problem calling the police on you, right?" Make him wary of you instead of being his prey.
Agree - consequences rather than ignore
Go to husband and discuss. Then tell Skid exactly how you feel about what he sais - that you see these actions in a threatening way, that you take such things seriously and that you are willing to call the police next time he makes a threatening gesture.
So, when he decides to say "what would you do if I.." YOU take initiative.
He knows what he is doing is wrong. Record him, "well SS, I am recording this because in case you actually do something..."
I would be very alarmed and
I would be very alarmed and take this seriously. You may want to get cameras in your home as a precaution. Is this kid in therapy? He needs help - absolutely not regular behavior.
"Are you threatening me?"
Whether he's serious or not his behavior is disrespectful and abusive, full stop.
Call the police next time.
Take This Seriously
This is a time that demands you respond.
I'd have a meeting with him and DH...clearly state you will not tolerate ONE more "joking" threat....that the police WILL be called on the next threat and you will take any and all actions the law allows. I'd then walk out without waiting for any response from him or DH. As for SS, I'd do my best to not be around him and when he is around, I'd have my phone ready for video. And I agree with another comment...get your house set up with cameras. Now.
He is trying to get a rise
He is trying to get a rise out of you or scare you. Either way he may escalate if you continue to ignore him. Set good firm boundries. Him "What would you do if I stabbed you with this fork" You "I will call the police and have you charged with assault". Let him know exactly what to expect if he acts on those things.
Why are you entertaining his
Why are you entertaining his sh@t. Next time he does that tell him f@ck around and find out. Let him know and threats from here on out are being reported to the police. Carry pepper spray,he advances on you give him a face full. You are letting him covert bully you. Also why is your SO allowing this and not shutting his kid down?
Record the little bastard.
Then have listen to the little bastard time with daddy in the evening. Give daddy clarity that he deals with his evil failed family crotch turd or you will. Call the police with each threat/what would you do if.... question. If he makes a move toward you have him hauled off in an ambulance in a coma after you crush his skull with a/the stick he threatens to hit you with, roll him over the cliff he threatens to push you over. And don't forget to bury the fork he threatens to stab you with into his eye. Only do the things to him that he threatens you with. Protect yourself.
Keep the recordings of the toxic bastard child's threats so if daddy freaks out you can remind him of his spawn's evil shit in his spawn's sweet voice.
This kid pisses me off.
this sounds like my life with
this sounds like my life with exSS was 12 now turning 15. He would be exactly like that , everything toward me was relating to violence and would only do or say things when DH wasnt around. He didnt say alot but his actions were quite frightening towards the end when I asked DH and him to move out of my house. He would leave slash marks across my fridge from a kitchen knife, slash my tea towels with kitchen knives , keyed my car twice with a sharp object most likely a screw driver and the list is endless. I would approach DH with my concerns but i was met with "wheres your evidence my son did that" ,, even when he knew it was his son he couldnt admit it. I would take this very seriously because one day he will snap or will get pissed off with you and retaliate without hesitation. at 15 they may push buttons but they also know right from wrong. you have told him that you dont like what he says to you but he keeps doing it knowing how you feel,,DH needs to step in and reign his teenager in and teach him to respect people especially you. I would take the brats lack of empathy as very concerning.
Wow. What a man you have
Wow. What a man you have there - where the F are his balls? I would leave. Who needs/wants a man who won't protect them?
I would not be harassed & threatened in my home. I would not live where I do not feel safe. Your SO obviously doesn't have the balls to do anything about it. While police & courts may need evidence, your SO should have believed you & have taken action to shut this down hard.
"What would you do if ..."
"What would you do if ..."
Staring him down, "Don't even think about it."
"Why not."
"Because I'd call the cops."
"What for? You have no proof."
"I've already prepped them about your crap, I won't need any proof. And if anyone gets hurt, it's me they'll believe. Wanna spend the night in a cell?"
Walk away and let it all sink in.
exactly, what is the cops
exactly, what is the cops going to do? they can't really do anything if there is NO PROOF. he PRETENDED to push you off a cliff... so they have no proof.
THIS IS STILL EXTREMELY concerning... the proof they'd have is your DEAD BODY! seriously, I would call and at bare minimum file a report of threat... you'd have to possibly call the non emergency number for the police... at least they will have record of his threats... maybe at some point it will be enough to do SOMETHING... but without reason to arrest him on the spot I think the most is you can do is take out a protective order my understanding is that a protective order can be enforced by police whereas a restraining order cannot
In the current snowflake world proof is often not necessary.
It is all about fee fees. A threat of violence is a terroristic threat and all it takes is the allegation to get the police involved. Recording his crap solves that. Just make sure recording your own experiences is not illegal in your state. Texas is a single party state. You can record your own conversations without informing the other party they are being recorded.
The police will have a talk with him
A criminal threat involves one person threatening someone else with physical harm. The threat must be communicated in some way, though it doesn't necessarily have to be verbal. A person can make a threat through email, text message, or even through non-verbal body language such as gestures or movements. However, some states require written or verbal threats, and in those states gestures are not enough.
So, how does one place a domestic partner in fear of imminent bodily injury? The fear of imminent bodily injury is normally proven through the victim’s testimony that the defendant used a combination of statements and physical actions to make her believe that the defendant was about to strike, strangle, stab, etc., the victim.
This type of threatening behavior is actually classified as Terrorizing or Domestic Violence Terrorizing
as a survivor of domestic
as a survivor of domestic violence, I can tell you that all those words mean nothing, unless there is proof, 9xs out of 10, NOTHING will come of it...
Plus Minor
In the next post OP indicates she already went to PD, and they told her nothing short of a ER visit would do anything, because MINOR.
Yep unless he puts me in the hospital
Yep unless he puts me in the hospital the police just Considers this a domestic issue that needs to be handled in Family Court.
Web cams, constant audio recording, save it all.
That kid would be under such a huge hairy eyeball in my world that they would do anything to either knock their shit off or leave. Either outcome would be acceptable to me.
If the partner said or did anything other than being fully supportive, they would be extremely miserable until they had my back consistently.