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Instead of "new here - needing insight part 4" - I should say WTF???

dandelion wishes's picture

So yeah, I don't know how to title it, but maybe instead of "new here - needing insight part 4" - I should say WTF??? because that is how I feel about what is happening recently.  In all seriousness though,  when can I stop saying part 4, 5, 6, etc? In other words, do people just naturally look to the previous posts to learn about the OP?  Seriously, I don't know the Step Talk ettiqeutte, but appreciate this site so much that I would like to follow protocol, even an unwritten sort of protocol. The help from all of you has been amazing. People, in person, in front of me who aren't in blended circumstances just do not get it and have nothing of value to offer. 

So if you read my previous posts, my FH has been out of the house for almost a week now.  He went "hunting" last wknd, was an a-hole to me so I told him to just go to his friend's house which he did, and has been there since Monday afternoon. He reached out to me via text this morning asking to talk by phone this evening or in person this wknd.  I chose phone this evening to get a gauge on the situation and I am so thankful I did. Since he initiated it, I assumed he had a so-called come to jesus moment. Nope.  He had so little to say that I actually said "so what's up?"  I might be delusional but I got the impression he just wanted to be home.  I had to lead him down the path of "why did you want to talk?," etc.  In hindsight, I should have just been quiet to see what he would have done.

So utlimately it was the same old story. I am not willing to consider the time he wants to spend with "his girls," etc.  I pointed out to him that he can hang out with them as much as he wants, but I do not want him taking mini-wife SD 21 on a wknd anywhere.  He said I was putting parameters on it. I pointed out that I do not care how much he hangs out with her locally, but please do no take her on a weekend anywhere. He didn't understand, etc.  I said it would be o.k. if SD 17 would go along with mini-wife SD21 and that seemed o.k. until I said that he should take me as well.  Nope. Then he accused me of making it a competition again.  I pointed out the past bullshit and he just glossed over it.  He hung out with SD 21 last night and I asked if he brought up the fact that she beat up SD 17 and he said no, that's his exWf's issue. I said "no, it's more of a parenting issue overall" and he told me that I am criticizing his parenting. *scratch_one-s_head*

Anyway, the icing on the shit cake here is that I asked him if he thought about anything I said. In summary, and to paraphrase, he said that once I am o.k. with him choosing his girls first, then he will start considering my feelings and what I am asking of him in terms of my needs,  I told him the ccnversation is done. He seemed sort of shocked.  The more he is away, the stronger I seem to be getting and the more clarity I seem to have.

Please tell me I am on the right track here. (I know some of you said to ditch him, and I see that point of view, but I am still in the mire and I need to vent and work through it with your help!)  I suspect he will be coming around again soon, whether he gets it or not.  Thoughts?


dandelion wishes's picture

What I didn't add yet is that I have been dealing with elderly parent issues and that has been so overwhelming.  Talk about a world of navigation to information unknown: degrees of dementia, skilled nursing facility, assisted nursing facility, out patient therapy, Medicare coverage, etc, etc...........none of which my FH has been very sympathetic toward.  His dad committed suicide so he doesn't know why I am having such a hard time.....  

Kes's picture

It might be a bit more understandable him saying he would "put his girls first" if these "girls" were 10 years younger than they are. However they are young women, not children - and he should be damn well putting YOU first, NOT them.  Even if they were 10 yrs younger, the relationship between you and him should still be the one to be considered first and foremost - the care of minor children flows from that.  You are most definitely on the right track.  Stay strong.  

Edited to add - there isn't really a protocol about naming blogs - whatever you feel comfortable with.  Most of us who follow a particular person's blogs would go back and refresh their memory as to their earlier blogs if necessary - this is easy enough to do if you go to the person's account page - their blogs and forum posts are all listed there. 

Winterglow's picture

Well, how very big of him. He'll maybe take you into consideration once you bow before the first failed family altar. THE HELL YOU WILL! Who TF des he think he is? Has he lost touch with reality? At least now you know your place - you're a maid and a bed-warmer who pays her share of the bills. This guy isn't worth the pain. 

He's so clueless it hurts. He has kids who are adults and that he considers to still be children who need their daddy. They have both done serious stuff in the past and he doesn't understand that going off with one of them leaves him open to all kinds of accusations (get out before this happens and taints you too). He thinks that you, another adult and his supposed life partner, should be fine with accepting any crumbs he tosses your way and doesn't get why you refuse to be content with that. Rather than sort things out betwee the two of you and actually discuss the situation, he runs off to stay with a friend. He hasn't grown up yet. How much of this insulting and belittling treatment are you willing to put up with?

You mentioned in an earlier post that house prices are soaring where you live. I advised you to force the sale because the price of your house is also soaring and you might just recoup enough from the sale to pay off the rest of the mortgage. It's wotrh at least talking to a real estate agent to see what you could hope to sell your home for. Please consider informing yourself about this.

thinkthrice's picture

We are headed for another real estate crash; prices are starting to plummet.

 You don't want to be stuck with him in your house when the bottom falls out!!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Say goodbye to this clueless fool.

Put your house on the market ASAP. Pack up his stuff. Either put it outside and text him to pick it up or put it in a storage facility (rented for one month). 

dandelion wishes's picture

Thank you for all of the wise advice and feedback.  Yep, he sure seems to be clueless.  He honestly has not even considered my feelings - he is so stuck in wanting to take SD21 away for a weekend. It's bizarre.

He sent me a text saying he is going to be coming back to the house to stay there on occasion because he doesn't want to be paying for half of the mortgage but living in his friend's basement.  Well, maybe if he got his head out of his ass! Our house is not a flop house where he can gome and go as he pleases for crying out loud.  

The problem with selling is where to live after the house sells.  The housing market is ridiculous right now.  If I were to buy soemthing now, it would be very over-priced and maybe not worth the price.  If I rent, it is extremely high for not much house.  I would rather stay for at least a year so that I can get things more organized and then sell it.  And honestly, I don't know if I have the energy to do the house stuff right now.  I have been dealing with elderly parents besides working a stressful job full-time, raising my DD11, running a house, etc.  I am exhausted.  FH's bullsh*t only adds to it.  I feel worn down.  Ugh.  

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Can you afford the mortgage on your own? If so... TELL him your home is not a flop house and that he's either staying in friend's basement OR finding another place to live, but it will NOT be YOUR house. 

If you cannot afford to move or pay the mortgage on your own, you need to find a renter. Kick this guy to the curb.

dandelion wishes's picture

I can afford it on my own for about a year.  I'd be digging into savings, but that's o.k.  I need the year.  So does my DD11.

I have a strong suspicion that when I tell him it is not a flop house, he will become very angry and say it's half his house too, he will do whatever he wants, etc.  (I need to contact an attorney so I am prepared to respond to his tirade.)

dandelion wishes's picture

Also if he wants out so damn bad, then why wouldn't he want to stay away and at his friend's house? I really don't think he wants out. He wants everything the way it was with my acquiescing to his whims regarding his daughters, and accept being at the end of the line.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Yep, he wants everything 100% his way. Newsflash to the fool: that's not how healthy relationships work!

simifan's picture

Title blogs whatever you want, I don't think it matters. Although if you put the topic of the post, it might gain more attention. 

He expected you to miss his wonderfulness and the scraps of attention he gave you & cave and beg him back. You didn't. You go girl. You deserve better then to be last in line. 

justmakingthebest's picture

I am going preface everything that I am about to say with: The big picture here is about respect, and he has none for you. He isn't suddenly going to start and anything he does for you will be with animosity. 

However, I do he is point on one thing. If I want to take a trip for the weekend, with my money, with my kids and not anyone else- I will be damned if anyone is going to stop me. Now, I will coordinate the dates with my husband, I will ask and hope for his support in me going, but I will not be asking permission. 

DH has taken trips with just him and his kids- at my encouragement! They are usually my idea and I plan them for them. I think the bonding is important. I don't think they should stop just because someone is over 18. 

As an adult child- sometimes me and my mom go places, trips, whatever. No one thinks anything of it. Me and my dad will do things with no one else. No biggie! Sometimes no matter how old you are, hanging out one on one with your parents is just nice.

If him wanting time with his daughters was really the only issue here, I would say that you are wrong. However, that is far from the case, he is just using it as a sticking point to win the argument. 

dandelion wishes's picture

The big picture here is about respect, and he has none for you. He isn't suddenly going to start and anything he does for you will be with animosity.   Tell me more about this.  Why do you think anything he does will be with animosity?  

Also I hear what you are saying about the weekend trip.  If both of his duaghters did not have the history they do, I might think differently.  Also if my FH was more giving of himself to me, perhaps planned a weekend for us, etc., I would be more apt to be o.k. with this....maybe.....not sure given their history though.

Shieldmaiden's picture

You are here to be his wife, not a mother to his girls. He is here to be a husband to you, too. If not for that, why are you together? Did you sign up to be a volunteer unpaid nanny, cook, and maid? NOPE. You expected a relationship, as you rightly should. Why is he backing out of the deal? 

That is a deal breaker to me. I would let him know this up front, and ask him if he wants you to stay. If so, he needs to change.

dandelion wishes's picture

what part would be a deal breaker for you?  The weekend trip?  Or the "once I consider his daughters first, then he will consider my feelings" nonsense?

Winterglow's picture

The deal breaker is him not putting you first. There is no way on this earth that I would marry a man who did not put me first. 

dandelion wishes's picture

Right on.  This is exactly why he is out of the house right now.  However, I keep second-guessing myself because he makes it seem like I am a monster for suggesting I come before his daughters.  He says most people would agree that children come first.  (They are not children!!!)  I have explained this so many ways to him and he just doesn't get it and says we may never agree and that's that.  So he's going to let his finace walk away because he wants to put a 21 year old and an almost 18 year old first?  What happens when he grows older, alone?  Will he ever figure it out?  My God, this is so infuriating! 

Rags's picture

As for SD-21 beating up SD-17, time for SD-17 to cave in SD-21's face and end the bullying.   Lifetime scars  tend to end a bullies crap.

A 21yo adult beating a 17yo should result in the 21yo in prison bearing lifetime scars.


I was the target of bullies when I was in my early to mid teens. It only ended when they hurt far worse than I did nad carried a lifetime reminder not to fuck with me.  Whether that reminder was in the mirror everytime they saw their face or when they dressed every AM with lifetime reminders on their lower torso and extemities.  They had reminders.

The beauty of defending one's self  from a bully is that the one initiating the assault has little recouse when they are beaten severly and experience lifetime physical consequences.

This lesson cannot come soon enough.  THe earliest possible lesson applied to a bully saves any number of people from the pain of the bully's crap.