Off-Topic - My Sister, the BM
So my sister was divorced, a GREAT thing since she was with an abuser, 2 years ago (divorce was final a year ago, but they split a year earlier). She got her own place and my niece finished up high school then, she's now 19.5. And she's now got issues that we are all familiar with and I'm advising her as best I can, with as much honesty as I can from an outside perspective!
* My sister allowed my niece's boyfriend to move in before she completed high school. No rent was requested. He is a nice guy, he does help out, he's clean. But STILL. I think it almost caused niece to not graduate high school; boyfriend is 2 years older, and didn't encourage studying. He does not go to college, which is fine, but doesn't encourage education overall. He does make a good living.
* My niece suffered abuse prior to the marriage split. She received counselling as a result until just over 18, her counselor recommended an adult counselor eventually because niece is mature and the counselor thought she'd benefit from the adult perspective. Neither my sister nor my niece has done anything about this to date (she needs it, and it's been ignored for 1.5 years now).
* Nieces uses marijuana regularly, and heavily. It has effected her health and IMHO, her thinking process. Sister ignores it and sets no boundaries.
* Niece and boyfriend took over sis's guest room and her "bonus room" - sis is annoyed by this but again, says nothing. She's annoyed with "roommates" and not haiving her space.
* Niece and boyfriend seem to be more companions than "kids"; "I love hanging out with them, (niece) is one of my best friends..."
* Niece has told my sis that my sis should buy X place for more space (for niece and boyfriend). I told sis directly "That is completely entitled, you know that and you are not doing that right...?" Which lead to revelations:
* Niece has been refusing to consider any college again, not even community college classes. She thinks she can make a living off these crazy ideas like making dog collars and selling them on ebay. Note that she has a BIG college fund my parents started so she'd be able to go for FREE for several years full time.
* Niece is not working full time like my sister required her to, more like part-time to 3/4 time, just an easy retail job.
* Niece and boyfriend only pay $400 TOTAL "rent" to my sister; and HE pays all of niece's portion, and apparently has been paying ALL her personal expenses - I was pissed at this as I've had talks with my sister about this AND my niece more than several times (i.e. never rely on someone else to pay your way, learn how to support yourself as an adult woman).
I told my sister, if she wants them out and things to change, that she doesn't have to kick them to the curb (she never will cold-turkey it) but she needs to start treating them like the ADULTS they are and that they need to learn to BE ADULTS. On their own FFS! Yes, the guy she was dating WAS correct in saying she's "spoiled" - he was right!
* make a list of all the household costs and split it into 3. They need to start paying 2/3 of the household costs as of 3/1 because THAT'S reality in a house-share. They use 1/2 the house too, so this is more than fair.
* niece needs to either work full time, pay her own phone bill and car insurance, or be in school full time.
* If the above 2 are not agreed to by the young adults, then a move out date is declared.
* If the above IS agreed to then they should move out by the end of 2023; this will give them more than enough time to save up for their own place (they live in an expensive area but they know how much they need to rent - my sister has looked this up!).
* If neice goes to college full time, then maybe maybe they can stay with boyfriend paying full market rent and neice paying maybe a reduced cost. Counseling should be part of this requirement.
At least my sister is questioning this arrangement now! Thank god! EVERYONE sees this for what it is, they are using her for a very cheap and easy place to live for as long as possible.
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I'm talking with my niece
I'm talking with my niece this afternoon about an unrelated item, so I will bring up the college question again. I've talked with her before about it so it won't be unusual. I encourage her to take 1-2 classes at a local good community college. Sis says she "doesn't want a career" but I'm curious as to what that really means (i.e. she doesn't want to be pigeon-holed? She doesn't want to grow up and be responsible? She doesn't thing she can change careers once decided..."). I mean, she has FREE MONEY. It's not like she even needs loans.
I think this may be a time
I think this may be a time where perhaps you, as a concerned but not totally involved party, can slide in with a bit of experienced advice for her.. along with a bit of.. "you know my sister would never say this... and she hasn't said anything to me .. but don't you think that.....
it's wrong to consider living with your mom a full time long term solution? You have free college money that you could be using to at least take a few intro classes. I'm not saying you have to have a degree to get a job.. or even to live.. but don't you want to keep your options open? and your options will be a lot better if you end up with a college degree. You are an adult now.. and you need to learn to stand on your own two feet because your mom may not always be there for you.. and you may not always have a man or WANT to rely on a man to live... that's how abused women get trapped.. not having options.. and I don't want that to happen to YOU. And.. I also don't want to see my sister burdened with two adults in her home who aren't doing much to help either.. it's not her job to take care of the house while you both skate on by. That you are an adult now.. and you don't have to make "final answer" decisions about your life.. but you need to be taking personal responsibility and start making some realistic goals for your life.. both short term and long term.. That you care about her.. but that you hate seeing her not live to her potential.
she doesn't want a career?
she doesn't want a career? Does she think that she will always rely on a man to pay her way?
What the hell?
Hopefully it is received
Hopefully it is received better coming from aunt than mom. Someone needs to give her the real scoop on not wanting education or a career. Does she understand how money works?
So, she's going to get rich
So, she's going to get rich from dog collars but has no idea how to keep the books, understand overhead, expenses , profit, how not to get ripped off from suppliers, and any other basic business knowledge that is useful? What is it with this generation that you need to apply yourself to gathering the know and tools needed to succeed? Does she even self educate herself to get that knowledge or does she have over confidence in herself? You can lead a horse to water but that's no guarantee they will drink.
ALLLLLL of you are correct!
ALLLLLL of you are correct!
My sister isn't highly educated herself, and her EX idiot left a 4 year degree with one semester left before graduation because he "didn't see the point." So there's her early role models - her ex also used a cash windfall to make a stupid investment years ago (lost it all) instead of putting it into a college fund.
My sister regrets her choices and has told niece this, but of course, who listens to parents? My sister also doesn't have the inititative or drive to freaking sit down with her and go over counselor lists or college enrollments. So I think I am going to have to step up as her college resource and offer my time to help her if she cannot get over a hurdle of initiating things "because she doesn't know how."
I think a lot of it is due to parental roles and entitlement - my sister still pays for most stuff as does her boyfriend. Why should she work? Her parents have been fine, because they have never shared their struggle working in dead-end jobs with her and the financial stress it causes.
Your sister needs help
Being in a abuser relationship is hard to get out of mentally. She must feel she failed her kid as a mother. To protect her kid give her kid a fun childhood. Etc. some people feel it's better to have a boyfriend living with there kid in there home instead of them living in a dump , in a bad neighborhood.
You can not expect your sister to turn a switch and be normal ,,,,it's going to take years.
The real question is, does the boyfriend living in her home upsetting to your sister? Or does she feel she has a big happy family now. Are you more upset then your sister?
Good questions! My sister is
Good questions! My sister is doing great, counseling and all and she is 100% more concerned and upset than me.
She was the golden child growing up, and she's dealing with that, dealing with herself and her need to please everyone. She's starting to figure out she also has needs and wants to live truly on her own for the first time, basically ever, at 50. Mostly I give her advice and feedback when she asks for it, hardly ever unsolicited.
I think that my sister wants everyone to like her. She wants to be the nice person. She likes them there but also is realizing she wants her space. She wants her daughter to be independent. I'm not sure it's the family need but the personal need for her...seeing her daughter grow up but wanting to keep her close. The boyfriend, she says, is helping her daughter so she allows him there. He IS nice. But it's another adult in the home...cramping her space.
I had a good talk with niece last night, she does have ideas and ambition but doesn't have an adult to talk with. So she's sharing college stuff and work concerns with me. She texted me this morning too with more information she would like help with.