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SD9 likes to do her own hair now…

BlueDiamond1986's picture

My step daughter is 9 and likes to fix her own hair, especially for church. Her mom usually fixes her hair for other events and if she has her on the weekend, she fixes it for church. Should I let my SD continue to fix her own hair or should I do it for her? Sometimes it looks a little messy, but not bad. I fix it if she asks me but I don’t ask. I have braided her hair before but tried to fix it for church one day and I am no good at it. I get nervous and lumps are always in her hair. Do y’all do your SD’s hair or let them?


justmakingthebest's picture

If she asks for help, do you best. You can always offer but you don't need to help her. She is learning and if it is a little messy, so what? She did it herself!

Lillywy00's picture

Yeah I started doing my own hair in 5th grade. 

That sh*t was hard as hell because I have a lot of hair. Plus there was no YouTube tutorials back then it was straight trial and error. 

Just show her examples of hair like hers and ask her what hairstyles she likes and wants to try to replicate. Then make sure she looks in the mirror (give her a handheld mirror to look at the back of her head too) and make sure it looks how she wants it to look. 

Now if you're taking professional photos with her (or she's having pro photos by herself) or something then hire a hair stylist 


I personally wouldn't do the stepkids hair because that's beyond my pay grade and I don't want to hear the kid nor the bio mom complaining about it

Stepdrama2020's picture

Think about it. When a hair stylist does your hair that stylist becomes your bartender aka therapist. It bonds you.

Thats a great time to connect more with SD.

Even letting her do it and you give ideas on how it makes SD look great.

Utilize any moments like this. We read so much about SD's rejecting SM"s, dang it mine rejected me like I had a contagious disease. 


ESMOD's picture

That is def an age where kids want to start doing more independently.. I say that as long as it is fairly presentable.. let her do her thing... you can offer to fix a wayward strand of hair etc.. but it sounds like you aren't really great at doing hair anyway.. no reason to not allow her to just take care of it.. as long as she is doing a passable job.