RIP to my relationship
My family decided to offer to help me buy a house since I've been "power sulking" like a untrained step kid for several months about living with Disneyland dad and being very unsatisfied.
Of course the house will be in MY name only
Disneyland dad decided after we moved in together, agreed to rent for only a year...
- that *I* would buy a house and put both of our names on it - um no!
- that he wanted to rent longer than a year because he realized I wasn't going to coddle/enable/emasculate him and he would have to do the work to improve his financial standing
- that he wanted custody of his kids (specifically his son) and quietly expected me to do the child rearing while he was at work.....didn't want to pay his ex child support and wasn't gonna pay me either so I said NO I don't want custody of your son unless you/your exwife is paying child support for him being here.
I am finally going to see some freedom soon. I never should have agreed to move in with him knowing I did not want a man with dependent kids and a man who was unable/unwilling to provide to my standards.
Plus I think im borderline asexual (or maybe im just not sexually attracted to him) and he's overly sexual and it's causing problems ontop of the ones we already have.
I just refuse to bust it open frequently and risk pregnancy for someone I don't believe has the resources to raise a kid they way I envision.
In addition I deeply believe I should marry someone who is more financially independent so that I no longer need my family to bail me out of problems like this one. Ugh!!!!
Anyways I'm glad it all be over soon and I can have my space my peace and my ph balance back to myself.
But I am sad. He's a decent dude .... for someone else. I should have just kept him as a friend only or a boy toy but he looked at me with these doe eyes and convinced me that he'd be the man I needed, failed to meet the standard, and the reality is we are just not compatible in important areas
RIP to my relationship It still hurts knowing that if he was just more cooperative, more ambitious, more empathetic that I wouldn't be here ranting and wanting to leave him
I feel like he's unhealed from the baggage with his exwife. Used to arguing with her and told himself he would never let a woman push him around and now I got the militant version of him.
- Lillywy00's blog
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I plan for either at 2 br
I plan for either at 2 br condo or a 3 br house (room for me, my kid, and my home office/gym)....
there will not be room for him or his kids who constantly disrespected my more than reasonable rules.
Im glad I won't have to deal with the following anymore
I hope he doesn't give you
I hope he doesn't give you the "doe eyes" but if he does, at least you have this point form list to look at to remind you why you're leaving. And my worst nightmare happened (and probably many stepparents' worst nightmare too) - my DH signed papers to get full custody of my autistic SS4 starting next year. I'm praying for a miracle that somehow we don't get full custody so I haven't posted on here about it. I've only been married over a year too. You are so lucky you're not married and tied down and can pack your things and go! I wish I was walking towards peace and freedom like you are. When SS is here, there's no peace in my home, my life, or my marriage. When he's gone to his mom's, life is bliss lol. Your posts are too funny :)
Smart move. Good luck with
Smart move. Good luck with your new exciting life.
And I commend you for being independent and not getting yourself into a position of dependence. Too many women are stuck in bad marriage and relationships because they are unable to survive on their own. It sends such a bad message to everyone that women cannot be on their own and need a man to manage their lives. They absolutely can live on their own or they need to change how they live their lives so they stop being dependent
By the way we own 3 bedroom condo/townhome. It's a size of a house but no need to worry about roof or pavement on driveway etc Best of two worlds
Sounds good!
I know you cant wait!
We all mourn the "what ifs" and regret our poor decisions. But you learned a lot about yourself during this journey. Your life is getting ready to take a good, new turn.
Stay safe during the breakup. Unpredictable things can happen as I found out to my surprise.
Safety is one of my main
Safety is one of my main concerns.
I wish I could have a mature discussion, be honest with him, we both decide to mutually end it, and move on....but I think he may guilt trip me or worse (that one thing that makes me so sad about it the anxiety and fear but I'm keeping my eyes on the prize - peace and freedom).....
so being discreet is the key here
Kudos to you for realizing
Kudos to you for realizing this relationship is not for you! I've always said partners should be sexually compatible. Even if you have low sex drive, having a partner with a high sex drive can be problematic.
Ani, you’ve written ~ Even if
Ani, you’ve written ~ Even if you have low sex drive, having a partner with a high sex drive can be problematic. ~ and you are oh, so right. My first husband, an oversexed psychopath and serial cheater, expected sex several times a day whereas I’m fine with a fraction of that number. As my hatred for the pig increased, my distaste for sex with him reached the point where his touch made me almost nauseous.
At the end of our relationship, I reacted to his conjugal demands with the suggestion that he visit his girlfriend, the town pump, rather than constantly pestering me. When I caught him enjoying vigorous sex with my best friend, in the driveway of our home at 3.00 A.M. (while I was babysitting her two daughters), I gave him the toss that I’d been forestalling for the majority of our miserable marriage. The loss of my best friend hurt me more than divorcing the pig!
Lillywy00, I’ve gotten a kick out of your posts and have admired both your sass and your independence. It’s a rare woman who is so self-aware and unwilling to tolerate the intolerable. My hat’s off to you, Hon, and I wish you all the best in your future, free life.
Please stick with us as your insights are solid and your humour is refreshing.
Girl, you are awesome.
Girl, you are awesome.
Good for you! I can tell by
Good for you! I can tell by your posts that you're miserable. Maybe you will stay single or maybe you will meet a child-free man and start your own family. Trust me, being a mom is nothing like being a stepmom. Going forward, whether it's single and free, living the DINK life with another child-free man, or having your own family, YOU be the main character in YOUR life! Disneyland dad, your STBX, was not ready to be (to quote Rags) an equity life partner. There is nothing you can do when your partner is not capable of being a full partner. Let him move on and get things straight with his kids and ex. That's his journey. You are on yours, and it's not to be a supporting role in someone else's tragedy!
Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey.
I am happy for you that you have initiated ending being the sacrifice to him, his poor choices, and his baggage.
Please stay and help guide others in being confident and focusing on living their own best lives.
It is decidedly unsexy to be
It is decidedly unsexy to be a Disney dad. Hard to get hot for someone taking advantage of you. I am sure your libido will perk right back up when you drop this anchor!
Sorry for your relationship going down
Sounds like you are seeing life for what it is. How it's going to go down the road. If SO can't support financially your relationship, what are you going to do. Plaid for raising his kids, and not have a family of your own? Your going to have anger against SO for not having a family with you.
You are going to be eating dog food and his kiss will hate you in the end
Indeed, dulce,
Indeed, dulce,
Who could forget those awful triplet teens! I recall them having devoured the specialty meals that your daughter spent hours preparing; heaven forbid that they should ask before helping themselves. They were such unapologetic slobs that it's a wonder you lasted as long as you did. It gives me a lot of satisfaction, reading about your newfound peace and happiness.
Your SO looks like he needs a Mother
Not a wife. You are feeling guilty of leaving a man who is not capable of taking care of himself. And not capable of raising kids. It's not your responsibility or problem, He's kind of adult, He has to learn to live in this world
Good for you!
I'm sure it wasn't easy, but it definitely was the RIGHT thing to do for you. He wants someone to take care of him and his kid and that's not what a partner is.