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2024 Updates

caninelover's picture

Hi everyone!  Its been awhile since I posted an update.  I do pop in from time to time but steplife remains (relatively) peaceful for me so thankfully not too much to post about!

Bratty McBratFace, now 27 years old, started med school a month ago in the Chicagoland area.  She was so happy to be accepted and seems to be very motivated to succeed in her career.

In the year prior while she was applying and interviewing at med schools, she unilaterally decided it would be great to move in with Grandma McBratFace, you know, to help her.  Grandma McBratFace is 91 and still lives mostly independently, DH's sister lives nearby and stops in to help her with some things (grocery shopping, bills, etc).  I rolled my eyes when I heard this but not my circus, not my monkey.  

DH and I visited Grandma McBratFace in July while Bratty was living there.  We stayed in a hotel cause DH knew there was no way I would stay there with Bratty there also.  I watched the interactions between Grandma and Bratty and half the time Grandma seemed very annoyed, and the other half of the time she seemed neutral or even enjoyed Bratty's company.  I could understand the annoyance as Bratty wasn't that busy this summer ahead of med school and 'hovered' alot around Grandma.  Grandma, do you want water?  Grandma, do you want lunch?  Grandma, do you want applesauce?  Grandma, do you want...etc etc etc.  It would drive me insane but Bratty was proud of 'helping'.  Once we all went out to dinner and Bratty felt it necessary to 'read', meaning shout, the menu across the table to Grandma.  'Grandma, the first entree is pan-seared chicken breast.  Pan-seared means its not breaded.  It comes with sweet potato fries.  Grandma, I can make you sweet potato fries at home if you like...'   So wierd.  The visit just underscored how little I like Bratty as a person.

Oh, Bratty is no longer vegan.  For now.  She is dairy free and tried to pass off a 'cheesecake' she made to us without mentioning that it was a dairy free cheesecake.  I knew better and politely asked her if it was dairy free, and she admitted it was.  I then politely passed on dessert that day.  She looked annoyed but I could care less.

So when Bratty was accepted to a med school in the area she made the assumption that she would continue to live with Grandma and commute to the school (1 hr + each way).  Grandma finally told her no and asked her to move out so she had to scramble to find housing near the school before the semester started, but she did find a place.

Grandma McBratFace is now safe again LOL.

Other than that, DH and I are enjoying married life.  We are planning a 3 week trip to Patagonia in November, and when DH retires at the end of 2025 we plan to buy an RV and see the country.

Our golden retriever puppy is now a wonderful almost 2-year old dog.  She is sweet and well-mannered, passed her Canine Good Citizen test, and will be tested next week to work as a therapy dog.  She will make a great therapy dog - she is calm and just loves all people, especially kids.  Typical golden temperment!

Well, thats all for now.  Here's hoping the steplife boogeyman stays far away from us all!


CLove's picture

Oh patagonia sounds divine Biggrin I have a friend who wants to organize a trip. 

So, you have been living a good life since bratty is "normalizing".

I dont hear anything at all from SD25 Feral Forger nor SD18 Princess powersulk do nada our lady of intertia goddess of sloth.

The sounds of silence are dear to my heart as is your updates Biggrin

caninelover's picture

We are so looking forward to Patagonia - its always been a bucket list trip for me.  We spend a few days in Santiago, Chile, then a week in Torres del Paine National Park doing the W Trek, and then a final few days on a small ship cruise around Tierra del Fuego.  So excited for it!

Life is definitely good and hopefully both FF and PS both stay out of your way - you've been through enough drama with those two!

Lillywy00's picture

When the bratmcbratfaces are OUT of the house .... 

Now you can enjoy your marriage and grandma (who probably thought she was going to get a helpful companion) can now live in peace without mansplaining bratface around. 

Grandma probably never been so relieved to be alone lol  (you know you a brat when lonely grandma don't even want to deal with you)

caninelover's picture

Is exactly right, that is what Bratty did at the restaurant with the menu.  My god, I think the woman knows what pan seared means LOL.

Yep - even Grandma got annoyed with Bratty!!

caninelover's picture

If I enjoy spirits and alcohol...if I didn't there is no way I could have survived step life hehehehehe

Trakal sounds delicious, I will definitely look out for it.  Pisco sours have been a favorite of mine since I visited Peruany years ago so looking forward to those as well!

Hope you're doing well, Aniki!


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Träkál is one of the most unusual liquors I've ever tasted. 

I'm work stressed, but hanging in there. Thanks for asking! *give_rose*

JRI's picture

Dr.Bratty - just the sound of it is scary.  

At least you'll always have a doctor available.  As if.  Lol.

caninelover's picture

Would I ever ask that moron for any advice at all!

I was thinking after the whole 'I must help Grandma's thing...she will probably be a problem if anything ever happened to DH, health wise.  Like try and parachute in and insert herself into decisions.

Hopefully nothing happens but it's something I'm aware of now.

JRI's picture

That's exactly what she would do.  As a doctor or doctor-to-be, how scary.  Better get an ironclad health directive and POA in place.

caninelover's picture

We have one, plus we are legally married.  Spouses always outrank children plus the documents so no legal problem there.  Just Bratty trying to show up (wanting to stay with me but nope, dear doctor, Best Western in town has vacancies haha) and be a hero and probably complaining to DH's family that I'm stopping her from saving her Dad.  *Eye roll*

JRI's picture

She will also have opinions about everything you do or decide for him.

caninelover's picture

Fortunately she knows I can't stand her and from my experience - most doctors can't stand when 'family members' who are doctors provide opinions.  It actually makes their job harder as they have more explaining and discussion when said doctor family member isn't even the right specialist.  

So, I'll need to be blunt and Bratty won't like it but just like with her fake vegan cheesecake - I couldn't care less about her.  

And most of her family knows she's a bit of a loon anyway and won't interfere either.

Lillywy00's picture

with her fake vegan cheesecake


fake vegan with a fake service dog 

Gotta love it! 

Lillywy00's picture

Spouses always outrank children 

OT but if only Disney land parents/spouses understood and respected this. Half the people on this forum would be in happier marriages/blended families.

Winterglow's picture

Just being accepted to medical school is no guarantee she'll become a doctor. What are the chances she'll make it through all those years of studying, hard work and interminable shifts?

caninelover's picture

Bratty likes studying and the first 2 years are coursework.  I think she'll do fine there.  

As far as the final 2 years of clinical rotations...not sure how she'll do there.  Her personality is so odd and she can be difficult to get along with because like any true narcissist she thinks she is superior to all.  And residency - where it's a real job with long hours - my guess is Bratty will play disabled and demand special accommodations.

MorningMia's picture

Your description of the restaurant scene had me laughing! Your travel plans sound wonderful! And hugs to the dog! 

Rags's picture

IF, note the big IF, she finishes Med School and becomes an MD, the odds that she can overcome her deficient character and personality and actually be a solid doctor to provide actual care to her patients are just about slim and none.

Hopefully I am wrong and she can overcome her own damned self to actually succeed at some level of personal and professional quality.  My main concern is for her potentially countless patients. Maybe, if she does become an MD, she will be a medical examiner and not work with anyone still breathing.
