Question regarding breaking down electric/gas bill
SS17 LOVES taking daily 50+ minute hot showers. Our electric bill is close to $400 every month. DH tells me running the shower really does not effect our bill but I call BS. As usual DH knows SS17 will have a fit and DH just wants to avoid it. So is there a way to Break down our gas and electric bill so I can point out how much SS17 Ridiculously long showers are costing us? Could our electric company do it?
Yes, your electric company
Yes, your electric company can break this down for you. Hot water heaters are major electricity suckers. My god, if this doesn't sound familiar (along with putting towels in the dryer so that poopsie would have a warm towel after the shower).
Call your electric company and ask for detailed usage data. The electronic meter data is in real-time, so you'll be able to see the daily 1-hour shower trend, what percentage of the total bill that results in, etc.
I sooOOOoo wish I worked for your electric company's customer service center when you call - I'd export your data and make a graphical chart with a series of Peak Power-Hour icons. highlighting the expense.
I'd be getting that boy some
I'd be getting that boy some hand lotion and tissues for Christmas.
omg. . . it took me a minute
omg. . . it took me a minute there. LOL. Right!
Surviving, your post made this mother of a bio son, and SM to a cherished SS, laugh heartily. Could it be that you are also a mother of ‘a masculine child’ (quoting Luca Brasi here) or are blessed (URG) with a male SS?
No teenage boy, piggies that they tend to be, spends nearly an hour in the shower cleaning his body. Nope! Rather, he’s nurturing his baser instincts.
Rags, I insist that you contribute your guy wisdom and experience (no blushing, please) to this topic. Were you persisting in the shower for 50 minutes in your youth? Hmmmm… didn’t think so; your parents would have turned off the hot water!
I have 4 BDs, 2 SDs. I have
I have 4 BDs, 2 SDs. I have 4 grandsons and another almost here. I grew up with a brother who would take his boom box into the bathroom for his showers blaring MJ's Thriller cassette. We had well water so it wasn't a budget matter. LOL
Any time I hear about teen boys and long hot showers, well it's my first thought. What can I say?! LOL
lol. I wasn’t into long romantic solo sessions.
Though there are two kinds of puberty+ aged male liars. Those who say they don't and those who say they quit.
Sorry for blushing. I couldn't help it.
My Dear Rags,
My Dear Rags,
I'm convinced that you are incapable of lying. Blush all you like, Hon!
Do you know if you have a "smart" electrical meter?
Do you know if you have a "smart" elecrical meter? If so, you can look at your usage in 15 minute increments. If you set up an on line account you can find the info. Your price per kw hour is on your bill, so you can do the math and figure it out. In some areas, using energy during "peak" times costs more, so that might be a factor as well.
You can also quietly,
You can also quietly, secretly turn down your hot water heater so that the hot water runs out after about 15 - 20 minutes. muhahahha.
Wholeheartedly agree!
There doesn't even need to be any malice. It's just setting up the environment for success. Policing showers is too costly to your own inner peace. I had a son like this and after plenty of talks and such, I just dialed the water heater back until it was adequate for a normal shower. The natural consequences of cold water did the limiting that my words couldn't. As a secondary, I planned laundry or running the dishwasher to impact the hot water level, if need be. Again, no malice or vengeance needed, just action to set your authority.
But! Damn! You'll giggle after that first short shower, friend. It'll become a cherished memory.
As usual DH knows SS17 will
As usual DH knows SS17 will have a fit and DH just wants to avoid it.
So, your husband is afraid to tell his son to knock it off with the 1 hour showers? So what if he has a fit, he's not paying the bills. He is a minor child living in his parent's home. Taking these long showers is very inconsiderate, he's old enough to understand water and electricity usage.
If your husband doesn't want to tell his son to knock it off, he can pay all of the water and electric.
YOu can bet I would be either
YOu can bet I would be either logging in to our gas and energy provider or jumping on the phone to get the breakdown myself.
Then show it to DH and have him pay the bulk on that portion of the energy his little prince is using in excess and make DH pay that much once that amount is calculated. I dont play any more. Or go with Timer idea too if possible.
Are you heating your domestic hot water
That comes out of the shower by electric ? Most people do by gas or oil ? Electric Hot water heaters used around 4,000 WATTS. or multiply the per kilowatt rate by. 4. Per hour of used. $0.35 per KW X4 = $1.30 per 50 minute shower. Or about $40 a month exter
I am sure DH Will be personally happy to pay this small amount of $500 a year
IMHO... I would pick my
IMHO... I would pick my battles. If it's an xtra 40 a month.. or 500/yr.. that means that your share is about 250. a year... is it really worth having a fight over that amount of money? I'm sure there are bigger fish to fry with this kid.
Well said, Harry!
Well said, Harry!
I disagree.
I disagree.
This kid needs to learn not to be so inconsiderate and selfish. Not to mention wasting water which after all is a precious resource.
When HE is paying his own way in life he can take 50 minute showers. But when someone else is footing the bill...NOPE
You can adjust H2O heater temp down.
This cuts the cost whether the heater is gas or electric.
Guess where I work?
A utility company. Do you have a smart meter for water and electric? If you do, you can see your usage real time. My ex husband just asked me why his water bill was so high and I was able to pull up his usage and told him the massive amount of water he used on a certain date for 12 hours. Someone had left a hose on in the backyard. The thing about water bills is you are not only charged for the water you use but the waste water chargers as well if you don't have a well. That means you get a higher amount of money charged for sending the waste water through the treatment plant to get cleaned. So yes to answer your question, 50 min showers can absolutely run your bill sky high. You also have to heat that water in a shower so you are adding either a gas portion to your bill or an electric portion depending on what type of water heater you have.
It’s more about her DH
Defending his DS ridiculous behavior of a 50 minute [ most likely playing with himself] shower. He SO, who is married to her, she is supposed to be the most impotent person in his life. Disrespecting her over DS ridiculous shower time. I don't have 50 minutes for a shower. It's more like 5 minutes. '''What I don't get today I will get tomorrow. '''. I remember telling someone that
Our electric company has an
Our electric company has an app with a breakdown of where the most electricity is going. SD14 takes 30+ minute hot showers and I ABSOLUTELY have DH pay the extra for her share.
Do YOU contribute to paying
Do YOU contribute to paying the house hold bills? IF you do not, then I guess DH doesn't mind paying extra for 50min showers.
IF you do, STOP chipping in on the electric and water bill.
Take that amount that your portion would go to the bill, ATM it as cash back and save it in a stash.
From now on, hand dh the bill------Don;t say a peep about the Hollywood showers. DH will either put a stop to it or he won't.
Sometimes you have to do a go around, such as NOT paying for it. Then paying yourself back