Hell weekend OMG
It has been a while since we had one those weekends with SD 15 and she is back with her attitude and entitlement in full force to disrupt whatever little peace we had ! SD has not stayed the night here in months but when she did there was never an issue and she never had a attitude like today. I was actually enjoying her being around, yea not so much now! First last night, she stuffed some spare baby blanket I put in one the spare drawers I. DD5 already stuffed PJ drawer. SD has some drawers here but not because she likes to keep clothes here to wear here. She likes to just them so she has her place here. She will put stuff in there like old PJs and socks she never ever wears. So when she was not coming over anymore DH cleaned out some pjs of hers that were waaaaay to small and since there was like some spare room in one of the drawers, I put a baby blanket there until I was able to get out the baby blanket box to store it. Will I guess SD didn't like that DD blanket was there and stuffed it with DD stuff . Not really a big deal but I know where SD was headed. Then today as we are getting g dressed I hear her arguing with DH about the room situation. SD and DD5 have a bunk bed. MIL bought it so SD would have a bed here and that sucker is super sturdy and was expensive since it's sold wood . DD5 and SD share a room and we also have out DD 2 dresser in there and a few toys. The room is not big and there's just enough space for their stuff. I was the one that bought brand new comforter set, pillow, shelving and decor for the top part of SD 15 bunk bed. I even put a little mirror there for her . But since SD stopped coming we didn't make a huge fuss over it. Also our DD5 likes to sleep on the couch but lately we have been getting g her to sleep in her bed . Anyways SD was telling DH that we needed to switch beds and let DD who is 5 sleep on the top bunk so SD ( who is never here) can have the bottom bunk bed ! She would not let it go and I'm shocked that DH even entertained it! It should have been a hard no! First of all that is not even safe to make a 5 year old climb and sleep on a top bunk so a 15 year old can have the bottom?!??!?'SD kept talking back to DH about it and how she is trying to have a voice ?!? Cool you can have your voice but also you are a child! I wanted to step i. So bad as my blood was boiling !!! Over my dead body would I switch beds and put my 5 year old at risk! Then she went on to say how the top was dusty ( I clean it before she come so it's not dusty ) then I hear SD talking to BM on the phone and telling her how there's not even a spare for her to do her hair or a space to put her make up set up at !!! And SD starts arguing with Dh over that ! He tells her that she can bring her makeup mirror from home and put it on her bed or use the mirror there and she says " that crappy thing" ( she is referring to the mirror I bought and put there ) then SD starts to say how she can't put it on her bed because her siblings will touch it! Keep in mind that none of the kiddos have ever touched her belongs on her bed. They can't reach it and we put in the bunk bed ladder when she leaves . Or she can store or mirrors under the bathroom sink . That is not good enough for her , she wants to have it all set up here ! It's like why? For the 3 times a year you are here ! This is just her entitlement here . We are not here to cater to SD who doesn't give a crap about anyone in this home and is happy to put her own sister who is 5 at risk just so she can sleep on the bottom bunk! I cater to the people who live in this home because I see what happened when we cater to SD who doesn't. I am just sooo pissed and DH was not even putting his foot down to her nonsense ! I didn't hear him talk to her the harsh way he speaks to our kids or even my BS13 ! So we will have a serious talk when she leaves! That brat in not gonna come into this home and make demands as if she comes several times a year . Also she took the phone case off a spare phone we use sometimes for the kids , when I brought it up to DH he didn't say anything about it! I just want her to leave! Usually she would leave early tomorrow but since it's MiL birthday tomorrow SD will probably stick around, I know SD wouldn't want to miss her butt being kissed by MIL and SIL
- JustanotherSM17's blog
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Confront him about his
Confront him about his parenting double standard IN FRONT of your kids... let them all see what a whipped ass he becomes when she's around. He's probably quiet so YOU step in and become the bad guy... don't bite.... force him to parent or don't let her visit in your family home.
Yea I'm gonna start, I never
Yea I'm gonna start, I never get in their conversations even tho he does parent my BS13 but I told him something and he turned it around and said I was stressing him out !!!! I'm like, well handle your daughter and parent her so there will be no stress at all! Like why is she taking the case off the phone and hiding it ! Our kids have never even touched that case and now she is here and it's missing ! He didn't even say shit to her about it he was just like " I found it under the table" o told him our son told me SD took it off
I think she is just wanting
I think she is just wanting drama. If she were following the CO i could see how she might want her own space, but since she and BM do whatever the f they want and she is so rarely present, tough sh!t.
Yup I think so! When she was
Yup I think so! When she was coming sort of regular she never had an issue and now I guess she has been spending all her time with BM and I just see a little mini me of her in SD . But yea DH should have told ber NO and to drop it. Or sit there and have a conversation about this and that
This sounds like
a set up. She already knows space is tight at your house and she knows she gets sympathy from her mother and your in-laws if she complains about anything at your house. I'd be willing to bet the top bunk issue was already discussed among them as was drawer space. I wouldn't be surprised if your DH gets a call from MIL about the bunk beds because she bought it for SD. Or better still, she chews him out at her birthday party or whatever.
Plus this gives SD a "reason" not to visit and BM and your in-laws a chance to create drama and meddle in your life which they seem to really get off on.
As for keeping dresser drawers empty when space is tight for a kid who doesn't visit as a symbolic gesture to her place in the family, screw that. If it was me, I'd use the drawers and move the stuff to a box when she's actually there. And I'd move her stuff to the box when she's not there or at least consolidate her stuff in one drawer. The needs of your other children are just as important as hers.
Just move SD to the box.
Just move SD to the box.
I'm feeling uncharitable today.
Oh it got worse . I'm about
Oh it got worse . I'm about to post a update
I like
the way you think!
SD is jealous about your DD
DD being your bio and having her 24/7/365 and being 5 yo is the queen of the home and SD know this. She doesn't know where or how she fits in. SD stop staying the night is telling DH he must do something, for his DD to even it out. But not crazy stuff. SD knows it's wrong to put a 5 yo on the top bed. But she is trying to inpose her will. Unfortunately the more you give in craziness will ramp up.
FIRST. No bed changing. 5 yo on bottom bunk. SECOND. DH must try to do things with his DD. Taje her to daddy and DD lunch. One time at Applebees thrn McDonald. Maybe join a club, sport, activity they can both do, bicycle riding club where people get to geher and ride to new places.
Her parents divorce, her father remarried and had another child has to be hard on her.
I recommend DH see SD outside
I recommend DH see SD outside of the house for 6 months. Give it break, let him experience her solo and let the drama exist outside of your sanctuary. You've done your time. Pulling rug out from under SD and her ability to disrupt your home will send her a message.
My 6yrs younger brother and I shared a room for 4 years.
We had bunk beds. I was on top. He was 4, I was 10 when that started. No problem. Never any drama over who was upper and who was lower bunk wise.
Kids don't get a choice, they get told. Certainly an explanation can accompany their being told. Though the explanation does not give them any say.
IMHO of course.