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Disney Dad on crack!

red flags's picture

UGH!!!!! So, DH and I are in a spat today. It's nothing earth shattering, but I'm super annoyed with the way that he handled something in our business (we are law partners). And of course, tonight has to be a SD10 night... which got me to thinking... every time he and I are annoyed with one another he goes above and beyond with the Disney Dad shit. I don't know if he does it consciously to rub my nose in it, or if his bruised little ego just needs someone to worship him, but it happens without fail. In keeping with my new mantra (no power = no responsibility) I packed a gym bag and will go for a loooooong workout today after work. Like, I'll be home when you two assholes are in bed long.

Does this happen to anyone else? I always love hearing everyone else's stories so I don't feel like I'm living in crazy town by myself.


round2's picture

Yes! YOu cannot believe how many errands I have to run when we have SD. I am soooo busy.

I worked out for 2 hours on Saturday morning so they would be gone before I got home.

red flags's picture

I'm already looking forward to relaxing in the sauna! I wasn't planning on ditching out tonight, but since I'm already annoyed with him, I know that when he cranks the Disney Dad crap up a notch, it's going to make me want to choke them both. Plus, I hate having to pretend that I'm not annoyed with him and if SD catches on to the fact that I am, she'll cling to him like white on rice and chime in with her usual snide remarks. PASS! Wink

imjustthemaid's picture

Yes if my SD16 notices if I am even slightly annoyed with DH, she clings to him like glue. Then she starts with her dadddyyyy this and dadddddyyyyyyy that!! It aggravates me so much more!! I would stay far away from them both.

confusedmomma918's picture

My SS6 does that! He will straight up look at me and tell me I'm in the wrong! Really little boy... do you have ANY IDEA!?!

red flags's picture

We don't have her tomorrow. Her idiot parents 50/50 plan has this kid going back and forth every single day (we have her Tuesdays and Thursdays, BM has her Mondays and Wednesdays, and we alternate weekends). It's ridiculous. I call it the ping pong plan. Kid lives like a gypsy

RedWingsFan's picture

That's how it was originally with SD14 too only it was HER choice to go every other day. I hated it. We couldn't plan for a weekend alone because she was there EVERY SINGLE SATURDAY. We were just building a new relationship and would've loved to have date nights and go out but yeah, she was just always there. It's stupid to bounce them around like that. She was constantly forgetting things too!

3familiesIn1's picture

At least you have alternating weekends - we dont even have that. We ping pong every stinking weekend too - been asking to get DH to change that for 3 years - neither parent wants to give up a weekend day to go EOW, well BM said she can't - its too much work to entertain them an ENTIRE weekend.

ping... pong...

red flags's picture

I would KILL for week on/ week off. Never going to happen, so instead I just pray for the college years to come quickly and for enough wine to get me through to that point! lol

StickAFork's picture

I think it's similar to women who shop when they get pissed.

He redirects his energy to being "disney dad" when he's mad.

red flags's picture

Lynn123, I looked for your post. Couldn't find it. I'm really starting to wonder if I'm cut out for this life. So many extra stresses.