OT: Need some perspective... Very long.. :(
So my birthday is on the 30th. I didn't end up celebrating it that day, except my brother and sister in law gave me their presents, (a toaster and pineapple plant) and got me some cupcakes. SS6 did not get me anything. but I did my best to let it go and was happy. BF told me we'd celebrate on a different day, and everything was good.
Some friends stopped by the next day with a couple more presents... another toaster and some coffee.. At this point I am very grateful for my gifts but wondering what's up with the domestic goods.. BF came home and said he needed to get some things done, the house was still thrashed from Christmas, and we took a short vacation to the snow, so we had to unpack, he helped out with that and we ran some errands. I dropped off some prescriptions and went to the store.
I quickly figured out he was planning on making me dinner. I was very happy and grateful at this point. We go home, and he did just that. He asked me to get in bed and he'd bring me dinner. So that's what I did.. A couple minutes later he came in with the food... which were on a new set of plates I had asked for him to buy a couple months back... I just stared at the plate for awhile till I figured it out.. That they were my gift! I couldn't hold it in anymore, I just started bawling.
Yes, I wanted this dinnerware set. We have 2 plates and 2 bowls left of our old set. Most of them were broke by SS6. Anyways, I asked him to buy 2 sets of these dishes before Christmas so we would have them for family to eat off of. (we ended up eating off paper plates) The only reason I didn't buy them myself was because I bought virtually all of the Christmas presents for family, friends, and SS6 (including one for ME that BF ordered.. now that I think about it, it was probably the damn dishes!) And I also paid for our mini vacation. And couldn't afford the dishes as well...
So we got in a huge fight (which happens on all of my birthdays), and he basically blamed it on me for not being more "open" with him. I spent my birthday/new years crying my eyes out alone. I would also like to add that I'm 22 years old. Not 42. I have no children of my own. I am NOT a sahm. And all BF could think to get me was dishes.. I'm heartbroken. Am I in the wrong though? Am I being bratty and ungrateful? I just don't know at this point.
Every year for BF's birthday, I bake his cake, organize a get together with his friends, and either pay to take them all out or cook a meal of his choosing. And buy him things for HIM. Not the household.... I just don't know what to think...
- outofplace's blog
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Since my bday just passed as
Since my bday just passed as well, and I had to deal with SD5 on MY day, I know expectations are higher as its supposed to be a special day..
All I can say for support is that men are stupid, ALL men and especially when it comes to doing something special for you. Although it is something I wanted, I received a vacuum for my birthday. I had to plan the event of the day, which didnt work out, and after I had to listen to SD whine all day and have DH be pissed off.. they left around 8 to go get my cake... seriously? yeah.. he forgot..
Im only 4 yrs older than you, and we do have a BS together, but in the end, whether you have kids or not yourself, we as women think ahead and try to make things the best they can be for everyone else and then we feel shit on when it comes to our special day.
Its hard not to expect to feel special on your day, but try to remember men are men, and they just lack those brain cells!
Yes, I've come to the same
Yes, I've come to the same conclusion, Sonja. Men just don't get it. Sorry you got a vacuum.. It's almost an insult for me. I would have preferred to get nothing from him. This is the person who is supposed to know the ends and outs of my soul... And all he could come up with is dishes.
It's not about the material things.. I would have loved a letter from him, or flowers.. something simple.
LOL I just read this post. I
LOL I just read this post. I think youre expecting too much out of your man! you expect him to know the ins and outs of your soul?? sweetie that is way too much responsibility to put on a man; if this is what you expect from him you will only be disappointed.
I have a hunch that if he had gotten you NOTHING you would have been just as pissed.
I'm sorry your birthday
I'm sorry your birthday sucked.
I think you're being rather bratty and entitled "bawling your eyes out" because you don't like the numerous gifts you got. :?
If you want something else, and it's a big enough problem for you to spend NYE crying nonstop, then communicate to BF what you want. "I want a GC to ...." or whatever.
You basically told your BF you wanted these dishes, he bought them for you, and you rewarded him by getting into a HUGE fight with him and spending the night crying.
I can only imagine how frustrated he must have felt!
I think you should grow some
I think you should grow some balls, and stop cyber bulling everyone on this site. Grow up. And stop focusing on talking crap about everyone on here.
OP I think whats not clear is
OP I think whats not clear is a) how long you both have been together (as I find the younger the relationship sometimes the more clueless the partner) and b) what exactly you asked for, for your birthday (i.e. did you ask him to buy something romantic on top of the dishes or did you explicitly ask for dishes)?
Regardless, it seems to me as if you are paying for more than your fair of items and as a result felt you should be shown more appreciation through bf's gift. Personally I would not be happy with dishes for a birthday gift, nor the fact bf decided to celebrate your birthday on another day (sorry but wtf is that all about or am I missing something)?
Perhaps there is a thing about being too laid about stuff. It seems to me like your are really grateful for the smallest morsel of attention, focus on you from bf. You were grateful he brought you dinner in bed? Grateful wouldn't necessarily for the word I would use and its interesting to me that you use that.
I may be entirely off point about your relationship and what is going on, as I am do not know the details of your home life with bf and ss5. So forgive me if I am completely wrong, but if not then perhaps you need to consider the points I make.
You are 22, your ss should not be breaking your dishes to the point you only have a few left (wth?). You need to make it clear what your expectations of your bf are when it comes to wining and dining you and do so without guilt. A relationship is a two way street, and you should not feel pathetically glad when bf decides to do something he should be doing. By all means appreciate it. I do think you need to give bf pointers about things you want/would like. Dishes are not romantic but men are not mind readers, if your relationship is young then he may still be getting to know you, your likes. Yep, he could have put more effort into making things more special for you, I agree, so tell him and if he refuses to understand the fact he needs to make more effort (and it isnt about how much money he spends, but the thought and effort he goes into making things romantic, coupley and special for YOU. Replacing items his child has destroyed would not feature at the top of my wish list) then I genuinely think you need to start reassessing the amount of effort YOU are putting into your relationship.
Personally I would not be buying bf's gifts for him anyway (no matter what) because all that does is breed resentment and sometimes a dependency which is unfair. You need to be showing him how you wish to be treated instead of putting up with things that cause you problems/pain/resentment and then wailing about it. Trust me, been there and done that, all it does is cause more problems in the long wrong.
We have been together for 4
We have been together for 4 years. I did ask him for new jewelry making tools (mine are falling apart). But I also told him that I would love to just have a "date night" with him.
I told him 2 months ago, I can't keep "running on empty". I run the household, have a serious back injury, and work. I need help, I need appreciation, I NEED things to change around here. I told him what he could do to make that happen. I've yet to see the results.
I just feel like this birthday was icing on the cake. I don't think this is going to work out.
You're totally right. I should expect to be treated well by my significant other on my birthday, and I shouldn't be using the word "grateful" (although that's truly how I felt). He should have to replace the dishes his son broke, and it not be a gift to me. I can't whine about it anymore. I just feel so heartbroken. I've got nothing left to give.
Wow. You just acted every bit
Wow. You just acted every bit of the 22 years old that you are.
You wanted perspective. I gave you some. You sat and cried like a baby because you didn't get what you wanted for your birthday, AND you picked a huge ol' fight with your BF over it.
Take my advice or don't. YOU were the one rolled up in a ball over your birthday, NOT ME.
You don't cry on your
You don't cry on your birthday. You just pick on people who do. You clearly skimmed over what I wrote and chose to take a negative spin on EVERYTHING. I am more than happy to take constructive criticism. But I don't tolerate bullying. Which you seem to thrive on.
That's ok. One day you'll
That's ok. One day you'll grow up.
Or not.
My DH sucks, SUCKS at gifts. SUCKS hard.
He didn't even give me a card for our first wedding anniversary. You know what? Now I buy myself what I want, and tell him "thanks" for my lovely gift.
He's a good man, honorable, respectful, and loves me all year through, so why be a bitch about gifts? Just my thoughts.
Thanks and amen, Lynn! If
Thanks and amen, Lynn!
If I'm being bratty, I would love for someone to constructively explain to me how. Y'know.. Like an adult. Instead of picking on me like a child.
How can it be said
How can it be said constructively to you?
Honestly, what I originally responded with was ANYTHING but bullying to you. :?
That's just a crutch people use when they close their ears. "Stop picking on meeeee!!!!"
saf I think by
saf I think by "constructively", she means "not rude."
Read my original post. It
Read my original post. It wasn't rude. At all.
But I wear big girl panties.
rude people never THINK
rude people never THINK theyre rude. funny how every one else thinks youre rude. we must all be wrong ::shrug::
Thank you, Lynn. When I first
Thank you, Lynn. When I first posted this,my first thought was I hope Stick didn't comment cause she/he is so rude and full of them self. You can count on me ignoring them completely in the future!
You know what? A lot of
You know what? A lot of times I think SAF is being a B****. Sometimes I do give her credit for some damn good advice. This is one of those times.
You don't like her response so you tell her to grow up and stop talking crap?
She is right. Your BF got you the dishes you wanted and served you dinner in bed on the new dishes. WHAT is your problem??? Sure, would have been nice if he'd given them to you early so you could have used them for the holidays but men don't think ahead like that.
You are being a whiny brat. Be happy that you got anything for your birthday. I've had plenty of them destroyed by skids and the ex who likes dragging him to court around then so that we can't go away for my birthday (yes, she knows when it is because ONCE we tried to re-schedule the court date because we had a trip planned. We had to cancel the trip. And it usually ensures a miserable birthday and most of the time either no gift or a last minute trip to the store gift because he's so entangled in her court bs that he forgets about it until it's here)
Well, I'm sorry that you
Well, I'm sorry that you accept so little from your SO. I expect my BF to replace the dishes his son broke and it not be a gift to me. I expect him to get me something personal, even if it's just a card. And I expect to be treated well on my birthday. Clearly you're no better SAF since you're clearly just interested in attacking others. Good luck with that!
Riiight! Geez! I'm glad some
Riiight! Geez! I'm glad some women on here have some sense! He replaced your clothes just like he should of! Good on you for expecting to be treated fairly!
Reminder! There is no ring on my finger! I use birth control for a reason, I'm not prepare to have a child of my own, particularly financially. I don't owe my BF a thing, and no matter how much I love SS6, it's still BF's responsibility to replaced things HIS child broke. It's crazy to me that some women on here think differently!
I'm sorry but I have to agree
I'm sorry but I have to agree with SAF. In order for you to get what you want with a lot of men you have to spell it out. I think the fact that he tries to surprise you and you cried that hard about it will make him never want to surprise you like that again for fear that you will react that way again.
My DH isn't the best with gifts, but I know he tries. He will never be able to plan, give thoughtful gifts, bake a cake, etc., but I love that he at least tries.
Sorry that your day didn't go well OOP.
I was so grateful for him
I was so grateful for him making me dinner, helping out around the house, all of it. I had a huge smile on my face the whole time. And thanked him repeatedly. And I love the dishes.. it's just that he didn't hear me. I did spell it out! At least I thought so. I explained how I would love for our family to have nice plates to eat off of for Christmas, and could use some help making that happen. But the only message he received was "I want these dishes". I just don't feel heard... There is also a major detail that I'm leaving out because I can't say it here. But basically he did something very selfish that I have a huge problem with that day as well...
So is there a possibility
So is there a possibility that that selfish thing he did contributed to you breaking down? Meaning, if it never happened maybe you wouldn't have felt that way about the dishes?
Anyway, I'm sorry that your birthday didn't turn out the way you wanted it.
Yes, the thing I can't talk
Yes, the thing I can't talk about definitely contributed to me breaking down. He knew that it was upsetting to me, but disregarded my feelings.
it's hard to say if your
it's hard to say if your reaction is understandable or not when there is more to the story that you aren't willing to tell.
Thing is, he did ask me what
Thing is, he did ask me what I wanted, and I told him several things. And a couple of them he got me for Christmas. I specifically asked him for new jewelry making tools, and told him how much I needed them...
He paid for all of my gifts except for one, which he used my card to pay for. But those are the only gifts he bought for Christmas. I bought everyone else's gifts, including for SS6. I also cooked and paid for all of the Christmas dinner.
I don't think being
I don't think being disappointed is wrong. you thought that you communicated to him what you wanted, and you feel like he doesn't really listen to you.
when I was 22 I got pissed and picked a fight over everything. I am 28 now and im finally getting good at controlling my emotions and thinking before I react. it takes practice, especially in a long term relationship because you feel safe with your mate, you don't censor your thoughts like you would with casual acquaintances or coworkers, ya know?
I do think getting in a fight over it is wrong. but you're 22
I am just going off what you wrote here. it seems to me that he tried to make you happy. he made you food and brought it to you on plates that you wanted. im thinking that if he is doing things like this on your birthdays, and youre still getting into fights EVERY YEAR, that you might be making as many mistakes as he is.
my advice for you, taking into account that I don't know you in real life and im just going off of your post, is for you to focus on what he did do right (he thought of you and tried to please you, even if he didn't get it quite right). try not to react so quickly when he pisses you off. take a few minutes and try to see it from his point of view, then maybe after you do that, youll react a little differently.
good luck, its hard being in a long term serious relationship, especially when youre so young and immature (not an insult its just reality). I started dating my DH at 19 so I can relate to you.
My BF has been on my case for
My BF has been on my case for about 6 months on "saying what I feel" whether it's good or bad. I keep my feelings hidden, and accept what I'm given and generally don't complain. His words, not mine. I am lucky in that my BF has made some major changes in the last year. He is not the typical man. HE is the one who talks about getting to know the ends and outs of my soul. He is deeply spiritual (as of recently) and is much more of a women when it comes to emotions than I am. With that said, he has made some changes that I feel have impacted me negatively, and I'm having a hard time dealing with it. He tells me almost everyday that we need to get closer and I need to open up, yet he can't seem to remember anything I say!
I think I'm just exhausted honestly. I had been running around all week, trying to make Christmas special for them.. I took them to the "How to train your Dragon Live show", bought and wrapped almost all the presents, packed and paid for our trip to the snow. Bought and cooked Christmas dinner, And had to go to a painful physical therapy session the day he decided to celebrate my birthday, oh! and I was having a horrible period which started on my birthday. This was all in a 5 day span. So I didn't have much patience for anything.
I feel bad for reacting the way I did. I really do. BUT I do not believe I was wrong for reacting that way.. I think it is to be expected that my BF replace plates his son broke and it not be a gift to me. And I should appreciate the nice things he did do for me (which I do) but I SHOULD expect those things to be done for me. I will not treat my BF like a god because he cooked me dinner on my birthday. I do that for him every year + a cake + personal presents + a get together. Plus coverin' his a$$ the rest of the year!
I feel like I know you a
I feel like I know you a little better now
really from what you said, you sound just like my husband! he keeps everything in. im always trying to get him to talk, however he says that when he talks, I don't remember any of it, or I get mad at him for saying whatever he says.
from my perspective, this frustrates me because I feel that he only talks when he is BLOWING up after keeping it in so long. so yes I get mad when he is saying asshole thing lol,
I am trying to get him to talk more REGULARLY so that we can understand eachother before it gets to a breaking point.
I am currently seeing a counselor on a weekly basis, just so that I can learn how to communicate better with my husband, i.e. learn how to get HIM to communicate.
maybe if you bear through the discomfort of talking about your emotions, on a REGULAR basis, it may help. when something frustrates you, don't keep it in to avoid an argument. just tell him in a matter of fact way that it bothered you, and then drop it. try doing this more often. all he wants is some direction (if he is anything like me). its very hard to know youre doing something wrong if you don't even know that it bothers someone. how can he change his behavior if you don't tell him its wrong?
with that said, it sounds like im picking on you. I promise i'm not trying to. I think I can just relate to your BFs position.
hope this helps you
I don't feel like you're
I don't feel like you're picking on me at all. I think you're right. I do need to open up more, and let things out before they get to the boiling point. I mean that's pretty much what happened with my back, it was hurting more and more each day but I ignored it, and didn't take care of it. One day I couldn't lift myself out of bed. But that didn't even stop me. I woke up BF had him lift me up, dress me, and I went to work that day. I ripped my back to shreds and hardly said a word. I think that's pretty telling...
Does my BF know how much I did this week? Yes. But did I explain to him how exhausted and in pain I was... Not really. I think if I had, things would have gone a lot better. It's definitely something I need to work on.
Men don't get hints, they don't pick up on those little clues we give about the moods we're in. I have been described as a blunt person, BUT I've also been told I'm too tolerant. Those things combined can be a nasty combo that builds resentment and works up to "explosions". Thank you for your perspective. I think you hit it spot on.
I agree with you,
I agree with you, wowthisishard. I need to be more assertive.
I actually liked the toasters I got
I feel bad that I got 2 and will probably have to get rid of one... But I still like them! Like I said, I think I was overly exhausted from the crazy busy week, and was hoping to get something more personal from BF. I was also expecting him to encourage ss6 to at least make me something, a picture, a card, anything! Especially with all that I did for them this past week... And I think with everything combined I just snapped..
I tell my kids and SO all the
I tell my kids and SO all the time, "I can't feel what you feel, you have to tell me".
Whether it be sick, hurt or emotional, You have to speak up girl
I'm finally starting to get
I'm finally starting to get that
He is older than me. He works
He is older than me. He works and makes a lot more than me, but pays a small fortune in CS. Also, if I asked him to compensate me, he probably would. But I'm immature in that way. I have a hard time asking for help. And take on most of the burden of this household with little to no complaining... that is until I fall apart..
I truly think it's about
I truly think it's about asking for help. I feel like I have to be wonder woman. I will bend over backwards to make everyone happy, at the expense of myself. I am definitely not afraid to rock the boat when I see fit, but perhaps I have a skewed idea of when it should be rocked..? Does that make any sense?
My mom hardly lifted a finger when it came to raising her kids, and running a household. I grew up in filth, with un-interested, abusive parents, who were beyond lazy. Now I feel I have to do it all. I also feel guilt because there was a long period in our relationship in which I couldn't find a job and depended on him completely. All of this combined has made me into this bizarre hybrid spock/mental patient/superwoman weirdo that I am today.
Stop doing so much...As for
Stop doing so much...As for the gifts, all men really suck in this dept. Mine tries, but it is a hit or miss every time. Now, I am very specific about what I want and that seems to help.
I tried that this year! I all
I tried that this year! I all but gave him a list of things I would love, all under $30 or completely free! I think that's what's so frustrating...