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BM's new place

Hullabaloo's picture

So about a month ago, BM's own mother finally kicked her out. . . again, for like the 6 or 7th time. So, she was forced to go out and find a dump of a place to live in because that's all she could afford between child support and her part-time job. She owns her own brand new very nice town home about an hour and a half away, and had a very good job that paid well, but alas she wasn't happy so she decided to move back. Didn't have housing or a job lined up beforehand, so of course she relied on others. First it was her BF, but that lasted 2 weeks before he dumped her and kicked her out. Then it was her mother, that lasted less than a week before she got kicked out. She lived in her car for a few days, then a hotel. Her mother took pity on her only because she has a kid. The kid lived with us full time for a few weeks, and BM was kind of okay with that until she realized that no way was SO going to pay CS if she lived with us full time.

Okay, so BM's mom has openly bitched to me several times about BM. She is nasty to her mother, blames her for BM's messed up life, tells her she is a horrible mother, can't stand to live with her, etc. All to a woman that has opened up her home to BM several times over the past 8-10 years. They had an agreed upon amount for rent, a mere $350 a month to help with extra utility usage, etc. Well, BM never paid her mother and always complained about being broke, but would go out and party with her sister, come home with shopping bags of new clothes every other day, go out and get new tattoos, etc.

BM's mother finally got sick of it and kicked her to the curb, said you are almost 30, you need to grow up and get your life straight. Way to go! Gotta love the "tough love" approach.

So, SO agrees to lend BM his SUV to help her move, so I follow him over there to drop it off. She says to him, "Why did you bring Hullabaloo, I thought you were going to help me move?" The hell he is! It is New Year's Eve and we have plans, and he is not your little errand boy anymore. He may have been more generous with his time and energy when he was single, but out of respect for me and because she is such a bitch most of the time, he has stopped most of that. The SUV thing bugged me, but not my car, if he wants to let her borrow it, fine, not much I can say.

Then she starts going on and on about the $100 utility deposit and how she doesn't have the money for it and now that she has to pay rent, she will only have $150 a month for gas, groceries, etc. Sorry, bitch not my problem. You have made your bed, now you must lay in it! Go out and find a full time job instead of working 2 days a week. Of course, she is hinting to SO that he should give her the money for it, fat chance! He doesn't bite and notices on his way to my car that BM's car is full of new stuff that she went out and bought for the house. Really? You had a fully furnished town home and yet you need to go get new stuff? Priorities you stupid bitch, no wonder you are always broke. Oh, and now she can't pay for her portion of SD's competitive sports fees. Guess you should have thought of that before you signed her up, before you pissed off your mother, before you quit a good paying job. So short sighted, she will never amount to anything.


Kilgore SMom's picture

LOL. Sounds Like our Bm always useing people and then gets mad at them when they stand up for them selves. What a joke Bm is.