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Woohoo for being a parent!

Hullabaloo's picture

Haven't been on here for awhile, but had to post about SO stepping up to the plate and being a parent!

This weekend SD10 had a friend stay the night. This friend is much more mature and SD always tries to impress her by throwing her weight around and acting all Billy Bad Ass to me and SO. SD got her BM's old iPhone for Christmas, along with the Otterbox case. Being a 10 year old, she broke the case the first day she had it. She had some money left over on an old gift card, so she bought herself a new case, but not an Otterbox. Gets her new case in the mail and THAT DAY is showing her dad pictures of the case she really wants. He tells her, No, you JUST got a new one. She is acting like a spoiled brat, getting in his face and telling him, "But Daddy, you have to buy this for me, I'll even consider it an early birthday present." And I mean, this went on for 1/2 an hour. If I were her friend, I wouldn't have been impressed but thought to myself, what an immature spoiled brat! I had to leave the room because I hate seeing her act like that.

The next day we were in the car and he admitted that she is getting very spoiled and acting like a brat. AND he admitted that, while BM has ALOT to do with this spoiling, he too has had a hand in it. He was saddened that this was how his daughter was behaving. Now he knows how I feel when she and I are out in public and she demands that I buy her things and I get frustrated.

THEN, last night it was time to get ready for bed and do her nightly reading, but she was on Facetime with her friend and then texting her friend, completely ignoring his requests to go read. He walked over and yanked the phone out of her hand!!!! And said, "GO! NOW!"

I don't hate my SD, I hate how nobody parents her. I can give sooooo many examples of how she has no consequences, she gets whatever she wants (and BM will proudly admit she gives her daughter everything she wants), she is completely disrespectful to her father (this is what bothers me the most). For the most part, she is a well behaved, sweet, smart little girl, but as she gets older, she is becoming more and more bratty, mouthy, and overall disrespectful. I see her becoming her mother and I know that's the last thing SO wants, but alas we are only half of the equation and if he keeps avoiding discipline because he doesn't want to ruin his time with her, she will never respect him and he will simply become a satellite in her world, good only for money or new stuff. So WOOHOO! for SO being a good parent last night.


Kilgore SMom's picture

Your sd sounds like my ss. My DH trys but all he does is scream he never gets up and does anything. Like taking away a tv, or kindle fire. I told ss who is 8yrs old that the next time I hear DH tell him to do anything and ss argues that ss will loose his tv, kindle, and dc for three days. Once I show him I'm serious he will stop. The biggest problem in our house is how ss show a lack of respect to DH. If I tell him to do anything he gets up and does it. So I'm laying in wait for ss to mouth DH. \
Maybe your DH is coming around Smile