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Hullabaloo's Blog

So hurt and betrayed

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I was out of town about a month ago shooting a wedding. I wake up the next morning to 10 missed calls, 8 text messages saying Hullabaloo answer your phone, I need you. I need you now. Obviously, FDH got a little drunk and started missing me.

Fast forward a month, I check his phone to see what viciousness psycho bitch has been spewing at him lately and this is what I see

CS is actually BM support

Hullabaloo's picture

So BM is constantly telling us how broke she is, especially that she has to pay rent, utilities, etc now that her mom kicked her out (GASP! You mean she has to support herself?). So she calls up SO last week and says she can't pay her half of SD10's sports fees and proceeds to complain how SO pays all of Hullabaloo's bills, why can't he help her out with her bills. He kindly reminded her that they are no longer together and that really him paying anything for me is quite frankly none of her business. I was actually very proud of how he handled the situation.

BM's new place

Hullabaloo's picture

So about a month ago, BM's own mother finally kicked her out. . . again, for like the 6 or 7th time. So, she was forced to go out and find a dump of a place to live in because that's all she could afford between child support and her part-time job. She owns her own brand new very nice town home about an hour and a half away, and had a very good job that paid well, but alas she wasn't happy so she decided to move back. Didn't have housing or a job lined up beforehand, so of course she relied on others. First it was her BF, but that lasted 2 weeks before he dumped her and kicked her out.

Forgot to clear the History!

Hullabaloo's picture

BF asks me, "Why do you hate my kid?" Uh, I don't why do you think that? "Because you think she's a brat. I found that website you go to. Where everybody bitches about their skids" Great! Fanfreakingtastic. I start bawling my eyes out,

Yes, I hate your kid, so much that the other night when I put her to bed for you, I spent an hour and a half laying in bed with her just having girl talk.

I hate her when she says "Dad and Hullabaloo's house" and I say, "No, it's OUR house."

I hate her when I spend the last of my own money to buy her something for Christmas.

Christmas presents

Hullabaloo's picture

SO got a text from BM the other day,
BM: Have you gotten anything for SD10 yet? Anything from her list?
SO: We've gotten her a few things, but nothing from her list
BM: Well, I bought her EVERYTHING (my emphasis) on her list (the list was 27 items long) except the UGG boots. I found them on Amazon for $160 if you want to split it

She sent this list to grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. What the hell is everybody else supposed to get her?