Only me LOL way OT
Ok, After I dropped BD8 off at school this morning my battery light came on in my car. Next light was red. Had to stop. Car died. Wouldnt start. Flashers on. Finally a nice guy in the left turn lane at Stop18 looks my way (after 30 other cars drove by but wouldnt dare look at me) and I do the thumb and pinkie phone signal to him and he rolls down his window. I explain I left without my phone and give him SO's number. He ask who he is calling and I tell him its my boyfriend (at my age that is weird) He calls. Of course SO doesnt answer , (He has an aversion to answering unknown numbers). I thank nice guy with phone profusely and his light turns green for the second time so he has to go. Then a cop shows up. Turns his reds and blues on for me and ask whats up. He ask if I have anyone to call. I tell him my bf(again wierd) and he isnt answering. He pops the hood. I HAVE to get out at this point in my FUZZY JAMMIE PANTS, SLIPPERS AND PINK FLAMINGO SWEATSHIRT! AND its 13 degrees out and then nice guy with phone comes back around to let me know he reached SO. I thank him some more, he pulls off and then, not 1 but 2 firetrucks are right behind him. Not only did I have the jammie thing goin on, I had SERIOUS bed hair! The fireman talk to the cop and decide they are stopping traffic with thier trucks and 6 hot hot firedudes get out and push me,my jammies and bed hair over across 4 lanes of traffic to the Aldi parking lot. LOTS more thanks and SO shows up. Gives me a ride home .
Bet ya tomorrow, I take BD8 to school in my jammies and bed hair but I WONT forget my phone!
- onebright1's blog
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LMAO - you poor thing!
LMAO - you poor thing! Always when you're in jammies isn't it?
Glad to hear you at least got some eye candy firedudes (I thought I was the only person that called them that! LOL) to help you.
Good luck with the car and hopefully it's something simple as just a battery replacement!
They (firedudes) were prolly
They (firedudes) were prolly LTAO when they left at the crazy middle aged lady in her jammies with the Heat Mizer hair! lol
I hope so too with the battery, but I doubt it, I just bought it 4 months ago.
Naaaa, firedudes see A LOT.
Naaaa, firedudes see A LOT.
What type of car?
(No subject)
mmmm firedude eye candy, best
mmmm firedude eye candy, best part of my internship. sitting in the back of an ambulance after a false fire call watching a hottie work out of his gear for his phone, like my own personal strip show.
Back to my homework.....
Omymymy. Lucky girl
Omymymy. Lucky girl
I am trying so hard not to
I am trying so hard not to laugh out loud at work right now. So funny!
Glad I could help Monkey. Lol
Glad I could help Monkey. Lol
Aw, LOL, don't we always seem
Aw, LOL, don't we always seem to be at our worst when things like that happen?
Ya know Ditz, thats what my
Ya know Ditz, thats what my friend said
made me feel better but I even had the racoon eyes goin LOL
I feel ya, girlfriend. I
I feel ya, girlfriend. I still have nightmares from when I was 14 & staying at the shore with family. I woke up in my sleeping bag in the living room to 8 count 'em 8 hot sexy lifeguards waiting for my 17 yr old guy cousin to go hang out. I think my screech was heard 50 miles away.
LOL too funny ^^
LOL too funny