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CS is actually BM support

Hullabaloo's picture

So BM is constantly telling us how broke she is, especially that she has to pay rent, utilities, etc now that her mom kicked her out (GASP! You mean she has to support herself?). So she calls up SO last week and says she can't pay her half of SD10's sports fees and proceeds to complain how SO pays all of Hullabaloo's bills, why can't he help her out with her bills. He kindly reminded her that they are no longer together and that really him paying anything for me is quite frankly none of her business. I was actually very proud of how he handled the situation.

She was going to tell SD10 that she can't play on the team anymore because SO won't step up to the plate and pay for it. Great, put all of the blame on him and take no responsibility for yourself. Par for the course.

So, he pays for the sports fees so she can continue playing with the understanding with BM that she will pay him back for her half. VERY NEXT DAY. . . SD shows up at our house with new shoes and then is talking about how BM joined some new fitness center.

ARGH! I had to come down to the basement before I flipped my effing lid! So tired of her expecting everybody to support her financially. This woman is almost 30 years old and has a 10 year old, almost 11 in a couple of weeks. Where are her priorities!!!!

Oh that's right, she only thinks about herself. If she can get somebody else to foot the bill, why the hell not?

I hate her.


sandy1234's picture

Wow. What a "mom".

Did she say anything to SD about HER paying the sport fees or anything? Because your husband did her a huge favor And the fact that she would blame HIM for HER failure to budget efficiently..that's messed up..

At least the kid is not suffering in this time. Thanks to SuperDad and Super(Step)Mom!

Tuff Noogies's picture

"with the understanding with BM that she will pay him back for her half." unfortunately that never works... our BM has has power cut off, been arrested for no insurance on a vehicle, and lives with the grandmother. yes, we've pd for sports, extras, shoes, field trips, and braces... and BM shows up with new shoes, jeans, highlights, pedicures, etc... *sigh* no actual Help or Advice here, just a big, huge, giant "I feel ya."

boots415's picture

Wow. I think we have the same BM. Ha ha. Change a few details, and I could've written your post. BM is SO irresponsible w/ money. It's disgusting. She's almost 40 and lives w/ her parents - and has for 4 years. She's moved out 2 or 3 times, but she always gets evicted from wherever she is staying. She doesn't have money for braces, co-pays, extra-curricular activities, etc., but she can go tanning and she takes SKs to the movies all the time (easily $50/movie) and things like that. I always say the same as you: "where are her priorities?????"

She works full time, gets child support AND lives w/ her parents (pays NO rent or anything else), yet she is constantly broke. Where the hell does her money go??? Must be the monthly iphone bill and the tanning bill and the highlights. And she owes probably about $2000 to the dr., dentist and ortho. (BM and DH are supposed to split those fees 50/50. He pays his share. Those overdue bills are her share. Don't want people to think she's 100% responsible for that stuff.)

"If she can get somebody else to foot the bill, why the hell not?" -EXACTLY!!

Hullabaloo's picture

SO did pay for the sports fees himself, didn't hand her a dime. We talked about it tonight, he is just going to take it out of next month's child support. He does everything by check so he always has proof, he did the same thing 5 years ago when he financed a car for her because her credit was so bad she couldn't get a loan. He financed it, but car payment came out of CS every month.

Hullabaloo's picture

Funny that you mention spreading your legs and getting pregnant. We had to take SD10 over to get her sports equipment for practice, BM had already left for work. She calls SO right before we leave and asks him to get rid of the stuff on the counter in the bathroom before SD10 sees it. THREE pregnancy tests!!!! I asked him if they were positive, he said, I think so but I don't know how to read those things.

BM already had a miscarriage with her BF, which he was under the assumption she still had her IUD so the first pregnancy came as quite a shock to him. He was pissed at her for taking out the IUD without telling him. Now this. . . she is trying to trap a man again, just like she did to SO 11 years ago.

CaliforniaDreamin, I have been keeping up with your posts. I'm so sorry for your loss.

SO and I are looking forward to the day that we have a child together, but we are being responsible about it. Waiting until we are married, waiting until after we buy a house, waiting for the time to be right. And here she is just popping out another kid to try to keep a man around because Lord knows, she can't keep one around by herself.