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It's that simple and it's that complicated.

sterlingsilver's picture

This morning DH was going on about this and that about our (my) new house and how he's going to fix this and install that and put this in and fix that... I am just sitting there feelings this blah feeling. I keep having this "block" in my mind about moving, like when you actually focus on something it disappears, like a shadow or ghost. I know what it is but looking at it straight on is like looking into a vortex. The vortex being having to live with ss16 in a house that is less then half the size of this one, and living with the shitzu that I cannot stand either. There are thousands of dogs and kids I have encountered in my life and somehow I get stuck with the one dog and the one kid that most annoy me ever ever. UHHGG. I feel as though I am being swallowed by this vortex and am just never really happy anymore.

So DH is talking and then he looks at me and says he sees a caution in me he doesn't like and asks what's going on in my head. At first I just brush it off and say I am just not looking forward to moving. Then I say that lately I have been dreaming about living in the smaller house and experiencing different things that make me crazy. He asks, so what are those things and I say like sharing a bathroom with 2 teen boys and dh, smelling piss in my dreams and getting those feelings of wanting to escape. Then he sees where this is going and he gets all defensive and is saying things like I like your kids and never say things like that about your kids and bla bla bla. He does not like my disabled daughter and I'll tell ya something, if she lived with us 24/7 he'd be the one escaping. When I have her over for 4 hours he is no where in sight. Yet I have to like his son and be nice to him and be a friend? (simple request in dh's mind) Ss16 makes my hair stand on end when he is around, I am VERY aware of him where ever he is in the house, he makes my skin feel strange, I cannot discribe it excpet that feeling of being watched when you cannot see someone, like you're always aware.

Anyways, so DH was so defensive and yelling at me asking me what can he do he has a kid and dog and he wants to be with me. I mentioned maybe we could live apart for a couple years until ss moves out and dh said well then we may as well divorce. It was an awful fight and dh left in a huge huff. I try to not bring this up to him but every once in awhile, other then writing on this site, things just boil over and come out, unintentionally most of the time b/c I trully love dh and want to live with him but caring for ss16 now for 4 years and basically 3 more to go until he graduates is almost more then I can bare in this big house let alone a small one. We HAD to go smaller b/c the rent on this house was eating us alive and we only qualified financially for a certain size of a house.

So now I have a choice, continue to bury my feelings with ss16 for the remainder of his time with us, or make a move on what I talked about this morning with dh. He won't make the first move b/c he and ss are so dependant on me. He won't willingly move out and live in a small studio apartment or with friends which is all he could afford. Ss16 will not move back to bm's which in my opinion, even tho I hate bm, would be fabulous. I'd love for her to finish up her parenting resposibilities with ss instead of me having to. I honestly think if it came down to ss16 living with bm or dh leaving me to keep ss, dh would leave me sooner then let ss go back to bm. It's that simple and it's that complicated.

I am not the kind of person to kick someone out of my home, except ss19 b/c he threatened me and it was time for him to go. I am usually very kind and very tolerant, but I am finding that this dog and ss16 situation makes me feel burdened almost constantly. I hate that I feel this way. I wish I was the kind of smom who could joyously take into her arms a child that is not mine and love and adore him as though he was the light of my life. My own daughter is disabled and my ex (not me) put her into a care home at a young age,I am not that kind of person to do any of this. I would rather have my own daughter back then continue on like this. I cannot have her back b/c exh got full guardianship of her, now I have to deal with another child that wears me down. When will it end and is this my road??? Can I last 2 1/2 more years?


sterlingsilver's picture

I just got out of the shower and was thinking in there how I had to release my own daughter into a carehome and now I am raising another woman's child. The jokes sure on me hey? Sh!t. Couldn't raise my own and now struggling with raising another's.

bi's picture

i don't have any advice because that's a hard situation to be in. i do know that i would tell dh when he brings up that he likes your kids, etc, that liking your kids does not mean you have to like his. they are different people with different personalities. maybe your kids are likable and his aren't. we aren't talking about splitting a slice of cake in half. sometimes life isn't fair and that's just the way it is.

sterlingsilver's picture

Thanks bi, I needed that little tib-bit. I really needed to know that not all are/is created equal.

DH called and asked me to plz hang in there and he'd do all he could to create a little haven in our new little home for me. He really is a treasure even tho the economy sucks and he was ue for so long and life is a struggle for us with our kids and everything, he's been my strong tower.

I need to hang on to that for always.

Another tid-bit, my office just called me and they're giving me 15 extra hours a week!! woot!

sterlingsilver's picture

well I did a shift with a client and while she was napping was thinking about my situation. I like the plan of having the guys clean their pee area and then DH texted me and said he'd also have ss16 get a job for the summer AND he would also lay a rug out in the garage and put the xbox out there while the weather is warm for the summer so that while I am home the guys won't always be under foot. My next problem is the dog. It's a shi tzu and you'd think for such a little guy he'd be no problem. We cannot afford expensive tests at the vet but after much research I am pretty sure he has a skin fungus or yeast infection. I bought an oatmeal anti itch shampoo and ss16's been bathing him regularily but it's getting WORSE. Then just today I read that oatmeal will FEED yeast infections. UHG. But that narrows it down more so now I can go buy a shampoo that is for yeast infections with tea tree oil and aloe. I am just trying to live with a dog that normally would cost hundreds on vet bills as inexpensively as possible. If any of you dog lovers have any tips just let me know. Other then that the dog is finally trained and not peeing in the house anymore. Whew!

As far as getting ss16 out after graduation, the other day he asked DH if he could hang out at home for the summer after graduating until he joins the military and when dh told me I said a firm, resounding NOOOOO.

nothinforya's picture

If you have some old yeast infection cream (for vaginal yeast, or for athlete's foot), try that on the dog. Also a rinse with white vinegar after washing him will lower the skin pH, and make fungus less likely to grow. You may need to dilute it with water if it stings any open lesions. The tea tree and aloe stuff will not work as well as an anti-fungal cream, and a tube of the cream is probably cheaper.

sterlingsilver's picture

He is trying. I remember how much exh blew me off and at times I think I put expectations on dh based on those experiences.