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Dreading family gathering

Bojangles's picture

I have a funeral to go to this week. My lovely brother-in-law lost his battle with cancer after several hard years. It's going to be a really sad day, and DH will need my support, but I feel pretty bitter that the sadness of the whole event is going to be undercut by my personal stress at spending the day with DH's enormous family, and BM. I feel sick just thinking about it.

BM will be busy playing queen bee with DH's extended family, who continue to labour under the delusion that she is a wronged woman abandoned by her husband, and that I am a home wrecking bitch. DH is not one to talk about his business, but his reticence in discussing BM's role in the failure of their marriage gave her a vacuum in which to spread her pity party stories. It drives me mad that despite the way she treated him before and after their divorce, DH's siblings continue to act as though she is part of the family because she is the mother of his children. After 10 years and 3 children of my own I still feel like an interloper.

SS15 will be there, ignoring me from afar, and neurotic SD17 will be pretending she has forgotten that she lived with us for 2 years and treated me like her mother before driving me insane with her attention seeking behaviour and moving back in with BM. Every time I think there will never be a need for another big family get together and I can put it all behind me, something comes up. I just can't wait till it's over.


Bojangles's picture

Thank you dtzy, i really appreciate the hugs. Last night I wrote out a list of options for handling the day, one of which did include cutting out from the wake early. The trouble is I would feel bad about doing that because I would be leaving DH on his own. Although he comes from a big family he is not the gregarious type and I know he would rather I was there even though he says he wants me to do what's best for me. My parents are looking after my 3 during the service, I think what we will end up doing is that I go and get them afterwards and bring them to the wake. They will cheer us up and provide a bit of distraction.

Goincrazy40's picture

Boy do I know how you feel! BM gets same treatment, as "the Mother of his children.". Why does everyone forget she LEFT and has made DH seeing the kids difficult ever since?

And oh yeah, I can't ever have his kids, so I guess I don't count?

Bojangles's picture

Well in our case everyone forgets because basically DH never really told them. At the time he was being discrete and didn't want to aggravate the situation with bitching and gossiping, initially he wanted things to be amicable for the sake of the children. If he'd understood the awkwardness and resentment that would ensue for us in terms of his wider family I think maybe he would have done something. The fact she garnered all the loyalty of their children with her victim status, so that to this day they sometimes seem to feel guilty for spending time with him, has been a huge problem. And ought to draw the sympathy and support of his family. Instead she still has the sympathy. Their grown children are all going to stay at BMs house, and she will take them to the funeral. It doesn't seem to occur to any of them that maybe their Dad would really value their presence here in our home at the moment. Sometimes it's very hard to bite my tongue and not send a text pointing that out to them.

Bojangles's picture

There is no hope of his family being tactful. At the last family funeral his brother went off and spent the rest of the evening with BM and some of the relatives who sided with her, in a hotel bar. His other brother has been known to take his teens round to BMs house for a sleepover with their children. It's just a bizarre nightmare. I think you're right that it says something about her desperation that she will throw herself into the funeral rather than staying away, or just showing up briefly to pay her respects. I will be very surprised if she doesn't stay until they turn the lights out and close the doors. She still wants to think of herself as part of the family, because she considers that they should never have divorced and she should not have to give up those relationships. Plus I think she likes feeling that some of them prefer her to me. I wish they all had the sense of your DHs family!

Bojangles's picture

I will try to stay strong. I have had a haircut this morning to raise morale. I boggle at your sobbing on the floor story, unfortunately I fear our BM will not make an ass out of herself, she can be very charming and convincing, whilst being deeply manipulative. Thanks for your support.

Onefootout's picture

I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. These BMs are attention seeking narcicists. I had to deal with one of these in a previous relationship. Their own families may have rejected them because of their awful personalities. So now these BMs want to leach off their ex-DH's family even after divorce.

Based on my past experience I have a theory, but I don't know your family so it's just a theory.

Your BM must be really charming and seductive to win such strong favor from your inlaws. But don't forget, she seems to have complete control over her kids. Any family member who wants access to those kids must play nicey nicey to BM. The example is the relative who drops his kids off overnight at her house.

Since the kids have been poisoned against DH, there's really no incentive to be nice to him, and no incentive to be nice to you.
Which is why I think bringing your kids is a great idea. And if that family could see your kids acting in a positive way towards DH, even better. You and DH need to bring as many allies as possible to this.

I think you should absolutely go and if family ignores you, even better, let them and even though it's a sad occasion you can still enjoy the company of your kids and DH. If you don't go, you will most certainly be disparaged as cold hearted. Unfair, yes.
This is a no win situation, so might as well go.