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BUTTERLY1982's picture

I want to sit and eat the popcorn without sharing, I don’t want to hide the chocolates away, I don’t want to share my stuff and I most certainly don’t want to explain myself to an 11 year!!!!

Am I being unreasonable?

My ss11 moved in with us permanently in April, and man, have I had issues adjusting. Although, I don’t think it so much the adjusting, as it is having the responsibility, which I chose NOT to have, by not having children!!!

I am mediator between him and DH – normally taking skid’s side!

I feel sorry for my DH: he is used to having time to himself and now has a problem; as I say, his shadow gives him more breathing room then the skid. I thought it would wear off after a few weeks but nope – he is stuck to his father like glue!!!

I can’t remember when last we had a conversation where I wasn’t ignored, interrupted or pushed out of. All I do now is keep quiet and walk away, if DH sees this, he tries to correct it, but even he doesn’t see it all the time.

This kid comes from a small town with a mother that was at home all day!!! I work!! I am up at 5:00am, out of the house by 6:00am – work from 6:30am till 4:00pm then rush to fetch him by 5:00pm, get home, and start the next shift of cooking and cleaning etc. He asks me when he gets into the car if dinner is ready yet? WTF!!!!!

Sorry if these are random….


Mrs. Why's picture

Dear God, do I understand!!! Especially, the "shadow gives him more room." The skids are in our room, in our BED, watching our tv, if my DH MOVES his kids hunt him down, they ALWAYS NEED SOMETHING!!!! It's like DH is their personal servant there to entertain their every whim. He walks out the door to run to the store for 5 mins and ALL I hear is, "where's my dad" 50 times.

I try to set up boundaries, it doesn't work, they just do what they want...

The answering to an 11 year old, OMG.

Piece of advice if its ok, draw the boundaries with skid, for YOURSELF! Your DH is gonna have to find his own way. And don't b shocked if DH gets a lil pissy cause ur not jumping for skid all the time like he does. For the most part I will not take skids to school or pick them up, unless there is an emergency. I work all day too, and ur right, skid is HIS responsibility NOT yours! Back off as much as you can. It's bs being expected to cater to a kid you didn't raise. So many step parents are stuck dealing with a child someone else raised completely different than they would have. It's ridiculous to expect an adult to change him/herself and what they expect in their own home!

VioletsareBlue's picture

"I hate that we are out for a bike ride and she immediately calls DH and wants to know where he is and he tells her."

This is a particular pet peeve of mine! SD17 would/does call and asks where he/we are. NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! DH tells her most of the time. Highly annoying!

sterlingsilver's picture

If you don't set boundaries, you will feel the resentment begin to creep in. Then your posts on here will begin to sound like a lot of ours do. If you want popcorn, make it for yourself and if ss wants some tell him to make his own. They sell micro popcorn cheap at Walmart! I mean seriously, you have to literally set the boundaries piece by piece, like not driving him places, making his own snacks, doing his own laundry one day per week, cleaning his own room, helping with chores, etc. You have to start enforcing he do things for himself with DH's help. I had to literally parent my skids THROUGH DH for awhile b/c he didn't know how to parent in certain areas like cleanliness and so on. Then your job will get easier. Just to duck and hide won't work, you have to teach the kid before you can know you don't have to parent him so much but do the teaching through DH. Like for instance, Honey I noticed ss's laundry is heaped in the corner of his room, would you buy him a hamper next time you're out and in the meanwhile show him how to put it into the washing machine with soap and then the dryer and then fold it and put it away. It literally takes you reminding hubby step by step how to teach ss. I met dh when ss16 was 12. He knew NOTHING and was still peeing his bed and all that crap. I went into shock at first too. SS would literally lay on DH on the couch while watching tv or DH would go and lay on SS's bed to watch tv. It took me awhile before I realized this kid had zero skills in being in a family in a home and DH had no clue. Anyways, good luck hon and we're always here!

Mrs. Why's picture

You have a lot of patience, after about 5 years, I threw my hands up and said, "their problem, these kids are not a result of me" If their diry laundry is piled in the bedroom, I leave it and they dont have clean clothes, if they make a mess in the house, I throw it in their room, I no longer "ask nicely" I just say "hey, you left a mess, clean it up," or, "get out of the bedroom." I know it sounds not so sweet and step-motherly, but, Im tired.... and anything that is done "sweetly" they just argue and mouth off. So, I don't give them the opportunity. They needed "home training" and still do, but, DH and I lay rules and that's it, its always an uphill battle but Im out of creative ways to teach the same 5 lessons, they never get or care about anyway. =/

VioletsareBlue's picture

SD17 was like this a lot and still has some boundry issues but has gotten better about it. She was constantly up in our shit! I told DH I wasn't putting up with it and he had better fix it or I would. And I did, stopped keeping my mouth shut. It has gotten much better.

Mrs. Why's picture

I do not understand the being allowed to "be up in our shit," totally out of line for children, and ours do it all the time, we correct them EVERY SINGLE TIME, and they just don't care, they do it the next time.

What did you do to help stop it?

BUTTERLY1982's picture

They always call us the step-monsters - are we not the product of their attitudes and the way we get treated???

I share an office with a 22 year - she HATES her stepmother and can't understand why her father is so obsessive over her and why he is at her beck and call all the time, when you tackle her about it she denies being jealous and says she couldn't care less......???? yeah right....

i actually disengaged along time ago and had not seen SS for about 3 years until he moved in in April. i decided that to fair to DH i would step back on their visits so that he wouldn't feel torn between giving both of us attention... seeing as he was only seeing SS about once a month (which by the way i encouraged and on more than one occasion sponsored the gas money)

another thing i found fascinating, when he arrived was that BM drove a brand new car, but her son walked around like he had shopped at the salvation army??????