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Sick Children......

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This happens every time. I am really starting to expect it. SS5 gets sick. BM, of course, can't handle it so she calls in-laws to complain about this or that or whatever else. Oh can you bring me medicine an hour away because I couldn't possibly do it myself? Once they get there SS5 is already begging for g-maw to take him home (which is bullshit bc once he's in the car all he wants is mom bc the kid is sick). I think she's pumping him up to want to go to g-maws. Either way, sick SS5 ends up at g-maws. Then all of a sudden g-maw can't handle him either. She needs advice on this and that...from me of course. Then ....can you keep him? Now I know I could say no but both of these ladies home are absolutely filthy. If they weren't able to clean up before CPS got there they'd be in trouble. Of course, I feel bad...and I normally take care of him. What's the point of the pony around though? Why can't I just get a phone call that BM can't take care of her sick kid? I don't see a point in the show. FDH works offshore most the time and is pretty much never home for any of this. I told him when SS5 got sick I would end up with him. He said nah maybe it'll work out this time and he offered to call his mom and lay down the law.... but honestly I'd rather the kid here anyways. I'm the one who keeps up with his health insurance and records anyways. Not really asking for advice .... just getting it out.
