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Seemingly, we've lived to fight another day

doll faced sm's picture

Firstly, if my DH hadn't pulled his head from his rump in a big way, none of this would be happening, now, on to the story.

We made it; we are officially moved in to our new place and living again in NC. Which sucks. Seriously, if this area were any more ghetto, I'm pretty sure the police would just put up a fence around the whole city and call it good.

For the trip, DH took 15 days of leave plus was granted an additional 10 days TDY, so an *enormous* amount of time off. We spent a few days at my dad's house and a few days at my grandma's house, then the plan was to just come here an unpack. Through the trip and stay at my relatives' homes, DH was on the phone trying to get to see his son. BM, for whatever unknown reason, finally relented and told DH he could see SS for 15 minutes on a Saturday afternoon, so we booked it to GA (think, packed up everything as fast as we could and took off with *no* sleep) to accommodate the Plague's schedule - keep in mind this is after almost two and a half years of not allowing DH to so much as *talk* to SS.

There were, of course, conditions - primarily that if DH brought *anyone* else with him, well, Plague's daddy had his guns loaded already. Yeah. Plague's daddy also threatened DH last time he was allowed to visit SS that if DH ever set foot on the property again, he'd shoot DH. So, on the way, DH calls the Sheriff's department to explain the situation and request an escort. Well, Plague's family are pillars of the community - her mom is a retired judge, her brother in law is on track to *be* the next Sheriff, and all of them are good, church-going folk, etc., etc. So, the police escort arrives where he and DH agreed to meet and then the drive around the corner to Plague's mom's house (where Plague resides free of charge, of course, but SS has to sleep on the couch, you know, b/c we wouldn't want to inconvenience the Plague) where the Plague and her family are suddenly super accommodating of DH's visit with SS. So accommodating, in fact, they allow him to visit for over an hour. How gracious of them, seeing as how DH is supposed to have SS 91 days in the summer. :sick:

Oh, and I got the privilege of spending quality time with MIL during this fun little visit.

And since DH, understandably, wanted to visit with his family, too, I got to spend quality time with her for the next day and a half.

Actually, though, she's preoccupied with school and work, so she had less time to focus on stirring up drama, so it wasn't *so* bad. About the best she was able to muster were hourly reminders that she's made the Dean's list every semester since she started school.

End that visit; come home; unpack; bicker back and forth with Plague some more (DH, not me), and get her to agree to let DH see SS (again for 15 min.) at the McDonald's Plague so proudly works at the Saturday before Father's Day. Oh joy. More long distance travelling where I get to spend time with people who admittedly don't care for me to facilitate the Plague and her insane demands.

So, before this little get together takes place, DH talks to an attorney. We need to crap about $1500 to retain this guy. DH's buddy (*FRESH* out of law school) also tells DH he'll represent him if DH would like. We only need $500 to retain him . . . plus $125/hr. (We've been mulling this one over ever since).

Anyway, during his visit with SS (which, again, they graciously allow to carry on past the 15 min. mark allotted), SS tells DH that he and Plague are going to the Myrtle Beach next weekend, then starts hitting himself in the head. DH asks why he's hitting himself in the head, and SS says he wasn't supposed to tell DH that they're going to the beach. DH says it's ok, he doesn't have to keep secrets from him, he doesn't mind at all that SS goes to the beach with his mom and he hopes SS has a good time. Then SS starts saying over and over again that the beach costs money, the beach is expensive, the beach costs a lot of money. So DH says, "Son, are you asking me for money?" SS says yes; DH says he pays Plague a lot of money for SS and any time SS needs money to "tell your mom 'give me my money'" (I don't agree with this, but oh well; nmk, nmp).

We get back home yesterday and just relaxed for the rest of the day, but today was back to unpacking and getting everything set up; one of the things we come across is the CO for SS, DH hands it to me to file and out of curiosity (I haven't seen it since the re-write debacle), I opened it up to scan it for father's day visitation information. There is none. *However* there is time allotted on SS's birthday (2 hr.s uninterrupted) and DH's birthday (4 hr.s uninterrupted), both of which are coming up within the next 3 weeks. DH intends to retain an attorney between now and then by way our returned deposit from our previous land lords and travel expenses the army owes him. He fully intends to exercise his parenting time.

I am leaving out tomorrow, come hell or high water, for a family reunion that's been planned for over a year. DH won't get to go as he has to sign in off leave tomorrow.

Good times ahead; good times. :O


doll faced sm's picture

I totally agree. And since this is an area where DH and I already struggle I'm preparing myself for the worst.

whatwasithinkin's picture

PM me and let me know how close to Whiteville NC you are I have a fab attorney and he will work with you.

doll faced sm's picture

We're in Bragg which is right outside of Fayetteville. BM, SS, and jurisdiction over the case, however, reside in GA.