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Court this morning

overworkedmom's picture

Smile It went great! She dropped her request for regular visitation, so the current order stands where she has only supervised visitation at DH's discretion.

CS was a little amusing to say the least. The judge was utterly disgusted that she has 3 kids by 3 men and only custody of the baby. He was also pissed that she doesn't have a job. We were awarded $65/ month because that is the MAX that someone with 0 income can be charged. He said he noted our file that as soon as she has a job to come back and re-calculate. }:)

It's not much but it is still a small victory. $65/month is something that she will feel, so yay for the courts to not make it 100% on the dad to support these kids and make a POS "mother" do something for these kids that they gave birth to!


HadEnoughx5's picture

That is awesome, CONGRATULATIONS!! I consider that a victory. It's great to hear that a Judge has held a BM with her feet to the fire. I'm so tired of these BM's sucking the guys dry and crying poor Sad