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I always knew BM was a fraud

SisterNeko's picture

But I didn't know that she married one as well.

DH has been getting comments at work about the safety of his kids while at BM's house but didn't think anything of it until one of the guys at work told him the BM's hubby, "Chubby", got caught in insurance fraud and rolled on another guy that got busted in a big way, I guess he was the one in charge. The other guy was in the news so I went back and read the news article on the matter and it has Chubby's name in there and states the this other guy got him 'involved in insurance fraud' but charges against him have not been filed.

It's not funny but yet it is and it explains their resent money issues and their behavior toward each other. I imagine their is a ton of tension in the house which I am sure skids feel. It changes the way you look at him. I thought he was a nice guy but I guess not so much. Not some one that I would trust anymore. And I know BM is shady so she ha to have known about it.

I don't think BM knows that we know but it is public knowledge. DH is not going to say anything to her but you got to love krama. Since BM claimed Chubby was so much better that DH. Lol

Have you guys ever found out things that totally changed your opinion on the ex or those in her life.


realitycheckmom's picture

LMAO yes. I found out my exh was sleeping with a married woman. The karma was when he told me she faked a pregnancy to get him to marry her. She faked an abortion and stalked him for over a year. Now they are getting married and she has done some more crazy psycho stuff. Karma, my exh did some horrible mentally abusive things to me and now he will live with psycho. I am sure someone will be coming here some day and tell the story of this BM and people will call crew on this SM because this woman is so unbelievably psychotic. Smile

myspoonistoobig's picture

Nothing BM has done has changed much at all about my worst opinions about her.

Just confirmed them, really.

SisterNeko's picture

Is it bad that I now want even less to do with them? I don't even want people to associate me with them.

Just J's picture

DH used to always feel sorry for his ex's husband because he was stuck with the dumb bitch. I never did, he's a douche and he chose her. She wanted a free babysitter and he wanted a meal ticket, so I figured they were perfect for each other. Recently we found out that the ex's hubby is a drunken groper. And I've known for a long time that he flirts with other women when he gets drunk (found that out from my SD when she was about 11). The ex turns a blind eye because she can't be alone and she'd rather be married to a complete loser who makes a fool of her than be twice divorced. I think it's hilarious. She married him to compete with DH and I and now she's stuck with a total d-bag drunk. That's what she gets.

misSTEP's picture

I felt sorry for BM's new victim...even after he got her preggo. Until he MARRIED her! He was with her long enough by that point to know how she was. He is an idiot and they deserve each other.