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OT.. My poor fur baby

Biomomof2's picture

So the other day my 11 month old German Shepherd is playing in the back yard. She starts yelping and running through the back yard screaming the whole time. I get outside, get her to come over to me. No wound that we can find. Uh oh. So we get her some aspirin and I make some chicken and rice to spoile her alittle. We start to realize it is her hip. Crap. We Benadryl her so she can sleep. Have a vet appointment tomorrow. She is so sad, has been confined to her crate, and yelps every time she stands up. I'm really worried that the vet isn't going to make this better. She is my baby. I want to pick her up and have her sleep with me like she does when Dh is gone, but that will only hurt her. I'm sad and worried I may lose her


B22S22's picture

German shepherds are notorious for congenital hip dysplasia -- hate to tell you that if you don't already know.

It seems that every (pure) breed has their issues. Boxers are highly prone to developing lymphoma. My first one passed last summer and we ended up rescuing an abused boxer about 2 months later. Now this one has a "mass"... *sigh*

noidea1010's picture

Any swelling? Fingers crossed it's just a sprain. Will she let you pinpoint the area of pain? My baby is pretty stoic, so even when I hit the sore area, he won't yelp to let me know. He pulled a muscle in one of his hind legs last year and kept playing ball while he limped. At least trying to, until i saw he was limping. I checked him out thoroughly, took him to vet, they put him on some pain meds and told me to restrict activity for a month. I almost asked for some drugs myself. He's a Lab/Dane mix, with lab energy. Used to running three times a day.

Good luck! Hope you're baby just has a small sprain.

Biomomof2's picture

Thanks for the concern guys. Just had a horrible 40 minutes hand feeding her because she didn't even want to eat chicken. I had to even fill my hand with water to get her to drink.
Yeh I'm knew the risks with German Shepherds hips I guess I just really didn't think it would happen to her. She isn't swollen but her left rear leg is completely out to the side when going to the bathroom. Walking her foot will turn out, she will yelp and adjust.
She has been spoiled for the last 3 days waiting for her vet appointment tomorrow. She has had chicken and rice, dog food mixed with cream of chicken ... Spoiled!!! And she looks like she is losing weight. I hope I have good news in the morning.