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Bm is all about the show

I.Just.Live.Here's picture

So, I knew this about bm before we ever moved and shortly after meeting her but she is all about the show. She is one of the most two faced people I have ever met and she never ceases t annoy me. I looked at her fb (Dh is convinced she's up to something regardless of how many times I've told him she's too lazy to do anything) which I know I shouldn't have because what I found there was just plain ridiculous. She posts of fb whining about how she misses ss4 so much and telling everyone that he'll only be gone for a little bit before their 'wonderful family will be all together again'. That bitch hadn't called him in two days and then she has the lady balls to call tonight and ask ss4 why HE didn't call HER. maybe it's because you're his mother and should try to maintain a relationship with him even though he is 2500 miles away. This is also the same woman that when she was putting him in the car to come to us, knowing full well it could be a very long time before she saw him again if EVER, she just missed him on the cheek and walked away. No tears, no long goodbyes, no nothing. And I realize that people handle grief different ways but that is just weird!!


Bojangles's picture

Don't know your background but when I read about BM's low key goodbye with SS when he was taken away my first thought was that that's what a responsible mother would do. Had she cried, or drawn it out by making a big fuss it would have been much more upsetting for the little boy.

I.Just.Live.Here's picture

Normally I would agree, it doesn't usually help them to freak out in front of them but this is the same woman that would tell ss4 all the exciting things they would be doing right before we would pick him up to come to our house. One time I heard her say "oh no, looks like we can't go see the horses because I.Just.Live.Here is here. BD and I will just have to go without you." He was so upset I had to carry him and bs home because ss would not leave her since she had been riling him up about the damn horses all day. Ss4 was sleeping when she dropped him off and I honestly think the only reason she didn't seem upset was because no one would have comforted or even really cared that she was. But all her fb friends will care so that's the only place she really shows any remorse for practically signing away her rights.

DaizyDuke's picture

one of my FB buddies posted a Rotten ECard yesterday that cracked me up:

Facebook: Helping deadbeat parents everywhere pretend to be involved with their kids.


Stupid skanks...

thinkthrice's picture

Our BM is the "MOTY" type. Problem is all three children are UBER failing grade school and have been for the past ten years. She just slaps them on meds, enrolls them in counseling for the 10 year PAS campaign she's waged and doctor shops until someone declares them "learning disabled."

She's CP (in name only--they stay mostly at friend's, her mother's, neighbour's houses) and what does she do? Invite her stb 15 yo daughter who has posted horrendously inappropriate photos and language to play "Scramble" with her on FB. Seriously?