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DH when I'm pissed off about your kids it is not sexy time

TickedOff's picture

SD15 called crying that her boyfriend broke up with her and he won’t go to her ultrasound because they fight too much. Her aunt works tomorrow and she has no one to take her. DH also works tomorrow. So I say Finnnnnnnnne I will take her. I'm not in the mood but she needs someone to be there for her. I cooked breakfast this morning and I went to use the bathroom and came out and all the food was gone. SD18 you are old enough to know you don’t get seconds until everyone has had first! DD6 dropped the whole cake I made for my sisters birthday because she wanted to touch it when I wasn't looking and it tipped over. SD18 thinks it’s funny.

DH you see the look in my face. What about this face says get behind me when I bend over to pick up the cake and hump me? When I get DD to school and walk in finally ready to lie down and rest my headache how is that an invitation to grope me and lick my earlobes. I love you DH I do and you get my fire going I promise but not right now please.

Sorry if this is too much information. But if you are married woman or live with your SO you know what I'm talking about. Does it have written on my forehead SEX ME UP? Last night was great now I want to go back to sleep without getting spooned and fondled.


SteelRose's picture

Last evening I get home from working a 9 hour stressful day and DH was all over me after supper. I was so tired and just wanted to sit and watch tv but DH was talking talking and talking and then when we got to bed he was laying there naked and then tried ya know and I was just thinking uhg, I just want to unwind and then SLEEP.

sunrisegazer's picture

During my pregnancy, DH was scared (or so he said) about being intimate with me. Granted, I did understand his worry as I did have health conditions and did not want to go into early labor... But the very day I get discharged from the hospital after giving birth, DH was asking if I'd be "ok & ready" within a week. No, No, No!!! I just gave birth and the very last thing I want is to have sex!!! I got the comments, looks, innuendos & attempts on the daily. It was so frustrating AND annoying that I pretty much banned him from cozying up to me. Needless to say, baby is six months old and DH has only gotten it 2x! I did warn him that if he was gonna be too pushy, that he wasn't gonna be getting any....

KiFire's picture

OMG, FDH has never said it that way, but he does something very similar. He will poke at me and poke at me, not in a mean way but in an annoying 'omfg-are-you-12' way and then when I'm getting snappy with him and annoyed he wants in my pants.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

LMAO! What is it about men?! My DH does this to me when I've been sick, fighting to get my son to bed, stressed, etc. He says he read that it is a good stress reliever. What about the look on my face says 'Please f**k me' right now?! Lol! I think all men get stuck at 15 yo mentality where sex is concerned. Humping me is not sexy!