Advice Greatly Appreciated
Some things have come to light regarding SS and BM's treatment of him at her house. SS told a counselor his mom has held a rag/towel over his mouth until he stops crying. A report is in the process of being filed and a social worker is getting involved. We, and pretty much every other adult in his life, have known that the way she talks to him is basically emotional abuse, but SO was always told that a report couldn't be made because it is difficult to prove, even though his teachers, therapist, etc. are all mandated reporters :? SO did make a report at one time, but nothing ever came of it, and he was told there was not enough evidence. SS has never told either of us about anything of this nature, and obviously it is a huge concern.
So to my point. SS's therapist has kind circled around the idea that SO should get full custody of SS due to BM's inability to be an adult and a parent (she can't give him advice on the matter or tell him what she thinks he should do). As we all know the process for getting custody is long and drawn out, which could potentially make the environment at BM's worse for SS during the process. In light of the recent event, the therapist has thrown out the idea of filing an order for protection on behalf of SS in order to keep him out of her care, then trying to get custody. SO is stuck and doesn't know what route to take. Or if he has enough to get SS out of her house. Before I continue I'll just say that yes, SO will be consulting with an attorney to try and get some advice, but it's not possible for us to pay an attorney for what could be a protracted custody battle. Right now I am just looking for any advice you people who have been through this, or know the legal system, might have in case we do have to go it alone. I hate just sitting here, waiting.
So some questions. We are in MN. Is one incident report enough to get emergency custody (although we do have texts, emails, statements from teachers, counselors, daycare providers, and a recommendation from the therapist)? Would this one incident be enough to file an OFP against BM? Mn does have court forms available, but a form for emergency custody is not one of them, and court administrators keep telling SO to talk to an attorney. I've tried googling it to see if I could find an example, but no luck. Anyone ever done one of these? Oh, right now they have joint custody, week on week off.
There's probably more that I want to ask or stuff about the situation that I left out, but can't think of it right now....
I just feel so badly for SS. We have tried giving SS ideas of what he can do when mom gets mad, and have told him he can tell her to stop when she's being mean to him, but he says "it won't work. She doesn't care and she'll do it anyway". Telling her what she's doing is hurting him didn't work, because she's the mom and she doesn't need to be told what to do.
- caya506's blog
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File for emergency temporary
File for emergency temporary custody. Print every email, text, anything u have. Every state has a different process but once the emergency is filed, the attorney should file for sole custody. It's better to do this sooner rather than later.
That's where it's headed,
That's where it's headed, just have to figure out how draw up papers for emergency custody, or how to pay for an attorney to help.....
You and your husband need to
You and your husband need to speak with an attorney as soon as u possibly can. Sounds like BM may have anger issues and you wouldn't want her to take her frustration out on your SS. Some attorneys will set you up on a payment plan. And a change of custody can be a lengthy process depending on BM. But until the fist petition if filled, a court date can't be set. Prior to meeting with attorney, make sure to have copies of whatever DHS will give you and of everything u already have. The more you do, the less the attorney will have to do
Praying for you and SS. That
Praying for you and SS. That sounds like a terrible situation. I don't have any advice but I hope you do get custody of SS. God bless.
Thank you
Thank you
Is BM in any way agreeable to
Is BM in any way agreeable to a change of custody? Maybe if she is afraid of being charged as an abuser, she would surrender the child into your care voluntarily. I know it's a long shot...
In my state, it is possible to file for custody without an attorney. There is a small filing fee. Court date is set, but the first one is just to set another date. It can drag on and on.
Maybe. It could go either
Maybe. It could go either way; she could get really angry about it and do things to spite everyone else involved, or she could get scared and let him stay with us. It's kind of half of a wait and see game, but at the same time something needs to be done now. In the past BM has had SS stay with us during the week and she just saw him every other weekend, and a day during the week. This has happened 3 or 4 times in the last couple of years, but it never lasts long. Eventually she misses him and wants him back. Anytime anyone tells her what she is doing is wrong, that's when she wants SS the most, just to spite them.
Can he do that by filing an
Can he do that by filing an OFP, or does it have to be in a separate emergency order motion?
School and therapists are
School and therapists are first reporters, all they have to do is contact CPS and they can remove the child immediately and then investigate. I'd be pushing school and therapists to do their jobs!
Prayers for your SS.
SO kept asking them about
SO kept asking them about reporting her verbal/emotional abuse, but all they wanted to do was try and get her more involved in coming to school meetings and counseling appointments. She still refuses to participate....Even when SS told people mom smokes pot in front of him they didn't do anything (we know for a fact that it was pot because she does not smoke and absolutely abhors smoking). We are baffled.
CPS does not remove children
CPS does not remove children for emotional abuse. And just because a therapist reports something does not mean that they will remove the child immediately. Heck, I report things all the time and sometimes the opt not to investigate at all much less remove a child simply because I made a report.
I don't mean to be the voice of negativity-but I am worried that you do not have enough for temporary emergency custody. Even if it is proven she put a rag on his mouth-I doubt that they will substantiate this as abuse. Certainly poor, shitty parenting-Im not trying to say it is ok-but just thinking of how the state would view this. Then I would worry that if you try for the emergency custody order, then fail, she could turn even nastier.
I'm not sure I have any valid advice-other to continue documenting and continue saving money for a custody battle.
That is our main concern as
That is our main concern as well. Once you start it, there's no stopping it. And if we don't have enough she will for sure take it out on SS. SS has a county caseworker due to the school he attends (every kid there is automatically assigned a mental health county worker) and today is her monthly visit with SS, so SO is going to talk to her about it too.....