condescending bio mom
Hi I'm the new kid on the block I've been reading in shock and awe of what you guys go through and know I am definitely not alone. Here is my delima.
The Bio mom in my life is a condescending egotistical bitch. Pardon my language. She talks down to me and refuses to accept me as a part of her children's lives. She talks to me in a way that her tone and delivery is sweet but her words are nasty. For example she will call when my H is asleep and I will answer letting her know he is asleep and it is not ok to call our house in the middle of the night. She will counter with. (" Well his daughter needs to talk to him right now she is scared and cannot sleep. Now I know you are not a parent and may or may not understand the importance of him needing to be there whenever his kids need him. So if you wouldn't mind bieng a doll and taking the phone off of your ear and putting it to his.")I let her know I will not be waking up my husband who has been on call all week and is finnally getting well deserved rest, to fight monsters over the phone. Before her mouth opens spilling out more BS filled drool the phone is on the hook. The next day my H recieves a message letting him know that his new wife isn't sensitive to the needs of their children and may not be as suitable a partner as he had thought. My H in his diplomatic way of hadling things rang her up and let her know in so few words that he would not have married me had he not thought I was more than suitable and more than cabale of being sensitive to the needs of his children and that she need to take a few deep breaths take a step back and stop trying to dictate his life.
That is not the only example. She has emailed me a detialed list of what not to do when her kids are with us. She then proceeded to drop by one afternoon to make sure I had read the list and am fully aware of the fact that I am not a parent and therefore hold no power over her children and I should leave everything up to my H. I made it crystal clear that in this househould there are two adults present that will be given respect and have the authority to make sure respect is given and her power does not extend into the walls of my househould. She handed me a box of homemade cookies and let me know that I am a sweet lady and she means no disrespect but I should mind myself and my buisness for the good of all of those involed and keep reminding myself I have no children. I saw her out and let her no she is no longer welcome to walk past my doorway. She of course tried to contact my H who would not entertain her stupidity. I dumped those cookies straight into the dumpster. I've seen snow white you never except food from an evil bitch. As of now I will not answer a phone call from her nor a doorbell ring she does not exist in my world she is just to much. But knowing her she will find away to try to dig her claws in.
- BMnotallowed's blog
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Welcome. She shoudn't be
Welcome. She shoudn't be allowed to come to your house nor to call it. BM's number is blocked so she can't call my house ever. She can call DHs phone but that is it.
Disengaging from BM was the
Disengaging from BM was the best thing I ever did.
She is no longer allowed to call/text/email me at all. Never should have been.
Tell BM she can send all her concerns to DH. All her 'emailed lists'. All her 'cookies' etc. Let her know that she needs to remember she is not a part of your house/life, and needs to remember that for the best interest of everyone involved.
If I were you, I'd give her a list of what not to do while you are married to her children's father.
You guys are amazing I'm
You guys are amazing I'm feeling like this is kind of a support site more than just a venting site. I feel so much tension and worry being lifted now reading your responses. People who haven't been there don't understand. I feel like I am getting tools to put into my stepmother tool box.
I like how your Dh handled
I like how your Dh handled her!