SS13 is so incredibly vain
I have a full length mirror in my room - scratch that. I HAD a full length mirror in my room. But I moved it outside my door because SS kept coming into my room to look at himself. He makes a duck face when he does this...
Now that it is outside our dooor and basically in our family room, dh teases SS about how often he checks himself out. SS has now asked for a mirror for Christmas.
I'm amused.
This kid is nuts. And the duck face in every picture I take is hilarious too. I thought duck face was a girl thing, but I digress.
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Perhaps a full length trick
Perhaps a full length trick mirror for Christmas? One that makes him look short and incredibly fat? Bonus points of you can find one that gives him a horrible case of acne.
PS: if you find one, please message me the link. I have a 16 year old daughter I would love to buy one for!
That's really funny! Dh would
That's really funny! Dh would lOVE to get him something like this (he's a bit of a wise guy).
Dh keeps saying "I don't know where he gets it from. I never cared about the way I looked when I was a kid ...heck I don't care now"!
Which is so very true. (probably got it from his narcissistic, do nothing BM)
I just looked it up and
I just looked it up and ordered one!
Over here we still need to
Over here we still need to "remind" him to shower and brush his teeth too. least he "looks" good, right? But I guess that's what the axe body spray is for.
That's so weird that a boy is
That's so weird that a boy is making the duck face...
That was my first thought
That was my first thought too.
I don't know any men (Scratch that, I know one, but he's fabulous) that make duck faces unless it's as a joke.
Tell me about it! He's been
Tell me about it! He's been doing it for a good year now in photos. But now he does it in the mirror too.
Who knows... Maybe he's in his way to fabulosity, but he swears he likes girls. (I tell him it's just fine if he is gay... Just in case).
Is the kid a Leo by birth?
Is the kid a Leo by birth?
He is at the age where he just knows the whole world (well at least the whole middle school) is looking at him....and isn't he just the cutest best looking 13yr old EVER!
Put a full mirror in the bathroom and call it a day.
There will be a new mirror
There will be a new mirror for him under the tree this year. It'll probably be his favorite gift ever received
Someone already asked the
Someone already asked the question I was thinking. Is your SS a Leo or Scorpio by any chance??
This is kind of funny. Thank you. I needed the smile.
With genetics being what they
With genetics being what they are, I can't help but wonder if SS is displaying a personality disorder (narcissistic whatever syndrome) that he has inherited from his mother. He has other traits: loud, angry outbursts for example - that I keep wondering if it is learned or inherited.
Nature vd Nurture? Hard to say.