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Exchanging Skid Rules's picture

So BM turns up on my doorstep when dropping off the skids last week and is rude to me and demands to see FDH. She's nasty to him in front of the skids and then leaves. This is the first time I've ever been face to face with this PA'ing control obsessed sociopath. I don't ever want her doing this again at MY house so I reported it to the police. They came and were sympathetic but said the best way is to get BM to collect the skids from a nearby public place. So this time she collected the skids from a local gas station that's in a very safe/posh area a mile from my house.. BM then texts FDH afterwards and says from now on all skid exchanges will be done at her local police station and our local police station.

Does FDH have to abide by this? The divorce settlement is in a few months time and we're going to insist on curb side pick up. But until then I want it to be done away from my house. Can he tell her if she picks up from his custody time he can choose the location?

Comments's picture

You could be right, the police station location could work in our favour. She often drinks and drives and is known to be aggressive, violent and has made up false allegations to the police to get what she wants.'s picture

BM wants to exchange at her local Police station when FDH collects Skids and BM collects from our local Police station when she collects from us. This will put her out enormously, it's hilarious! She's doing this just so she can control FDH.

So FDH can insist on a mutual place/police station half way each time?

whatwasithinkin's picture

Well since there is apparently no CO your gonna have to work this out until there is.

With that being said it sounds like you guys chose a gas station near your home, she obilged this time but is now proposing another spot?

If you can tell her where you want them picked up (ie gas station) then I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander and she can tell you.

Personally I dont understand what her dropping at the door is for an issue. So she is rude to your SO at your home infront of the kids? Exactly what do you think is going on in the car as she pulls up at the curb or an alternative location? She is bad mouthing him in the car.

YOU CAN NOT and will NEVER stop her from talking smack no matter where pick up and drop off is's picture

She's been rude to my SO for 15 years. He's used to it. It was actually me who she was rude to which annoyed me. I want minimum contact with this woman so if they exchange away from the house while we wait for the courts to finalise, then I'm happy. I know she talks shit 24/7 to the kids, they know this too. I can't stop that and it doesn't bother me. It's quite entertaining how much I get under her skin. I'm certainly enjoying her husband way more than she ever did which always makes us laugh! Wink

I just don't want her ugly rotting drink soaked carcas on my lovely posh doorstep. We will get curb side pickup stated in the CO. but for now my only question was when BM picks up her kids from their father can the father decide where it will be. She is stating she wants it at the nearest police station. But can the father state somewhere else?'s picture

Wow, ok this is like playing with a hornets nest. You know you should keep quiet and quickly walk away but it's soooo soooooooo tempting to pick up a stick and poke at it/her (BM!)

I think I have a new sport it's called BMB, Birth Mother Baiting! It's a dangerous and risky sport but when you're winning its seriously good fun!

On a serious note I think FDH will pick up the skids from the police station when collecting them from BM and then BM can pick skids up from the local cafe/gas station when BM collects the kids from FDH.